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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – March 22, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Gaudet-Wilson, Germain, Henderson, Hovious, and Kaley
Staff:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Wilson motioned to add the following to the agenda:  The Trails Committee (under New Business); Horse Guard (under Old Business); and The OS property 37-3-14 (under Old Business).  Commissioner Hovious asked to add: State Farmland Preservation Initiative and Point O’Rocks Preserve (under Old Business).  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Public Participation – Travis and Leslie Hanna were present to observe.

Correspondence – None

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of March 8, 2011.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.   The minutes were approved unanimously as amended.


Project Management Spreadsheet – Commissioner Kaley reviewed changes made to the spreadsheet.  The commissioners discussed updates.

Status of Membership – Barbara Kershaw will be joining the committee.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – There are no updates.  Commissioners were encouraged to attend their next meeting.  

Tech Park IWC Update – Commissioner Hovious discussed the Inland Wetlands vote to rescind their earlier decision of denial.  The commissioners discussed their disappointment over this decision.  

Yale Report Recommendations – Commissioners Kaley and Wilson met to discuss the Yale Forestry Report and designed a spreadsheet listing priorities, which the subcommittee will review.  Commissioner Wilson will forward the Yale report to Amy Mangold in Parks and Rec with a letter explaining that the Conservation Commission will forward a work order requesting help with invasives removal.  The subcommittee will meet on March 23rd at 11:00am.  The commissioners also discussed Iroquois’s mowing of invasives and their community grants.  
Schedule Site Inspections – The first site inspection is scheduled for April 1st with properties including Point O’Rocks Preserve, Open Space off Clearview, and Laurel Trail.  The commissioners will meet at Dickinson Park (at the parking lot near the skate park) at 1:00 p.m.  

Eagle Scout Project at Orchard Hill – No update.  

Forest Evaluation – Commissioner Kaley spoke with Larry Russo from the DEP.  A forest evaluation will be scheduled in April.  

Response from Outreach Publicity – Commissioner Wilson received positive feedback from the write-up in The Bee.  Several people responded with offers to help the commission in various ways.  Commissioner Wilson will contact the High School to see whether students are looking for community service hours.  

Upcoming Events – Earth Day is scheduled for April 30th.  There was a concern over the application fee of $50.00, which will be looked into.  The Pootatuck Duck Race is scheduled for May 28th.  Materials will be put together for these events.  Nettleton invasive removal is scheduled for May 7th.   Commissioner Kaley will see if the Powerpoint Presentation can be linked to the Town’s website.  

Horse Guard – Commissioner German sent an email requesting information about  the Horse Guard but has not received a response yet.  She will gather more information and draft a letter for the commission to review.  
OS Property 37-3-14 – Commissioner Wilson sent a letter to the First Selectman requesting a meeting.  She will follow up with Sue Marcinek.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Henderson will work on the open space files in the upper Paugussett area.  The commission is still waiting for GIS to fix the duplicated records issue.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – No update.

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – No update.

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No update.

Conservation Easement on Wastewater Treatment Plant – No update.

Owl Boxes – Commissioner Henderson spoke with Larry Fisher regarding monitoring protocols.  He was concerned whether predator guards were in place.  He offered to install the guards on existing owl boxes.  The predator guards are 40” of smooth metal flashing that are installed above and below the owl boxes.  He can come out to check whether there are other nests in the trees above the owl box.  Commissioner Henderson sent information to the four families that volunteered.  Commissioner Hovious asked if we need more owl boxes.  Commissioner Henderson said it would be good project for students.  

Education Committee (April Seminar on Low Impact Development, etc.) –A seminar on low impact development and conservation subdivisions will be planned for April, time and place to be determined.  Possible speakers include: Martin Connor, City Planner for Torrington; MaryAnn Nusom-Haverstock from DEP; a possible speaker on Form-Based Zoning; and a possible former city planner for Monroe.  Ms. Hazen will check with Sue Marcinek on the availability of the Council Chambers.
Invasives Presentation to Girl Scouts – This presentation is scheduled for Thursday, April 7th, 3:00 p.m. at Reed School.  

TBDAC – Commissioner Germain said the committee is still pulling together the final report.  

State Farmland Preservation Initiative – Commissioner Hovious said this seems to be focused on the Southbury Training School’s land.  Arthur O’Neil is guiding this initiative.  It does not immediately impact Fairfield Hills Agricultural lands.  

Point ‘O Rocks Trail – Commissioner Hovious received an e-mail from Mark Lurie asking to go forward with a portion of the trail which includes the switchbacks on the hill and following the trail through to Brushy Hill Road.  This would cause a water crossing that would need to be bridged.  


Trails Strategy – Commissioner Kaley will attend the next meeting.

Commissioner Hovious motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:11 pm.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.