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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – March 8, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Gaudet-Wilson, Germain, Henderson, Hovious, and Kaley
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Hovious motioned to add the following to the agenda: A discussion regarding the parcel along Deep Brook (south of proposed Tech Park) and “Farmland Preservation”.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion carried unanimously.

Public Participation – No public present.

Correspondence – Commissioner Wilson received information regarding the Pootatuck Duck Race scheduled for May 28th (10 to 2).  The commissioners discussed a possible theme.  

Commissioner Wilson received a message from Pat Boily regarding stating that Neeta Connally would like to do a tick sampling on two open space parcels.  Commissioner Germain suggested getting the high school students involved.   Commissioner Wilson will contact the Newtown High School career counselor for volunteers.

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of February 22, 2011.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.   The minutes were approved unanimously as amended.


Review Committee Assignments – Commissioner Kaley reviewed the updates to the organization/project list with the commission.   The chart will be updated and e-mailed to commissioners.

Status of Membership – Commissioner Wilson announced that Barbara Kershaw will be a new member of the commission.   The commissioners discussed ideas for an orientation program for new members, including each commissioner having a map of all open space parcels, walking and touring the parcels, and assigning a mentor to each new member.  The commissioners discussed having non-voting members with expertise be able to participate on the commission.  Commissioner Wilson will talk to the First Selectmen about this.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Recommendations – The commissioners discussed the protection of open space at Fairfield Hills with the potential of land banking for future school needs.  They discussed the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee’s (FFHMP) focus group.  Commissioners were encouraged to attend their meetings.   

Tech Park IWC Public Hearing – Commissioner Hovious said the Board of Selectmen deciding to file an appeal regarding the IWC’s denial of the Tech Park application.  At the Inland Wetlands’ next meeting there will be an opportunity for the wetlands commission to relook at the application and potentially rescind their decision.  Mr. Sibley was not at the meeting of the denial, but explained the circumstances, stating that it is not unusual for this to happen.  He explained that the commissioners can vet out what is already on the record, but cannot look at any new information.  

Southern Parcel Along Deep Brook Adjacent to Tech Park Property – Mr. Sibley projected the GIS map showing the parcel that still needs to be transferred to the Town as open space.  Commissioner Hovious met with George Benson and found that the deed is currently in the hands of Elizabeth Stocker.  The commissioners discussed sending a letter to the First Selectman to request it be filed and that the deed be transferred.

Yale Report Presentation and Follow-up – The commissioners discussed the report prepared by Yale students entitled “Management Plan for the Stone Bridge, Pole Bridge, and Pond Brook Properties” dated 2/14/2011.  The Care and Maintenance Committee will review the report and prepare a list of comments.  
Logging Trail/Open Space – The Inland Wetlands Commission is reviewing this under the Forest Practices license.

Conservation Easement off Clearview Drive – The commission discussed drafting a letter to be sent to adjacent property owners of this easement, prior to it being marked.  This letter can be used for other property markings near sensitive neighborhoods.  

Eagle Scout Project at Orchard Hill – Commissioner Wilson met with Vikram Makayee, Eagle Scout, regarding his proposed project at Orchard Hill.  His work will includes building a new kiosk and removing invasives. The work is proposed to be completed in April/early May.
Forest Evaluation – Commissioner Kaley has not received a response yet from Larry Rousseau.  She said Ann Astarita had a list of other professionals that could work on this project.  Mr. Sibley said there are Forest Managers that currently handle the Upper and Lower Paugussett State Forest.

List of Residents Wanting to Assist CC – The commissioners discussed non commission members that can help with the commission’s work, such as invasive removal, property inspections, marking properties, help with presentations, help with inventory lists, and others that have special knowledge about local flora and fauna.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Kaley discussed the latest list provided by the GIS department.  She compared it to an older list and found some discrepancies.  Mr. Sibley will follow up and send the two databases to Scott Sharlow (GIS) for his review and will copy Commissioners Kaley and Hovious.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Mr. Sibley said CCA is currently working on Antler Pine open space.  Sweet briar is 95% complete.   Commissioner Hovious received a call from Denny Donahue from the Fish and Game Club questioning a marker that was placed.  Mr. Sibley will check on this.  

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – Mr. Sibley discussed his conversation with Bill Root and James MacBroom regarding the concerns that the commission has on the lack of results received from Milone and MacBroom’s contract to provide information in a timely manner.  Mr. Sibley met with Mr. Root, Mr. MacBroom and Milone & MacBroom’s GIS coordinator.  James MacBroom promised to get a schedule to the commission by March 11th.  The commission is expecting a report within five weeks from this meeting.  

Legislative Update – No updates.

Conservation Subdivisions/Possible Seminar – The commission discussed a presentation done by Donna Ellis on invasives.  Mr. Sibley said the DEP has resources that can be drawn upon.  Commissioner Wilson will pursue this.

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – no updates.  

Conservation Easement on Wastewater Treatment Plant – Commissioner Hovious opened discussion regarding this parcel.  Mr. Sibley showed the GIS map of the area and the commissioners discussed alternatives.

TBDAC – Commissioner Germain said the committee is working on the final report.

Education Committee – No Update.

Strategic Planning Committee – Commissioner Hovious said he read about the Newtown Bridle Lands Association (NBLA) wanting to regenerate discussions on trails.  In light of the fact that there are many groups interested in the trails in Newtown, he asked if it would make sense to have a strategy session with all the groups that are currently working on the connectivity of trails (NBLA, Forest Association, Trails Committee, Mountain Bike Association, etc.) in order to have a brainstorming session.   

Invasives (Presentation to GS/Master Gardeners) – Commissioner Wilson completed the presentation which was reviewed by the commission.   


Open Space Maps – Mr. Sibley distributed open space maps for all commissioners and stated that more detailed maps will be distributed at a later date.

Horse Guard – Commissioner Hovious opened discussion on the possible closure of the Second Company Governor’s Horse Guard and the fact that there are many people working to save it.  The commission discussed what portion is Dept. of Agriculture and what part is military.  He noted that the proximity to Deep Brook is significant and felt it’s better to keep what is there than have the risk of it being pieced off.   The commission noted the importance the Horse Guard provides for the community, including activities that draw residents.  He asked if the Conservation Commission can take a position that the Horse Guard should stay.  The commissioners are asked to think of ideas and reasons for this (uniqueness of the open fields, natural resources, etc.)  Commissioner Germain will draft a recommendation.   

Commissioner Hovious motioned to adjourn at 10:16 pm.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.