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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – January 11, 2011 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley, Wilson and Wright
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm

Election of Officers for 2011 – Commissioner Henderson nominated Mary Wilson as Chair and Mary Kaley as Secretary.  Commissioner Wilson nominated Adria Henderson as Vice-Chair.  Commissioner Wright seconded both motions.  The motions were carried unanimously.

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Hovious asked to have the following items to the agenda “Recommendation on Property Actions of Open Space” (after correspondence) and “A Conservation Easement for the Old Wastewater Treatment Plant at Fairfield Hills” under Old Business.

Public Participation – None.

Correspondence – Commissioner Hovious discussed violations forwarded to the Commission by Ann Astarita, all relating to activities within town-owned open space or conservation easements: (1) Ben’s Masonry, 91 South Main Street; (2) 48 Farrell Road; (3) 52 Farrell Road; (4) 56 Farrell Road; and (5) 43 Hawleyville Road.

Recommendation on Property Actions of Open SpaceCommissioner Kaley motioned that the Conservation Commission endorses the lot line revision for open space as proposed on a map entitled Data Accumulation Plan Showing Areas to be Conveyed Between the Town of Newtown and George A. & Carrie F. Coleman, Pole Bridge Road, Newtown, CT. Dated 11/5/2010.”  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  The motion was approved unanimously.  
Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of December 14, 2010.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.

Action Item:  The commission was asked by Mr. Sibley to review a DEP application permit to restore a small dam on Bennett’s Bridge Road.  
The minutes of the December 21, 2010 Special Meeting were tabled.


Fairfield Hills Open Space Discussion / Recommendations and Property Rating – The commissioners discussed their walks of the property and reviewed the map to determine what areas should be protected.  Commissioner Cramer provided a draft evaluation report that the commissioners reviewed.  She will update the report with comments and double check the location and time of the next Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Meeting.  

Tech Park IWC Public Hearing and Comment Preparation – Commissioner Hovious discussed a draft memo to the IWC regarding the Tech Park and the commissioners reviewed the most recent map.  The commissioners accepted the draft memo as written.  

Yale Meeting on Forest Plans – A rough draft of the Management Plan from the Yale students was reviewed.  The students will present the plan on January 14th, 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm.

Request to Clear Property – Commissioner Hovious discussed a Forest Practices Application for 150 Hanover Road forwarded by Ann Astarita.  The application will be presented before the Inland Wetlands Commission.  Commissioner Wright motioned to request that the Inland Wetlands Commission set a public hearing for this application.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion was carried unanimously.  Commissioner Hovious will draft a letter to Anne Peters, Chair of the Inland Wetlands Commission.



Point O’Rocks Trails Discussion / Decision – Commissioner Hovious asked for discussion regarding the information they felt was missing that led to the motion from the last meeting.  They discussed environmental issues, proposed use of trails, and possible issues with the use of bikes and horses on that parcel of property.  Commissioner Hovious said that it should be clear that a walking trail had been previously approved.

OS Inventory and Maintenance Progress – No updates.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Commissioner Hovious stated that Mr. Sibley walked the Point O’Rocks trail with the surveyor and that it has been confirmed with them that the property lines have been properly marked.

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – No updates.

Conservation Subdivisions – No updates.

Public Education Sub-Committee Report – No updates.

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No updates.

TBDAC – The next meeting is scheduled for January 19th, 2011.

Executive Session Commissioner Cramer motioned to go into Executive Session at 8:13 pm.