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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – October 26, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Hovious, Germain, Henderson, Kaley, and Wilson
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 6:04pm

Public Participation

Bill Pieragostini, 9 Point O Rocks Road, shared concerns over trails work to be done at the Point o’ Rocks preserve during a trails class.  He asked if Land Use or the Conservation Commission gave the go ahead on this project.
Charles Mason, 50 Deep Brook Road, said that soil samples will be taken on his site.  He asked how far the set back should be for a trail from a stream.  He would be happy with just a walking trail, but is worried about the property being dug up by bikes.

Correspondence –  On November 6th, the Conservation and Inland Wetlands Commissions are sponsoring a free seminar “Fostering Young Forests and Wildlife” that will be held at the Newtown Municipal Center.  

Approval of MinutesCommissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of October 12, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved.  


Report of Trails Subcommittee – Commissioner Hovious opened discussion regarding distances of trails from adjacent properties.  It was determined that set backs will be decided on a case by case basis.  The purpose is to minimize disturbance to adjacent property owners and provide a 12 foot set back where possible.  They should show what structures are present and where the property boundaries are.  The committee will review and update the draft.  Commissioner Kaley said she brought the draft proposal to the trails committee.  The commissioners are invited to their next meeting on November 18th at 7:00 pm.

Demonstration Project on Pole Bridge Property (Kaley) – Commissioner Kaley said there is a request from Paula Burton regarding a trail seminar being held asking if they could do some field work on the Pole Bridge open space.  The commissioners were concerned that the surveying is not complete there but felt they could confine their activity to a portion of the property known as town-owned land.  Commissioner Kaley motioned to that the commission approve the Trail Committee’s request to conduct a trail construction workshop on October 30th at the Pole Bridge Preserve conditional upon the committee’s assurance that all work will be confined to property known to be open space.  Commissioner Germain seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.  Kaley amended the motion stating that the proposed work should be limited to the charcoal trail as depicted on the map included in the trail proposal.  All were in favor.

Point O’ Rocks Trails Discussion

Additional Trails Plan Details – The commission is still waiting for additional information.

Trail Walk Results – Commissioners Henderson, Germain, Kaley and Wilson) who all felt the trail was fine with no erosion or sedimentation or where bikes adversely impacted the trail.  Rocks are placed over the stream as a natural bridge and doesn’t seem to obstruct the water flow.  The benching looked natural.  Because of the placement, it may not be used much by horses.  There were rainy two days before the walk and the commissioners didn’t see any issues.
Inland Wetlands Commission Request for Wetlands Impact – The Inland Wetlands commissioners will be reviewing the Point O’Rocks request at their October 27, 2010 meeting to determine whether it is a regulated activity.~ It is not a public hearing and no testimony will be heard.

Turtle Protection Status – Commissioner Wilson spoke with a turtle expert who stated that any work should be done well outside the nesting season (Fall and early Winter would be the best time to do the work). If the trail is moderate in width (4 feet), if the existing soil is used as the substrate, if there is minimal disturbance to the surroundings (no heavy machinery, minimal cutting of trees around the trail), then the turtles should be ok. ~If some trees are cut around the trail, the stumps should be left as they provide food sources and hibernating habitats for the turtles.  Putting signs up informing the hikers of the turtles would not only help protect the turtles, but also be a very good educational opportunity.  By creating an edge habitat, there may actually be additional nesting ground for some species of turtles.  If the homeowners have a good sense of the timing of nesting and the number of nesting turtles, then they can informally monitor what happens during the summer following the building of the trail. If they notice a major reduction in activity, then a possible solution may be to close the trails for a week or two during the peak of the nesting season.  They lay their eggs in April or May and hatch in July.  

DEP Water Regulations – Commissioner Hovious said the hearing occurred earlier in the day and said the Legislative Council sent a letter in support of the regulations.

Newtown Hook & Ladder Fire Station Proposal – Tabled.

Permission to Access Town Land at Brook Height Lane – Commissioner Germain submitted a draft letter to a resident requesting permission to access town land to retrieve a wounded deer.  The commissioners reviewed and agreed that it should be sent out.


Schedule of 2011 Meetings – The commissioners unanimously approved the schedule for 2011.  


Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Kaley and Hovious will review the inventory on November 8th at 1:00 pm.  Commissioner Germain asked if someone could walk her through the GIS system.

b.      Tech Park – Report on Meeting with State DOA – Mr. Sibley’s report stated that the Tech Park has applied to the Inland Wetlands Commission.  The first public hearing date will be December 8th.~ First Selectman Llodra facilitated a meeting with DOA to protect the lower portion of the Town’s 37 acres.~ The DOA will be contacting Ms. Llodra to see if this is possible.  The proposal is for a land swap of a portion of the property with the Dept of Agriculture.

c.      Taunton Lake Status (Sibley) – Mr. Sibley said that most of the boats have been moved.  Other private properties on public lands have also been marked and there has been a good response.

d.      Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection – Mr. Sibley’s report stated that the surveying for Pole Bridge is not complete, the surveyor stated it will be complete by December.~ The commission and the Trails sub-committee will either have to table this trail work until next year or consider the December date work.

e.      Status of the Forest – no updates

Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – Commissioner Wilson received an e-mail from Carl Samuelson to do invasives work at Fairfield Hills.  She feels that similar to the Highway Department and Parks and Rec., the Conservation Commission should also have a line item budget for invasive removals.  

Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report – No update.

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No Update.

Tick Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Germain suggested the commissioners that are not on the TBDAC attend the meetings, especially since they are discussing open space.  

Owl Boxes – No owl boxes have been installed yet, Mr. Sibley will be making contact for the end of the week

Conservation Subdivision – Commissioner Wilson spoke with George Benson who said it would be advantageous to find some developments that have been built in this area.  She will research what has been done in Monroe.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm