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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – November 9, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Germain, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley, Wilson, and Wright (by phone)
Staff: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Planning & Land Use; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm

Public Participation – None.
Correspondence – None.

Approval of MinutesCommissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of October 26, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.  Commissioner Germain motioned to approve the special meeting minutes of 10-16-10.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  Commissioner Hovious abstained.  The minutes were unanimously approved as amended.  

Items Added to the Agenda:  Commissioner Wilson requested an item called “Wildlands and Woodlands” be added under New Business.


Report of Trails Workshop and Subcommittee Work – Commissioner Hovious attended the Trails Workshop and said he was very impressed.  Part of the workshop entailed building a quarter mile trail on the Pole Bridge property.  

Point O’ Rocks Trail Discussion – Mark Lurie discussed the most current trails proposal.  Responding to a question about tree removal, Mr. Lurie said he does not see the need to remove trees and explained where benching in required.  Commissioner Cramer said there is an area noted to be wet and understood the concerns of the public.  Mr. Lurie said they will build a boardwalk if needed. The commission was invited to the Trails Committee on November 18th.  Ron Polard, 5 Point O’ Rocks Road, asked about areas of concerns, specifically slopes adjacent to wetlands.  Mr. Sibley explained that the Inland Wetlands Commission will be determining whether it is a regulated activity.  Anthony Mason, 50 Deep Brook Road, shared concerns about the cutting of trees and the area being used as a bike trail.  Bill Pieragostini, 9 Point O Rocks Road, asked about the wetlands approval process and proper marking of the trail, stating he doesn’t want the trail to fall on his property.  Commissioner Hovious encouraged those concerned to visit the Upper Gussy trail to see results of Mr. Lurie’s trail building techniques.  


Fairfield Hills Open Space Discussion – Commissioner Hovious opened discussion regarding open space on Fairfield Hills.  Deborah Zukowski from the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee explained that one of their  subcommittees is working on gathering information on this subject and invited the Commissioners to meet with them.  Commissioner Hovious suggested a Conservation Commission subcommittee be formed to gather information on this topic; Commissioners Germain, Henderson and Cramer volunteered to work on this.  The current Master Plan was discussed and Ms. Zukowski suggested the commissioners review the 2004 version.  The subcommittee will review the plans and bring their recommendations to the Conservation Commission for review.  It will then be forwarded to the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee.  The commissioners will walk the campus and rate the property.

Conservation Commission Maintenance Work Requests from Parks & Rec and Town of Newtown – Commissioner Hovious opened discussion about budgetary requirements for requesting work to be completed on open space.  Mr. Sibley discussed his meeting with Parks and Rec.  The commission will develop a work order request system; Mr. Sibley will see what type of work order system that Parks and Rec. uses.  

Wildlands and Woodlands Seminar – Commissioner Wilson discussed a seminar she attended at WestConn, “Wildlands and Woodlands Vision”.  The presenter, Bill Toomey from Highsteads Arboretum, discussed a multi-faceted project being driven by Harvard Forest and other environmental groups.  The objective is to retain at least 70% of New England forestland permanently free from development.  Of the total, managed woodlands would include 63% and wildland reserves 7%.  Currently, 23 Regional Conservation Partnerships exist in New England with one in Fairfield County and are looking at creative funding opportunities.  She will attend a local meeting and report back to the commission.


Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Hovious said their first cut of their review of the inventory should be completed in December.  The distinction between open space and parks were questioned; Mr. Sibley stated that parks are generally properties with facilities (tennis courts, restrooms, ball fields) and open space is usually property with only trails and a parking area.

b.      Tech Park –The Inland Wetlands Commission is holding their first public hearing on December 8th.  Commissioners Hovious and Kaley will work together on this.

c.      Taunton Lake Status – Mr. Sibley said there are two old boats left on the open space that will be removed by the Town.  

d.      Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Mr. Sibley said marking of the access to the Vona open space off Oak Ridge was completed.  The open space on Dayton Street was also marked.  Marking on the Lisy and Chissy-Darvy properties are in progress.  

e.      Status of the Forest; Yale Meeting and Plans – Commissioner Cramer said Yale will provide a preliminary report during a meeting scheduled for December 15th from noon to 4:00 pm in New Haven.  

Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Wilson said that Margareta Kotch has requested the commission to help with a girl scout project (removing garlic mustard on Orchard Hill) in the spring.  A town sponsored seminar, organized by Ann Astarita, was held on Saturday 11/6/10.  Commissioner Wilson said the speaker discussed the benefits of clear cutting in order to help and encourage small wildlife habitat.

Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report – Mr. Sibley will be meeting with Bill Root on Friday, November 12th at 8:15am, regarding watershed summaries and a draft report.

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – Mr. Sibley said there is a meeting scheduled in December and that oil leaks have been found in the subdivision’s well.  They are discussing connecting with the Silvermine line.

Tick Borne Disease Action Committee – No updates.

Owl Boxes – Mr. Sibley installed four owl boxes, the remaining two will be installed by volunteers.

Conservation Subdivision – Commissioners Wilson and Cramer visited Great Oak Farms subdivision in Monroe and met with Monroe’s Town Planner, who provided a great deal of information.  The commission discussed Newtown’s zoning regulation allowing for this type of subdivision and the fact that there has not been a developer yet who has taken interest.

The public meeting adjourned at 9:10  pm

The commission entered into Executive Session at 9:11 pm.