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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – September 14, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present: Cramer, Germain, Henderson, Wilson, and Wright
Staff: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning and Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The Public Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm

Public Participation – Michael Stern (regarding Taunton Lake Open Space).

Added Items to Agenda – Commissioner Wright motioned to add Owl Boxes and the Hattertown Road Subdivision to the agenda.  Commissioner Germain seconded the motion.  Motion was carried unanimously.

Correspondence – Commissioner Wilson discussed two seminars, one at WCSU on September 23rd and the second presented by Highstead Woodland Conservations on Wild Urban Plants of the Northeast on Saturday, September 25th at 2:00 pm.

Approval of MinutesCommissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of August 24, 2010.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended.


Tech Park IWC Application – Mr. Sibley stated this application was denied by the Inland Wetlands Commission for reasons of the maps being incomplete and inconsistent.  It was not denied over significant impact.  The applicant may reapply.  


Property Transfer Old Farm Road – Commissioner Henderson discussed a meeting regarding this 12 acre parcel.  The Legislative Council will vote whether to accept this transfer from the State.  There is a legal technicality regarding the testing and since the land is considered an establishment, it falls under certain criteria.  The impact statement is on hold pending testing to be completed in October.  Mr. Sibley said there is potential to have this resolved by the end of the year.  Mr. Sibley explained flood potential in the area but explained that the dog facility and dog run will be on an elevated area.  


Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Wright, Kaley and Hovious are continuing to review the open space files.  Commissioners Wilson and Hovious and Mr. Sibley met with the First Selectman Llodra on September 3, 2010 regarding the Commission’s position on the open space on Taunton Lake.  They discussed the meeting that Commissioners Hovious and Wilson had with Kevin Kohn (lake owner’s association) and Paul McNamara (Fish and Game Club).  The Conservation Commission would like to see two parking areas so that users can safely pull off the road.  The First Selectman will follow up with Town officials to see if this can be done.  The lake’s health (Milfoil) and the Town’s role in mitigation efforts is not clear.  They discussed how the Town could be involved, and perhaps setting up a group consisting of all land owners, the Town and NFA.  The group discussed siltation occurring and that town drains should be maintained.  A resident, Michael Stern, was present to discuss private boats on the Taunton Lake open space parcel and said that the cables strung between trees and the boats stored in the area pose hazards for those wanting access to the water.  Mr. Sibley said the process to remove all items on open space land will be handled properly.  Stickers will tag personal or private items on open space.

b.      Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection – Mr. Sibley said that CCA is finishing Pole Bridge and have marked the Point O’ Rocks Preserve.  The fence is coming down as well near Dickenson Park.  Mr. Sibley and the commissioners discussed future marking on open space.  Mr. Sibley will check on the progress of Brook Heights.  There is no access there yet.  It was noted that some signs were left on the Pole Bridge property.

c.      Status of the Forest –  Forestry Evaluation Project meeting was held on September 10, 2010 in the Land Use Office.  Those in attendance were Commissioners Cramer, Wilson, Kaley, Wright and Henderson, along with George Benson, Director of Planning and Land Use and Professor Mark Ashton (professor at Yale School of Forestry) two teaching assistants (one of whom is Marlyse Duguid); and students Ben Larson, J. Daniel Oppenheimer, Brea K. Kroeker, and Lucien A. Bouffard.  The overall objectives are (1) Healthy diverse woodland, (2) Enhance esthetics of town, (3) Hiking and walking trails, (4) Wildlife habitat, (5) Identify ecologically important sites (e.g. vernal pools), and (6) Forest health (e.g. invasives).  The students will give the Commission an oral report in December, a written report in January, and in April, they will give a presentation for Town officials, agencies, and the public.  Commissioner Cramer will contact the chairs of Inland Wetlands Commission, Planning & Zoning Commission, Trails Committee, and Parks and Rec to explain why the students will be contacting them.  The group walked the Pole Bridge and Grady properties.

d.      Trails (Pole Bridge and Yogananda) – The commissioners discussed the confusion of flags that have been placed on the Pole Bridge property.  Mr. Sibley suggested that once CCA completes the marking, the committee can review the trail marking with the Trails Committee. Mr. Sibley said that an Eagle Scout, Ryan Pearlman, has worked to build a trail from a pedestrian easement off Bennett’s Bridge Road, through open space, and to Yogananda Street.  The trail links the two neighborhoods.  Twelve neighbors helped Ryan with the trail.  The Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have offered to help maintain the trail as well.  A sign will be made stating “Public Access Over Private Land.”  Mr. Sibley then discussed a possible trail between Yogananda Street and Charter Ridge Trail.  

Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – Commissioner Wilson discussed two Invasive Removal Sessions.  The first was held on August 27th at Hawleyville open space.  Participants were Commissioners Henderson and Wilson and Holly Kocet.  Commissioner Kaley also spent three hours there separately.  A great deal of Barberry was removed.  The second working session was held on September 7th at Rocky Glen State Park.  Participants were Commissioners Hovious, Kaley and Wilson, and Chris Fadus, Carol Smiley, and Pat Barkman.  Bittersweet, Barberry and Multiflora Rose were removed.  Several artifacts were found, including pottery shards and parts of an old shoe.  Another working session will be held on September 19th  to remove Mile-a-Minute on Hattertown Open Space.  Ann Astarita will provide a training session on that day at 11:00 am.  The Powerpoint presentation continues to be developed and will be ready for presentation soon.  First Selectman Llodra signed a proclamation that September is Invasive Removal Month, which is displayed at the Municipal Building with information about invasives.  Several large signs on sandwich boards have been placed around Town and in the library.  Commissioner Cramer said she heard of a weed hog that cuts invasive vines and squirts Round-Up into the root.  Mr. Sibley will look into this.

Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report – Mr. Sibley said Bill Root met with him to set up a meeting with GIS.  Milone and MacBroom’s GIS person was in the Land Use office recently to do some work.  A draft report is expected within 60 days.

IWC Hawleyville Railroad Project Hearing – Mr. Sibley said the railroad has not appealed the decision.

Proposed Ordinance for Open Space Tax Relief – This item will be tabled indefinitely.

Aquifer Withdrawal Public Hearing – Mr. Sibley stated there is a hearing scheduled for October 6th.   

Tick Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Germain said the TBDAC is wrapping up their meetings and will pull together all the sections and produce a cohesive report.  

Owl Boxes –The Owl Boxes are to be installed within the next month and placed along the edge of a forest.  Iroquois may help with subsidizing the project.  The monitoring of the boxes is very important and volunteers are needed.

Hattertown Road Subdivision – Meetings continued to October 7th.  Mr. Sibley said the plans have not changed and that the plunge pool is on the map

The meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm