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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting -  July 27, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Hovious, Germaine, Kaley, Wilson, and Wright
Staff: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Land Use and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The public meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm

Public Participation – None.

Commissioner Wilson asked for items to be added to the agenda; under New Business, (1) Draft Ordinance on Tax Abatement, and (2) Update on Tick Borne Disease Action Committee.

Correspondence – None.  

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the minutes of July 13, 2010.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved as amended.


Critical Work Matrix Assignments –  Commissioner Hovious opened discussion on the subcommittee list.  Commissioner Germaine asked to be added to the Acquisition Strategies and Natural Resource Inventory subcommittees.  

Tech Park IWC Application – Commissioner Kaley attended the Inland Wetlands public hearing on July 14th and explained the information she gathered from the meeting.  Mr. Sibley discussed an invasive control project that is part of the application.  Commissioners Hovious and Kaley will meet to draft a memo to be submitted to IWC.


Progress Report - Mr. Sibley will draft the Annual Report and provide a draft to the commission for review

Aquifer Withdrawal Public Hearing – This hearing is scheduled for July 29th and regards the water system extension into Brookfield’s Greenfield residential subdivision.  Mr. Sibley explained that the morning and afternoon session is for panel and expert testimony and the public will be heard in the evening.   He stated that any agency can come in to provide input.  He said the Conservation Commission is charged with the protection of natural resources and that this can potentially be a major issue with the Pootatuck River.  Commissioner Hovious noted that the aquifer and the Pootatuck River are two of the Town’s most valuable resources and that a significant amount of water being pumped comes right out of the river.  He noted the low flows recently is close to what they would be if the extension were to pump more water out of there.  

Commissioner Hovious distributed a draft resolution for the commissioners to review.  After discussion, Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the general concept of the letter that Commissioner Hovious outlined and that the points made are very important.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Commissioner Hovious will update the resolution and forward it for Thursday’s meeting.


Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Kaley provided an updated version of the open space inventory.  Commissioner Hovious asked Mr. Sibley about the signs for Taunton Lake.  Mr. Sibley will draft a sign (11 x 17) for the Commission’s approval.  He will also draft a letter to the Fish and Game Club for the Commission to review and approve.

b.      Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection – The next marking will be on Friday at 9:00 am at Dickenson Park.  Mr. Sibley will look into the cost of laminated maps from Voss Signs.

c.      Status of the Forest –  No updates.

Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – Commissioner Cramer submitted a report which includes the following:  Volunteer teams have made several visits to Orchard Hill Nature Preserve and have removed invasive plants; A presentation on invasive plans is in the final stages of preparation and a student volunteer will put it into Powerpoint format within the next few weeks, the committee will begin showing it widely to local organizations and the general public; The Subcommittee requests that the Commission vote on sending a letter to the First Selectman requesting that September be designated for invasive removal month and that a specific invasive plant be chosen and targeted.  
        The commission discussed a sign being placed on Orchard Hill Nature Preserve stating that volunteers have worked on removing invasives. Commissioners Cramer and Wilson will work on the wording and for Mr. Sibley’s review.
        Commissioner Wilson motioned that a letter be sent to the First Selectman requesting that September be designated as invasive removal month. Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

b.      Naming Rivers (Draft Sign) – Commissioner Wright spoke with Fred Hurley who said he will contact the State regarding the sign for the Pootatuck River.

Al's Trail Item tabled.

Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report –  Rob said that Milone & MacBroom met at the Municipal Center to coordinate ground truthing.~

POCD Planning – Commissioner Hovious sent POCD information and the Commission’s critical work list to George Benson.  He expects P & Z may be calling on commissions to discuss items in the POCD that pertains to them.  Mr. Sibley discussed a meeting with the Board of Selectmen regarding the POCD and that the commission will have an opportunity to provide their input.  Commissioner Wilson suggested agendas be drafted using a format consistent with the POCD.

IWC Hawleyville Railroad Project Hearing - Commissioner Kaley stated that the public hearing is closed and that there was a great deal of information for the Inland Wetlands commissioners to review.

Draft Ordinance on Tax Abatement - Mr. Sibley said the Board of Selectmen have not reviewed this yet.  Commissioner Wilson will ask George Ferguson for a timeline.

Update on Tick Borne Disease Action Committee - Commissioner Wilson said that the committee voted to recommend a deer cull to reduce deer vehicle accidents, as well as cutting back brush along the sides of the road, using Strieter lights along roadsides, and adding seasonal signage during rut season.

Trails Committee – Mr. Sibley attended the June meeting and brought multiple maps from Subdivisions and walked the committee through the process of how Open Space came to be and how it's being utilized.  He said they should be looking at the big picture and meet with the Conservation Commission and work with Parks and Rec.  The are looking at the Point of Rocks Preserve.  He stated that the Conservation Commission should be informed if there is destruction of open space property.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm/