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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting -  July 13, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Hovious, Germaine (joined at 7:15), Kaley, Wilson, and Wright
Staff: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The public meeting was called to order at 6:14 pm

Public Participation – None.

New Commissioner Introduction – The commissioners welcomed Dr. Michele Germaine to the commission.  

Correspondence – Commissioner Hovious read a letter from the Newtown Fish and Game Club regarding open space property on Taunton Lake.  Their letter was a response to a letter from Mr. Sibley's regarding personal property and boats that are currently stored on Town open space.  Commissioner Hovious discussed the 2008 list of recommendations for the Taunton Lake property which falls in line with some of the requests.  The commissioners agreed with the request that the Town participate in stewardship of the lake.  The commissioners felt there may be some information that requires elaboration, and will provide their input to Mr. Sibley.  Members who have boats on open space are waiting for the Newtown Fish and Game Club to accommodate them with a different location.  

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Wilson motioned to approve the minutes of June 8, 2010.  Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  Minutes were approved as written.


Critical Work Matrix Assignments –  Tabled.

POCD Planning – Commissioner Hovious said a draft report was sent to Planning and Zoning.  The commissioners discussed separating out the Conservation and Inland Wetlands information.  A copy of the draft Strategic Plan will be sent to P & Z stating that the information should be incorporated into the POCD.  

Hattertown, LLC Recommendation – The applicant will be before P & Z this week.  Commissioner Wilson discussed recommendations, stating that the placement of the plunge pool on designated open space was not acceptable and that another location be considered or an exchange of land be done so that the acreage of open space be maintained.  It is recommended that an easement or designated open space corridor of at least 25 feet be established along the Old Highway or along the existing wood road which would provide access to the westerly portion of open space.  This would provide a direct and drier access point to open space and to the adjacent NFA property.  Commissioner Wright said the land was offered to the Newtown Forest Association.  They also recommended parking along Hattertown Road for open space access and that careful supervision during the construction phase be implemented to protect the Linden tree located near the proposed plunge pool.  The commissioners also recommended that all trash and litter be removed from any open space areas before transfer to the town.  Ms. Hazen will forward the recommendation to P & Z.


Tech Park IWC Application – Commissioner Hovious said the Inland Wetlands Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, July 14th, which also includes Hawleyville Railroad, AFS, and Sandy Hook Villa.~ Commissioner Kaley will attend.  The commissioners reviewed the plans that were submitted to wetlands.  No comments from the commission yet on this.

Trails Committee Work Process – Commissioner Kaley reviewed the Newtown Trails Committee Proposed Trail Project Process Flowchart.  Commissioner Hovious suggested a step be added noting the proposal be brought forward to the Conservation Commission.


Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – The commissioners reviewed a version of the open space index.  Commissioner Kaley will update and e-mail to the commissioners.

b.      Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status and Selection – Commissioner Hovious stated that Mr. Sibley reported that the surveying is complete on Pole Bridge and Point O' Rocks Preserve.~ It was suggested that laminated maps of the properties be posted at key entry points.~ They also discussed placing paper copies out for people to use.  There may be some progress in removing fence on Point O'Rocks preserve.  

c.      Requests for Tree Maintenance – Commissioner Hovious discussed how Mr. Sibley responds to requests from adjacent property owners regarding hazardous tree removals.~ He is employing a commercial firm to evaluate risk and remove if necessary

d.      Status of the Forest –  Commissioner Cramer was in touch with Professor Ashton at Yale School of Forestry requesting a forest evaluation.  The owl boxes have not yet been delivered but will be delivered in time for nesting.

Public Education Sub-Committee Report

a.      Invasives Working Committee Report – Commissioner Wilson (and Commissioner Cramer’s report) noted that two more successful work sessions were held on June 19th and June 29th at Orchard Hill Nature Center. The session on June 19th was coordinated with the Lions, with ten people from the Working Group assisting and work accomplished along the cart trail.  The second session worked on an upper trail and was attended by four people.  Another session is scheduled for July 14th.   Commissioner Kaley suggested tracking volunteer hours.  The commission also suggested that Mr. Sibley have an information session on Charter TV.
        Commissioners Wilson and Cramer attended an educational program about Mile-a-Minute (MAM) in New Milford presented by Kathleen Nelson of the Mad Gardeners.  MAM was observed on Middleton Road but since weevils were introduced there, no pulling should be done at that site.  

        The commission discussed creating a Town committee to address invasives.  The Selectmen would need to appoint a task force to evaluate the issue and recommend a committee be established.  Commissioner Cramer is working on a Power Point presentation to raise public awareness about this issue.  It was suggested to place a sign at Orchard Hill stating volunteers have reduced invasives and then post a phone number if people want to help or have questions.  The commission discussed sending a memo to the Board of Selectmen requesting naming September 2010 “Invasive Plant Removal Month”, with an announcement in the Bee and the Town web site.  Commission Wilson motioned that send a letter be sent to the Board of Selectmen declaring that September be Invasive Removal Month.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  After further discussion, the motion was tabled.

b.      Naming Rivers (Draft Sign) – Commissioner Wright spoke found that the request is under the jurisdiction of the State because the bridge is on a State road.  Mr. Hurley said he will talk to the State.  A State representative could also be asked to expedite the request.  

Al's Trail Commissioner Hovious said Pat Barkman stated there is a gentleman mapping trails near the natural bridge and that he will be completing some trail marking.  There will be some continuing discussion with Mason regarding the property around the natural bridge.    

Natural Resource Inventory Update Status Report –  Commissioner Hovious distributed a report from Milone & MacBroom on the bio-blitz for review.~ Mr. Sibley reported that Milone & MacBroom has a new principle overseeing work on the project and the committee should expect a request for a meeting soon.~

IWC Hawleyville Railroad Project Hearing – Comments from the Conservation Commission were sent to the Inland Wetlands Commission.  Commissioner Hovious discussed the railroad being issued a notice of violation for stormwater and wetlands by the DEP.  The commissioners reviewed the information.  Commissioner Kaley will draft a letter

AFS Project and Possible Comments to IWC and P&Z – AFS has significantly modified their plans for the Inland Wetlands Commission.~ Commissioner Hovious prepared a comment letter on behalf of Trout Unlimited requesting that more attention be given to the condition of the water and that the expanded project should deal with some of the disturbances from the original construction.~ The file reports that they have addressed some of these issues

Commissioner Wright motioned to adjourn at 9:14 pm.  Commissioner Wilson seconded.  The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.