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Conservation Commission
MINUTES - Amended
Regular Meeting
April 27, 2010 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Grabowski, Kaley, Wright (by phone), and Wilson
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use, and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

  • Executive Session – Commissioner Barkman motioned to enter Executive Session.  Motion seconded and unanimously carried.  Meeting entered Executive Session at 5:04 pm. And returned to open session at 6:05 pm.
The public meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm

The following items were added to the agenda.  Under Item IV, (2) Information on Insurance Issues and Liability on Open Space, and (3) Charter Revision, and under Item V (1)(f) Taunton Lake Implementation.  

  • Public Participation – No Public Participation.
II.     Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the minutes of April 13, 2010 as amended.  Commissioner Grabowski seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.

III.    Old Business – Action Items

  • Commission Critical Work Matrix (Subcommittees) and Membership – The commission reviewed the latest Critical Work Matrix.  Each subcommittee was asked by the Chair to return to the next meeting (May 11, 2010) with a goal statement.  The leaders/members of each subcommittee was reviewed.  Commissioner Kaley will update the matrix and e-mail it to the commission prior to the next meeting.  
  • Earth Day Follow-up and Duck Day Plans – Commissioner Cramer said that the Earth Day went very well.  She suggested that there be the same set-up for the Duck Day event.  Ten people signed up for the Invasive Plants Work Group.  There were also sign-ups for the Open Space Care & Maintenance Project and the Proposed Community Garden.  Ms. Hazen will e-mail a .pdf of the sign-up sheets to the commissioners.  The Commissioners asked if the materials used at Earth Day can be placed on the Land Use Agency’s counter.  Commissioner Cramer asked for Duck Day volunteers.  
  • Proposed Ordinance – Commissioner Wilson said that on April 26th, she, along with Commissioner Hovious and Mr. Sibley, met with the First Selectman to present the draft ordinance.  It was received favorably.  Ms. Llodra asked that the Commission send her a letter requesting that the Board of Selectmen review the proposal so that it can be sent on to the Legislative Council.  The Commission reviewed a letter that Commissioner Hovious drafted.  The letter was approved by the commission with only a few minor changes.  Ms. Hazen will update the letter and send it on to First Selectman’s office.  Ms. Llodra said that this issue will be scheduled along with the issue of the open space parcels on Queen Street either on the May 3rd or May 17th Board of Selectmen meeting.
  • More Productive Meetings – Commissioner Hovious said that having the subcommittees provide a written progress report to the Commission works well and saves time during the meetings.  He also noted that Ms. Hazen can provide audio recordings of any meetings a commissioner has missed.
  • New Business
  • Conservation Database –  Item tabled.  
  • Information on Insurance and Liability Issues on Open Space – Mr. Sibley spoke with Marion Chamberlin, the Town’s Insurance Representative.  He found out that the Town’s insurance covers all Town properties, including open space, which includes mountain biking, horse back riding, hiking, etc. on all trails.  It is up to the insurance company to determine what is covered.  Premiums will not be affected if policies on open space is changed.  Anything on Town Property that is allowed by the Town is covered.  He noted that staff should be made aware if any work groups or volunteers are gathered to do work on Town-owned property.  Parks and Rec have waivers that can be changed and adopted for Land Use.  
  • Charter Revision Proposal – The Commission discussed the possibility of adding two new members to the commission.  It was noted that this would need to be approved by a Town Meeting or Referendum.
V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Tech Park Revised Plans and Maps – The commissioners reviewed small maps of the proposal for the Tech Park.  EDC has asked the Conservation Commission for a recommendation for Parcel 9.  Commissioner Kaley motioned that the Conservation Commission recommend to the EDC that the proposed Condo Tech Park be bounded on the eastern side by the western most property line option (or the line closes to the condo park).  Commissioner Barkman seconded the motion.  Ayes: Commissioners Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Grabowski, Kaley, and Wilson; and Nays, Commissioner Wright

  • Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Wilson discussed a breach in the stone wall and the cutting of trees on the Raynolds Open Space parcel.  It was noted that neighbors of the property had admitted to doing this work.  The commissioners gave Mr. Sibley their reports.  He will forward them on to Parks and Rec.    
  • Next Property Marking Plans – The Commissioners discussed open space marking.  Mr. Sibley said that CCA is finishing up with the Point ‘o Rocks Preserve, Raynolds, Mason, Pole Bridge and Pond Brook/DeGraff.  He noted that the fencing and rock pile on the Pont O’ Rocks Preserve will be removed prior to the camp.  Mr. Sibley also noted that he has marked some areas of open space and has placed a map in each file showing where the signs were placed.  Commissioner Hovious showed a sample cut out of the Town’s rooster that could be used with paint trees to mark borders of open space.  Commissioner Barkman will work on a smaller version.
  • Ferris Farm Marking Status – Commissioner Wright will provide an update on the signs.  She noted that she liked the write up of this property that was used for Earth Day and asked if a sign could be placed on the property with the information.  Mr. Sibley said that the information can be placed on the Town’s website.  He also spoke with Shirley Ferris regarding the state grant and public access and looks forward to a good relationship between the Commission and the Ferris’.  
  • Open Space in Hawleyville – Commissioner Hovious noted that there has been a  request from HEAT on marking open space in the Hawleyville area.  The commissioners reviewed a map and noted there are limited areas for trails because of the amount of wetlands on the property.  Mr. Sibley suggested marking the open space.  It was noted that some neighbors are using open space for personal use.  
  • Taunton Lake Implementation – Commissioner Hovious asked about a sign for the open space on Taunton Lake.  He will send the wording to Mr. Sibley.  The sign would be placed on the northwest side of the lake.  Mr. Sibley said this can be done this spring.  
2.      Status of the Forest Report – Commissioner Wilson put in a call to Bob Echinrode from the NFA about forest management practices.  She is waiting to hear back from him.  

3.      Strategic Planning – POCD Update Plans and Status –  The commission briefly discussed POCD updates.

4.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report –Ann Astarita found a speaker for the Invasive Species workshop to be held on May 15th.  Commissioners Cramer and Wilson will handle the arrangements. Commissioner Wilson contacted Karolyn Baumgarten, AP Science teacher at the High School who will find a student to help with the “What is an Aquifer” presentation on May 14th at Head O Meadow school.

5.      Al's Trail – Commissioner Barkman said that Kendra Bobowick from the Bee may do an article on Al’s Trail on an every other week basis.  She also noted there have been damage to the map boxes.  Leon Barkman recorded Al’s Trail now as just over eleven miles.  Commissioner Hovious gave kudos to Commissioner Barkman on the Al’s Trail brochure.  Mr. Sibley said that Brian Wood may be getting permission for access on the First Light property.

6.      Proposed Open Space on Queen Street – Commissioner Barkman asked if someone from the commission would be a representative at the Board of Selectmen meeting.  

  • Trail Proposal Format and Pole Bridge Trail – Item Tabled.
  • Natural Resource Inventory Update, Contractor Notification – Mr. Sibley read a short e-mail from Milone & MacBroom that did not provide a clear update.  Commissioner Hovious drafted a letter to Milone & MacBroom.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to send the letter to Milone & MacBroom.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.
9.              Town-Wide Invasive Species Committee – Commissioner Barkman said she will be out on Al’s Trail with Public Works removing invasives on May 4th.  Commissioner Wilson handed inspection reports to Mr. Sibley for the Raynold’s property regarding a breached stone wall on Shepherd Hill Road.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm.