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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2010 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Barkman, Cramer, Kaley, Wright (by phone), and Wilson
Staff:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk

The public meeting was called to order at 6:09 pm

  • Public Participation – Eagle Scout, John Moller, and another gentleman were present to discuss the trail project under Item IV (1).
II.     Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the minutes of March 23, 2010.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

III.    Old Business – Action Items

1.      Commission Critical Work Matrix (Subcommittees) and Membership – The commissioners discussed the work assignments on the matrix.  It was noted that the goals will be elaborated at a later date.  The matrix will be updated by Commissioner Kaley with changes discussed in this meeting and e-mailed for review.  

3.      Earth Day and Duck Day Plans –  Commissioner Cramer provided an update on Earth Day events.  The Conservation Commission will have their set-up near the Newtown Forest Association, Pootatuck Watershed Association, and Trout Unlimited.  Sign-up sheets will be provided for volunteers.  

  • New Business
  • Eagle Scout Project for Continuation of Trail on Town Property – John Moller submitted a written proposal and a map to the Commission on the 600 foot continuation of the trail near the Monroe town line.  His proposal includes the clearing of brush and small trees with the widening the trail to eight feet.  Brush will be piled at the end of the trail to form a barrier and a sign will be posted to signify the end of the trail.  The sign will read “You have reached the current end of this trail - Contaminated soils lie beyond this point - No Trespassing - Please respect the private properties abutting the trail.”  Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the proposal.  Commissioner Barkman seconded the motion.  Commissioner Grabowski voted yes in absentia.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • Conservation Database –  Item tabled.  
V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Tech Park Revised Plans and Maps – Item tabled.

  • Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Kaley stated that the open space property review is 21% complete.  GIS maps still cannot be printed from the laptop.  
  • Property Marking Plans – Commissioner Kaley will e-mail Mr. Sibley to discuss the next property to mark.  The commission set a tentative date of Monday, April 19th at 1:00 pm for the next marking event.  It was noted that all open space access points should be marked before the Earth Day event.
2.      Status of the Forest Report – Commissioner Barkman said the Forest Report was well done.  The commission discussed taking some direction from the information on the report.  They discussed logging and that a thinning of certain forests would be healthy and provide a good regeneration of the forest floor.  It was noted that the Audubon Society in South Britain sets a good example.  A visual check for nesting birds or squirrels should be completed prior to trees being marked for removal.  Commissioner Wright said that the best time of the year for logging is in winter.

3.      Strategic Planning – POCD Update Plans and Status –  Item tabled.

4.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Cramer will call Kendra Bobowick from The Bee and Dan Holmes to discuss articles in The Bee on invasives.  The commission discussed a seminar on invasives that will be held in May.    

5.      Al's Trail – Commissioner Barkman said the brochure for Al’s Trail should be ready for Earth Day.

6.      Proposed Open Space on Queen Street – Item tabled.

  • Trail Proposal Format and Pole Bridge Trail –. Commissioner Kaley said she proposed format changes to Paula Burton and noted that the trail is not ready to be approved.  Ms. Burton will submit a proposal to the commission at a later date.
  • Natural Resource Inventory Update – The commissioners shared concerns over the fact that they have not received an update yet from Milone and MacBroom.
9.              Town-Wide Invasive Species Committee Task Force – The commissioners discussed materials (posters, tri-folds, fact sheets) on invasives and how information could be provided to The Bee for an article.

Commissioner Cramer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 pm.