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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
January 26, 2010 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Kaley, Wilson and Wright (via phone)
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use, and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

I.      Executive Session – was called to order at 5:00 pm and adjourned at 6:00 pm.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm

Three items were added to the agenda, two items under New Business, (1) letter from Ann Astarita regarding an easement encroachment and (2) Trails Committee, and then one item under Old Business “Easement Results.”  

  • Correspondence – Commission Hovious showed a brochure of a CT Conference of Municipality’s course “Making the Best Land Use Decisions”.  He also discussed an e-mail that was forwarded to him by James Belden, Pootatuck Watershed Association that originated from Tom Krieger of the Southbury Land Trust.  He will forward this on to Rob Sibley and George Benson.  
  • Public Participation – No public participation.  
IV.     Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the minutes of January 12, 2010.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion approved the minutes unanimously as amended.

V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – No information.

Natural Resource Inventory Update – Mr. Sibley requested an update from Milone and MacBroom via e-mail and received an e-mail back two weeks later, which did not include a detailed update as requested.  The commission noted that they have not seen any documents to date and that the vendor has only come before the commission once.  The commission will request a detailed update again.  Commissioner Hovious asked for a copy of the final proposal.  It was also noted that the GIS position formerly held by Alicia Messier has been eliminated from the budget.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Commission Hovious stated that Bill Carboni will be making changes to the plan to return to EDC.

b.      Ferris Signage – Commissioner Wright stated that Willow Monument will be faxing papers to the Land Use Agency for signature.

c.      Open Space Use and Signage –. n/a

  • Inventory Progress –   Commissioner Hovious and Kaley noted that they have reviewed some open space files in the Land Use Office and feel that progress is being made.  The spreadsheet of all open space is being reviewed to get a more accurate total of acreage of open space in Newtown.  Mr. Sibley will provide a list of subdivisions approved after 2005.
Commissioner Wright left the meeting at 7:23 pm

4.      Strategic Planning - Open Space Definition –.Commissioner Hovious asked the commissioners to review the open space definition for their input.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Tax Abatement Status – Commissioner Wilson stated that the town’s attorney will review this as requested by the Board of Finance.  It will then be forwarded to the Board of Selectmen for endorsement.  Mr. Sibley will check with Jeff Capici on how the commission should proceed.  

6.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Barkman stated that the summer camp “Water Shed and Water Cycles” will be scheduled for June 28th through to July 2nd with a rain date of July 3rd.  The camp hours are 9am to noon and will be for children ages 9 to 12.  The commission also discussed the Newtown Student Tree Project that was in the paper.  

7.      Al's Trail Brochure and Routing – Commissioner Barkman distributed a draft of the brochure and said that the Al’s Trail website is live  She noted that Jackie Kelly is working on the brochure and Alan Page is working on the website.

8.      Hawleyville Transfer Station – It was noted that the railroad will be taking public comment and the Army Corp of Engineers will be sending Mr. Sibley a letter.  

  • Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Wilson updated the commission on the latest committee meetings.  
  • 2010-11 Budget Status – Mr. Sibley noted that this is being sent to the Board of Selectmen for a motion.  
VI.     New Business

1.      Mulholland Preserve and NFA Request – Commissioner Hovious discussed a request forwarded on by the NFA regarding a resident’s request to build a trail on open space along Pond Brook in order to connect to NFA property.  It was recommended that the property owner place a formal request to the Conservation Commission.  The commission also discussed endorsing geo cache on open space land.  Ms. Hazen will send a link to the NFA’s geo cache agreement form for review.

  • Public Stream Flow Regulations – Commissioner Hovious discussed the DEP’s proposed stream flow regulations which would set guidelines and classifications for water flow.  The deadline for comments is February 4, 2010.  The Land Use Agency and Inland Wetlands Commission will also provide comment.  Commissioner Wright motioned to support the draft of a letter supporting the regulations which will be circulated to the Conservation Commission and Land Use Agency via e-mail.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • Encroachment of Conservation Easement – Commissioner Hovious discussed information received from Ann Astarita regarding an encroachment onto a conservation easement where a property owner installed a play set structure on a conservation easement.  Ms. Astarita has sent a letter to the resident and will keep the Conservation Commission informed.
  • Trails Committee – Commissioner Kaley discussed Trails Committee meeting she attended where the members and an operational guideline were voted on and approved.  A proposed trail request on Pole Bridge Preserve was submitted by Paula Burton for the Conservation Commission’s review and the commission was invited to a walk scheduled for February 13, 2010 at 9:00 am.  This request will be reviewed by the Care and Maintenance Committee.  Ms. Hazen is to e-mail a .pdf the this proposal to the subcommittee.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.