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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
December 8, 2009 6:00 pm
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Cramer, Barkman, Kaley, Wilson and Wright
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use, and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

I.      Executive Session – was called to order at 5:05 pm and adjourned at 6:00 pm.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm

New Items to the Agenda:  Commissioner Barkman motioned to add an agenda item under New Business a discussions of a new adventure park in town.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

  • Public Participation – Attorney Robert Hall was present to discuss a gift of conservation restriction of the DeGraff property on Pond Brook Road.  Commissioner Barkman asked if the DeGraff’s would consider a link to open space land adjacent to the property.  Commission Hovious stated that the commission would need to see proposed language for the conservation easement before any action could be taken.  
III.    Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the minutes of November 10, 2009.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

IV.     Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – The commission received a letter, dated November 25, 2009, which was received in the Land Use Office on December 1, 2009 from Atty. Robert Hall.  A map was also delivered the day of this meeting and a letter was read into the record.  Atty. Hall provided an overview of the property and proposed conservation restriction.  He explained that the DeGraff’s want to create a conservation restriction before the end of 2009 for tax purposes.  Commissioner Hovious stated that the commission needs the language for the proposed conservation easement before they could take any action.  Atty. Hall stated that it would be basically the same language as a previous proposal except that there would be no public access.  Commissioner Hovious suggested a special meeting on this matter.  Atty. Hall will get the draft easement language to the Land Use Office by Friday, December 11, 2009.  

Natural Resource Inventory Update – No updates.   

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – No updates.

b.      Ferris Signage – No updates.  

c.      Open Space Signage – The signs have been received in the Land Use Office.  Commissioner Kaley asked for properties to be surveyed, marked and posted by Spring.  She will write a letter of request to Mr. Sibley.  Commissioner Barkman volunteered to help with the Mason Property.  Commissioner Hovious discussed filling out inspection reports.  Commissioner Wright checked files in the Land Use Office but could not find the information needed.  The commission will ask Mr. Sibley for a date to complete the open space marking that was rained out at the last event.

d.      Inventory Progress – The commissioners noted that they still cannot print or link to the Town Clerk maps.  The commission asked if Scott Sharlow could add Arc Reader to the Conservation Commission’s laptop.

e.      Maintenance Needs for Open Space – Commissioner Hovious asked if there are any maintenance needs for open space.  Commissioner Barkman placed Xs on Al’s Trail map and noted that there has been some removal of invasives along Al’s Trail.  The commission will also ask Mr. Sibley of an update regarding Parks and Rec. helping with open space marking.  

4.      Strategic Planning Discussion –  Commissioner Kaley discussed P & Z regulations and the requirement for an environmental impact for subdivisions.  Commissioner Wilson motioned that the Conservation Commission support the drafted regulation P & Z promoted regarding environmental impact report of subdivisions in Newtown.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Commissioner Wilson will draft a short letter and circulate it.  Motion carried unanimously.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Discussion – Commissioner Wilson circulated the revised draft ordinance for the commission to review before properties go before P & Z.  The commission talked about adding agricultural language in the same program.  Commissioner Wilson will make final changes and send it to the Town’s attorney for his review.  

6.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Barkman asked to combine items 6, 7, and 8 (see below).

7.      Website - Commissioner Barkman handed out printouts and provided an extensive overview of the new website.  She also discussed creating a brochure that could be handed out at events such as Earth Day or the Duck Races.   

8       Al's Trail Routing and Maintenance – (See #7)

9.      Hawleyville Transfer Station – Commissioner Hovious discussed a response from HEAT regarding the DEP notice of insufficiency.  The letter that was sent to the Board of Selectmen should be forwarded to the new Board as well.  Commissioner Wilson will attend the Inland Wetlands meeting on 12/9/09.  

10.     Hunter Ridge Subdivision – Commissioner Barkman discussed a Planning and Zoning meeting where the Town Attorney addressed the commission about Hunter Ridge.  She said this is an environmental heartbreak.  She noted that the P & Z Commission discussed a list they needed to address from a Supreme Court judge and found that Hunter Ridge 14 house subdivision would not have any harm to the lake.  Commissioner Hovious discussed a letter from George Logan and Sigrun Gadwa.  Commissioner Cramer suggests sending a follow up letter regarding the minimal environmental impact and would like money to be put aside by the developer to monitor the water.  Commissioner Hovious stated they would like to get a report back from the Town Attorney with respect to the Conservation Commission’s comments.  Commissioner Wright will draft a letter for the commission’s review.  Commissioner Kaley moved to let Commissioner Wright draft a letter regarding specifications that the Conservation Commission regarding Hunter Ridge Subdivision and then to circulate for comments and forward to P & Z.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Barkman. Motion carried unanimously.

11.     Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Wilson updated the commission on this committee’s progress.  She explained that the committee has drafted an interim report for the new First Selectman.  The final may be due around March.  

V.      New Business

1.      2010 Meeting Schedule – The commissioners discussed changing the meeting locations all to be in Meeting Room #1.  Ms. Hazen will check the room’s meeting schedules and will change in accordance.  Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the meeting schedule.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Motion carried unanimously.

2.      Replacement for George Ferguson – a letter to the First Selectman was drafted and will be sent to Ms. Llodra.

3.      Budget – Commissioner Kaley motioned that an item be added to the 2010-2011 budget to cover the development of a website for the Conservation Commission in the amount of $5,000.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

4.      Open Space on Queen Street – Commissioner Wright motioned to send a letter to the First Selectman and Board of Selectmen requesting that the three lots on Queen Street, Lots #3, #4, and #5, that the town already own, be staked in the back as Open Space. At this point they are just town owned property, not listed as open space and I would request that we send a letter requesting it be transferred as open space.  Also, the deed to be changed to correspond to what is placed on the map as open space.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Commissioner Wright said the property is already assessed as open space and suggested waiving a rating of the property since it is already town owned.. Commissioner Wright will draft a letter.  Motion was approved unanimously.

  • Possible Adventure Park – Commissioner Barkman discussed a company that is looking for three acres of trees for an adventure park that includes zip lines, etc.  It was determined this is better handled by the Economic Development Commission.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm.