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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
October 27, 2009 6:00 pm
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Kaley, Wilson and Wright
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use, and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

I.      Executive Session.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm

II.     Public Participation – Alexander Schonleben approached the commission asking for assistance in a matter he has had with water run-off onto his property from Edmond Town Hall’s rear parking lot.  He also said that his survey pin has been buried.  Mr. Schonleben said he has spoken with the First Selectman several times.  The run-off from the parking lot flows into a small brook on his property.  The brook flows down into Ram Pasture, then to Deep Brook and eventually into a Pootatuck tributary.  Mr. Schonleben noted water tests have shown high levels of copper, iron and manganese.  The commission asked that he provide a written request to the commission and to submit the water test results.  The commissioner felt this may be a public works, an Inland Wetlands issue or even a DOT issue since the water flows off from a state road.

III.    Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the minutes of October 13, 2009 as amended.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously as amended.  

IV.     Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – Commissioner Wright discussed three lots of open space on Queen Street that do not have open space designation but could be used as entrances into the Fairfield Hills property.  Commissioner Wright motioned for the commission to draft a letter to the First Selectman requesting that at least one, if not all three, town-owned lots on Queen Street be designated as open space.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Commissioner Wilson asked for some background on these lots.  Mr. Sibley stated that with the Town bought Fairfield Hills, it took possession of some lots.  The conditions of the purchases may need to be researched.  The properties connect to state property and Al's trail.  The motion was called to question.  The motion was carried unanimously.  Commissioner Wright will do the first draft.

Natural Resource Inventory Update – Bill Root from Milone and MacBroom was present to update the commission and to discuss the scope of work and asked for the commission's input.  The commissioners noted information on a map such as where certain animal and plant species have been found, geological interests, views and dark night sky.  The commission will e-mail Mr. Sibley with items they wish to be included in the NRI.   

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road UpdateCommissioner Hovious discussed some items from the minutes of EDC's last meeting.   

b.      Ferris SignageThe commissioners discussed the idea of having two signs, one on the stone and other verbiage on a wooden sign.  Commissioner Wilson will order the sign.  

c.      Open Space SignageCommissioner Kaley has ordered the general informational signs, they should be received soon.

d.      Inventory ProgressCommissioner Wright noted that the subcommittee has determined that one person can be designated to pull maps from the GIS system.  She asked Mr. Sibley if there was an intern that could help with this project.  It was noted that the commissioners' laptop needs to have print drivers installed.  Commissioner Kaley asked if Arcview could be put on the Town's website.   Mr. Sibley stated that the Tech Department is working on the municipal building and they're down an employee, so such requests will have to be put off for awhile.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report – Commissioner Hovious said the subcommittee met and noted six items that will be contained in the commission's Strategic Plan.  

5.      Acquisition Strategies Discussion

Tax Deferral Ordinance for Conservation EasementsCommissioner Ferguson sent out a draft ordinance.  This will be placed on hold until the election is over.

6.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Barkman updated the commission on the removal of invasives along Al's Trail.  They had an article in the Bee asking for volunteers asking for help in pulling invasives.  They began to meet on Thursdays but because of the amount of invasives, they may require additional resources.  She asks the commission for financial help and possibly hiring Dan Holmes.  Trout Unlimited may cover the costs of Roundup.  Mr. Sibley noted that Parks and Rec. have people that specialize in this field and that there are no funds available in the Land Use Agency at this time.  Commissioner Barkman asked if Mr. Sibley could contact Parks and Rec. to request help for the commission.  Commissioner Barkman also discussed creating a loop on Al's Trail near Walnut Tree Hill.  

7.      Website - No update.  

8       Al's Trail Routing and Maintenance - This was discussed previously.  

9.      Hawleyville Transfer Station – The commissioner discussed the letter they are writing regarding the railroad that will be going to the DEP when it is open to public comment, Board of Selectmen, and Legislative Council.

10.     Hunter Ridge Subdivision - The commissioners discussed several items regarding easements and open space in this application.  The application is still before Planning & Zoning.  

11.     Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Wilson provided an update of this committee's progress in researching this issue.

V.      New Business

        Trails on Pole Bridge Preserve - Paula Burton and Mark Lurie from the new Trails Committee were present to discuss trail improvements.  The commission suggested the Trails Committee formalize a format for such requests and then asked them to submit a map and sketch of their proposal.  It was also noted that if the trails are used for horses, then there should be places designated for parking for horse trailers.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm.