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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
August 25, 2009 6:00 pm
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Ferguson, Wilson, Wright, Kaley, Barkman and Cramer
Staff:  Ann Astarita, Conservation Official, Margaret Wilkin, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 6:06p.m.

The public meeting was called to order.

Commissioner Ferguson made a motion to add the Tallman acquisition to the agenda under old business.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  The motion was approved unanimously.

I.      Public Participation

        Ann Marie Mitchell, 17 Butterfield Road, representing HEAT followed up on concerns about the Hawleyville Railroad transfer station.  She will supply the Commission with any new information they obtain for their file.  

        Marianne Brown, 4 Sherman Street, Danbury, Connecticut followed up on her application for scenic road status.  The Commission will research the matter and a supporting letter would be sent at the appropriate time.  They asked to be apprised of her progress.

        Helga Roupp, 46 Hawleyville Road, was also concerned about the Hawleyville Railroad transfer station.  As a biology teacher she was particularly concerned about the increase of phosphorous in the brooks that could adversely affect the trout population.  She also noted the continued noise and dust emanating from the area.  Commissioner Barkman would like permission to walk the property.

        Dave Groton, 145 Currituck Road was also concerned about the Hawleyville Railroad transfer station, specifically the noise, dust and contamination of the wetlands.  He noted that the work seemed to get worse after the cease and desist order had been served.

II      Approval of Minutes – Item tabled.

III     Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Tallman Property

The Commission was concerned about the open space money that has been spent settling the lawsuit that resulted in the loss of the conservation easement.  This was due to incorrect plans supplied by the attorney.  Commissioner Ferguson will get the information together, bulleting all requirements that would be incorporated in a letter.  The Commission would like to get the easement back.

2.      Hawleyville Transfer Station

The Commission said that the pollution of water and air quality as well as damage to flora and fauna are all items that this Commission is interested in.  They would seek permission to walk the property and felt that state legislators should be involved.  A letter will be drafted and sent to the appropriate people.  Commissioner Wright made a motion to consider an educational meeting for the town about the transfer station.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The motion was approved unanimously.  Commissioner Kaley made a motion to formulate a statement and send it to Inland Wetland Commission, Attorney General, DEP, the Housatonic Railroad Company and a wide variety of interested parties.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  The vote was unanimously approved.  Commissioner Wilson made a motion to hold a seminar educating as many people as possible.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  The motion was approved 6-1.  Mr. Hovious voted no.

Mr. Ferguson left the meeting at 7:57 pm

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee – No update.

4.      Natural Resources Inventory Update – No update.

5.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – No update.

b.      Ferris Public Access – Commissioner Hovious noted that Rob Sibley spoke with Ms. Ferris.  He will advise the Commission at the next meeting.

c.      Open Space Signage – Commissioner Kaley received a quote of $690 for aluminum and $455 for plastic signs (100 12” x 18”).  She made a motion to commission Voss Signs to proceed with 100 aluminum signs.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  The motion was unanimously approved.  Commissioner Wright had nothing new to report on the custom signs.  Commissioner Hovious would like to spend more time with Commissioners Kaley and Wright on open space inventory

6.      Strategic Planning Committee Report – No update.

7.      Acquisition Strategies Report

Tax Deferral for Conservation Easements – Nothing to report.

Possible Bee Article (Easements) – Nothing to report.

Brochure – Commissioner Wilson had drafted a couple of articles and sent them to Rob Sibley for proofing.

8.      Public Education Committee Report

Commissioner Wright sent an e-mail to the head of the Science Department.  Commissioner Barkman had heard that the CD was being used but was not sure by which grade.  She was told to contact Jackson Blossom, head of the High School Ecology Department.  Ann Astarita plans on holding a public information meeting on October 3, 2009 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Library.  The topic would be Alicia Messier’s thesis on impervious surfaces.  Commissioner Wright made a motion to send Ms. Messier a thank you note for her good work.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The motion was unanimously approved.

9.      Website

Commissioner Barkman is receiving comments which will be considered.

10.     Sherman Road Subdivision Update – Nothing to report.

11.     Al’s Trail Status Update

Commissioner Barkman advised that the map box is almost complete.  Rob Sibley will draft a letter to Mason regarding the easement.  Commissioner Hovious would like to walk the property with her.

12.     Hunter Ridge Subdivision

Commissioner Barkman updated the Commission.  The matter is still being heard by the Planning and Zoning Commission.  The application was under intervener status who has hired his own experts.  Their presentation will be before the P&Z at their September 17, 2009 meeting.  There is a question of open space and fee in lieu and how it applies, because the subdivision was created before the open space requirement came into force.  Commissioner Wright will draft a letter to the P&Z.

IV      New Business

Hattertown Open Space – This was covered earlier.

Commissioner Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The motion was approved.  The meeting was adjourned.