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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
June 9, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Barkman Cramer, Kaley, Wright, and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land Use Agency

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

I.      Public Participation:  None

Items added to the Agenda:  Commissioner Hovious asked to add “Al’s Trail” under Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee.

II.     Approval of Minutes - Item Tabled.

III.    Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate

Commissioner Hovious mentioned that the Board of Selectmen approved one of the properties that were recommended by the Commission.  

2.      Natural Resources Inventory Update

The Commission discussed whether an article should be placed in The Bee requesting expert volunteers in the Community to help with the NRI.  Mr. Sibley discussed minor changes he requested to the contract with Milone and MacBroom.  The Commission discussed setting up the Bio Blitz meeting later in the month.  Mr. Sibley will contact Bill Root.  

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

Open Space at Commerce Road Update – The proposed memo was sent out.  No feedback has been received.

Open Space Signage – The Commission discussed potential locations for the new signs to be placed on the "Gem" properties.  The subcommittee will continue to work on the list of properties.  There was also a discussion on how to name the different open space properties.  

Ferris Public Access – Tabled.

Al's Trail - Mr. Sibley and the Commissioners discussed the Eagle Scouts wanting to make map boxes for Al’s Trail.  Commissioners Barkman and Cramer will research the history of Al's Trail since there are questions regarding access easements, etc.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report - Tabled
5.      Acquisition Strategies Report

Tax Deferral for Conservation Easements:  The subcommittee is ready to go before the Board of Finance, the Board of Selectmen, and the Legislative Council.
Possible Bee Article:  The press release was sent to The Bee.  The Commission discussed creating a pamphlet or information sheet to have available to hand out to the community.

6.      Public Education Committee Report - Tabled.

7.      Great Bog Discussion and Recommendations - A list of recommendations was sent to the Inland Wetlands Commission for their May 27th, 2009 meeting.  Commissioner Cramer asked why the outflow could not be lessened.  

8.      Sherman Road Subdivision Discussion and Preparation for IWC Meeting - The Commission reviewed the possible open space areas on this subdivision.  Some commissioners will attend the Inland Wetlands meeting.  

IV.     New Business

Discussion of the NFA - June 23rd meeting

Cold Spring Road Dredging Application - Mr. Sibley and the Commissioners discussed Mr. Nagy’s application to dredge a pond and repair a dam.  They are concerned over what is best for the river.  The DEP received an order diversion and dam repair application and are asking for the Commission's input.  There also may be requirements for Army Corp. to be involved.  It was noted that the application states a plan to empty the pond to let it dry out before it is dredged.  Mr. Sibley noted that dredging is enormous and that over 1,000 feet would be diverted.  

Commissioner Barkman asked if it's good to have these dams along the river.  Commissioner Hovious stated that it depends on the situation.  In this particular area the access above the dam is totally cut off because of the dam.  That part of the watershed is unavailable for spawning activities and unless there's a fish ladder, communication is cut-off.  There's limited transfer of oxygen in the water.  Because of the water being shallow and the trees surrounding the pond were cut down, the water is very warm.  Mr. Sibley said it is a human created circumstance and that restoring the river to the way it was would restore the connectivity of the stream itself.  Wetlands will send a letter to the DEP.  Commissioner Kaley will collect information before the next meeting.  

Wildlife Education Coalition – Commissioner Hovious and Ferguson asked Commissioner Cramer and Wilson about this group and was concerned over a conflict of interest.  Commissioner Cramer stated that this organization was formed spontaneously at the time an announcement that a committee was to be formed regarding deer culling.  It is a large group run by consensus that is focusing on education.  Commissioner Wilson noted Commissioner Hovious’ concern whether this would be considered a conflict of interest.  Commissioner Hovious stated he was also concerned that the website encouraged people to contact him.  Commissioner Wilson stated that there would only be a conflict of interest if finances were involved, and there are none.  Mr. Sibley will distribute the Town's ethic's handbook and feels it's healthy to have a difference of opinion.  He agrees that there would be no conflict of interest unless there's a financial gain.  

Wetlands Enforcement Officer – Mr. Sibley stated that Ann Astarita will begin working full time as of July 1st.  She will be attending the Commission meetings and will be assuming his duties of attending the meetings by September.  

The Commission confirmed quorums during the summer meetings.