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Regular Meeting
July 28, 2009 6:00 p.m..
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Prsent:  Hovious, Ferguson, Wilson and Wright
Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land use Agency, Margaret Wilkin, Clerk

Executive Session to discuss the possible purchase of property started at 5:00 p.m.

Commissioner Wilson moved to come out of Executive Session at 5:55 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  The vote was unanimous

The public meeting was called to order at 6:12 p.m

Commissioner Hovious moved to add the Annual Report to the Agenda and
Commissioner Ferguson moved to add the transfer station at Hawleyville.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  The vote was unanimous

1.      Public Participation
        There were no members of the public present

11.     Approval of Minutes
                Commissioner Ferguson moved to table the minutes of June 23, 2009.  Seconded by
Commissioner Wright.  Commissioner Wilson opposed and Commissioner Barkman abstained.  With a majority vote approval to table the minutes was approved.  Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve the minutes of July 14, 2009 as amended.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  The vote was unanimous.

111.            Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.   Natural Resources Inventory Update, Bioblitz Report

        Mr Sibley reported that be had received a lot of information.  They will be     performing future studies but so far the property was considered quiet with no  apparent unusual wildlife.  It was noted that adjacent property contained items of      historical significance.  Mr. Sibley advised that all ridgelines were being     documented for the GIS system.

        2.  Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

        a.  Open at Commerce Road Update

        Mr. Hovious had read the 6/16/09 Minutes of the EDC, noting that there was no new       information.  They were discussing alternative energy.

        b.  Open Space Signage

        Mr. Sibley will have a mock-up at the next meeting.  Ms. Barkman would like to see      sticks and stones signage for entrances, which would blend in with natural resources.   Mr. Sibley advised that the budget for entry signage is $4,500 and $7,000 for useage    signs.  The wording has yet to be decided.

Mr. Ferguson left the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

c.      Ferris Public Access

Mr. Sibley and Pam Nimphius have been coordinating the half million dollar grant from the State.  Due to the expenditure to date on legal fees, he requested the approval of the Commission to proceed further to obtain the grant.  Commissioner Wright moved to empower Mr. Sibley to work with the State to acquire the grant.  Seconded by Mr. Wilson.  The vote was unanimous.

d.      Inspection Report

        After completing the form Commissioner Hoviohe thought it worked pretty well.  He       suggested a few modifications.  Mr. Sibley advised that the system will be available    in the Land Use Office in a couple of months.           

        3.      Acquisition Strategies Report

        Tax deferral for Conservation Easements:  Commissioner Wilson advised that Mr.  Ferguson attended the Board of Finance Meeting in her place.  A memo    summarizing what was discussed has been distributed.

4.      Public Education Committee Report

        Conservation Commission Website:  Due to the fact that Scott was out of the office,     Commissioner Barkman had nothing new to report.  She asked if the aquifer               education program of two years ago should be offered again.  Mr. Sibley noted that      he had  received positive feedback from the schools.

5.      Sherman Road Subdivision Update

        There was no response to the Conservation Commission and public questions in the        file.  However, there was response from the Inland Wetland engineer.  The       application was continued through August.  Mr. Sibley said he had received inquiries    from the public about purchasing the property.  He explained that as long as the        application was in progress this could not be addressed.
6.      Al’s Trail Status Update

        Mr. Sibley would like to meet with Commissioner Barkman, and surveyors.  He is  close to having everything ready to go.  Commissioner Barkman asked about Eagle         Scout activity.  Mr. Hovious thought the Commission should approve any activity on      town space.  The Commissioners agreed.

III     New Business

        Mr. Sibley said he would bring a copy of the Annual Report to the meeting of    August 25, 2009.

        Discussion of the transfer station at Hawleyville was tabled.

Commissioner. Barkman moved to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  The motion was approved.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.