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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
May 12, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Cramer, Kaley, Wright, and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land Use Agency; Ann Astarita, Wetlands Enforcement Officer;
Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:05 p.m. and adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

I.      Public Participation:  Anne Peters, Chair of the Inland Wetlands Commission was present.  Three other members of the public were present to discuss the drainage of the Wetlands on Boggs Hill Road, Chet and Paula Hopper and Lynn Printy.

Items added to the Agenda:  Commissioner Wilson requested, under New Business, a discussion about Guy Peterson (Newtown Forest Association) attending a Conservation Commission meeting.  Commissioner Cramer requested to add two items under Public Education Committee Report (1) Discussion of another speaker/workshop (2) discussion of the drainage of the wetlands on Boggs Hill Road (and future education for Town departments).  Commissioner Ferguson requested to add CACIWC recommendations.  Commissioner Ferguson motioned to place the Boggs Hill issue first on the Agenda.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  Motion carried unanimously.

Boggs Hill Road – Commissioner Cramer discussed the recent draining of a large wetland on Boggs Hill Road by the Public Works Department.  She shared concerns that the pond has been a home to many nesting birds, amphibians and wildlife and feels the damage should be rectified immediately.  Mr. Sibley noted that Town departments follow the same process but are not required to pay a fee.  Also, he explained that some activities called the "right of use" or a "permitted non-regulated activity" which do allow activities without a permit.  It is currently being determined whether the activity falls under that jurisdiction.  Commissioner Cramer suggested in-service education.  Paula Hopper, 131 Boggs Hill Road, explained that twenty years ago a small pond developed along the wetlands and then twelve years ago the Town installed pipes to discourage beaver lodges.  The pipes were ineffective and soon became blocked.  The water rose gradually to a level that now supports the wildlife that exists today.  As a former teacher and biologist, she is concerned over the wildlife that is being affected and stressed that something should be done immediately.  Commissioner Cramer asked if Public Works could partially close off the pipes to stop the water from gushing out.  Anne Peters, Chair of the Inland Wetlands Commission, explained the process of how this issue may be brought forward to their Commission.  

Commissioner Ferguson motioned that the Conservation Commission request the Department of Public Works take immediate steps to stop water from flowing out of the wetlands on Boggs Hill Road (called "The Great Bog") in order to prevent possible irreparable damage to this important natural resource, which is a significant breeding ground for a diverse population of wildlife.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Motion carried unanimously.

II.     Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the minutes of April 28, 2009.  Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously as amended.  

III.    Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate.

Commissioner Kaley motioned that the Conservation Commission send a letter to the Board of Selectmen recommending the purchase of property #09-02 at the price offered by the property owner.  Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.  

Commissioner Kaley motioned that the Conservation Commission send a letter to the Board of Selectmen recommending the purchase of property #09-04.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.  

2.      Natural Resources Inventory Discussion with Milone & MacBroom Representative

Commissioners Barkman, Ferguson and Mr. Sibley met to discuss the final contract for the Natural Resource Inventory proposal.  A list of recommendations will be forwarded to Bill Root at Milone & MacBroom.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

Open Space at Commerce Road Update – tabled.

Open Space Inventory on Conservation Easements for the last five years - tabled.

Open Space Signage –Captain Rios of the Newtown Police Department forwarded copies of the Town and State protocols to Mr. Sibley.  Mark-ups will be completed for the Commissioners’ review.

Iroquois property on Kale Davis and Stone Bridge – Mr. Sibley discussed property for sale by Iroquois and whether the easement has been marked.  Commissioner Hovious will call Ruth Parkins from Iroquois.

Point o’ Rocks Property Walk Discussion – Commissioner Hovious discussed a concern over an encroachment where a stockade fence has been installed over open space.  Mr. Sibley will write a letter of encroachment.

Ferris Public Access – Commissioner Barkman referred to page 3 of the easement regarding public access language.  Commissioner Hovious deferred discussion of the strategy to another meeting.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report

        POCD Meeting Report– Commissioners Hovious, Ferguson and Wilson noted that the POCD meeting was positive and that there was a good exchange of information.  The gap analysis was forwarded to Lilla Dean.  

5.      Trails Committee Discussion

        Scott Coleman was present to discuss the new Trails Committee he and a core group of volunteers are organizing and discussed their first project of clearing a trail from the Monroe line (Rails to Trails) into Newtown.  The steel from the site will be recycled and they will build the trail around mature trees.  Some of the historic items may be used to make an outdoor museum.  The Commission voiced their appreciation and support for this committee.  The Trails Committee will maintain contact with Amy Mangold (Parks & Rec.) and Mr. Sibley throughout the process.

6.      Acquisition Strategies Report

Tax Deferment:  No updates.
Possible Bee Article:  The Commissioners discussed a press release written by Commissioners Ferguson and Wilson.

7.      Public Education Committee Report

Duck Race Plans – The Pootatuck Duck Race is set for May 23rd from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Set-up begins at 9:30 a.m. and breakdown will be after 2:00 p.m.  Commissioner Barkman asked for Commissioners to pass on ideas to get the kids interested and involved.

IV.     New Business

Speaker - Commissioner Cramer discussed having Laura Simm from the Yale School of Forestry as a speaker to discuss the topic of forest degradation and restoring biodiversity.  

Commissioner Kaley discussed mobilizing residents to help with invasive plant removal and having brochures made regarding invasive plants.

Commissioner Hovious discussed reviewing open space plans for a major new subdivision (Sherman Woods).  Commissioners Wright and Kaley will monitor the progression.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourned at 8:30 p.m.