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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
April 14, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Kaley, Wright (by phone) and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land Use Agency; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 5:55 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m.

I.      Public Participation:  Lynn Printy from 125 Boggs Hill Road.

II.     Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve the minutes of March 24, 2009.  Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously as amended.  

III.    Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – Nothing to report.

2.      Natural Resources Inventory Subcommittee

Mr. Sibley said that although Bill Root from Milone & MacBroom, Inc. could not attend this meeting but he will be at the next.  He will be supplying the materials to complete the final scope of the project for the Commissioners to review.  Commissioner Hovious asked for a printout of the final proposal to be distributed to the Commissioners.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Mr. Sibley received information that the last revision from the Economic Development Commission has been endorsed by the Board of Selectmen.  It has been approved with no through road to Wasserman Way.  There is no more information about the military’s interest in the tech park.  Lynn Printy from 125 Boggs Hill Road stated that she thought Joe Borst stated at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting that the Conservation Commission was sending the Army a letter.  Commissioner Hovious and Mr. Sibley noted that any correspondence to the Army needs to come from the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Sibley will find out if anything was sent to the Army from either the Board of Selectmen or the First Selectman.  

Open Space Inventory – Mr. Sibley discussed surveying work being done by CCA.  Eichler’s Cove is being worked on and it will be submitted to FERC.  He received the survey and map for the Rails to Trails property on the Monroe line and the Ferris property.  The Pieragostini property has been marked and will be staked.  They will be using special florescent staking for the Mason property.  Iroquois easement has been transferred and the documents are in the file.  The Commissioners agreed to have a special meeting to walk the trails on the Pieragostini property on May 12, 2009 at 3:30 p.m.  Ms. Hazen will write this up as a special meeting.

Open Space Signage – The Commissioners discussed the Open Space general information sign.  Mr. Sibley and the subcommittee (Hovious, Wright, Kaley) will meet with the Chief of Police and Captain to review the code book and discuss enforcement.  

Other Topics-

Newtown Forest Association (NFA) – Mr. Sibley discussed his attendance at the NFA’s monthly meeting.  He looks forward to the Conservation Commission having a better line of communication and working together towards the same goals with the NFA on matters such as enforcement and invasive plant controls.  The NFA is planning a Volunteer Day on May 2nd at the Nettleton Preserve to clean up trails.  Everyone is invited to meet on Castle Hill Road at 10:00 a.m.  

Vernal Pools – Alicia Messier has worked on open space parcels and other areas to GPS and map vernal pool areas.  Spotted and Wood Frogs have been noted in the vernal pools.  This information will be placed in another layer in the GIS system.  

Conservation Commission’s Laptop – The computer’s memory and virus software is being upgraded by the GIS Department.  The GIS system will be updated as well.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report

        POCD Status Meeting – Commissioner Hovious received a letter from Lilla Dean, Chair of Planning & Zoning, with an invitation to meet on April 30th at 7:30 p.m.  The Strategic Planning Subcommittee will meet prior to this to discuss the POCD.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Report

Draft Tax Deferment Ordinance Commissioner Wilson discussed a meeting that she and Commissioner Ferguson had with the Chris Kelsy (Tax Assessor) and Carol Mahoney (Tax Collector) to discuss the possible ordinance.  The concept and draft ordinance were well received.  They will meet with the Finance Director, Bob Tate, next.  Commissioner Hovious suggested a possible press release.  Commissioner Ferguson is drafting one.

6.      Public Education Committee Report

Earth Day, Pootatuck Duck Race, and Garden Deer Proof  Workshop Planning – Commissioner Barkman asked for suggestions for the banner that will be used during events public events.  The banner is 10’ x 3’ and will cost $193.00.  The open space map will be displayed and the laptop will be set up with a slide show.  Earth Day is on Saturday, April 25th.  The Pootatuck Duck Race is on Saturday, May 23rd.   Commissioner Cramer discussed the Garden Deer Proof Workshop (Brid Craddock) that will be held this Saturday at the library between 2pm and 4pm.  Commissioner Barkman asked the Commissioners to vote on a name of a sculpture she placed at the Mocha House.  It should have an environmental or conservation connotation.

7.      Loveland and Mason Property Purchase Status

Mr. Sibley stated that they closed on the Loveland property.  There is nothing to report regarding the grant.  Lisa Bassani from the Trust for Public Land called Commissioner Hovious about a press release and Melissa Bruen from the News Times noted interest in covering a story.  The Mason property closed in early March.  

Commissioner Barkman motioned to add an item to the agenda – “Bridle Trail/Al’s Trail”.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Commissioners Barkman and Cramer noted concerns over a bill in Hartford that specifies Al’s Trail as a Bridle Trail.  Mr. Sibley asked who sponsored the bill and if a copy of the bill be sent to everyone for their review.  He also noted that part of Al’s trail belongs to the State.  Commissioner Cramer will distribute copies of the bill to everyone. This item will be added to the next agenda.  

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourned at 7:34 p.m.