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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
March 24, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Cramer, Kaley and Wilson
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director Land Use Agency; Tammy Hazen, Clerk

No Executive Session held

The public meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m.

I.      Public Participation:  One members of the public was present.

Added Items to the Agenda:  Commissioner Barkman motioned to add two items to the agenda, Mile-a-Minute (Sibley) and Critical Work List (Hovious).  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

Worksheet Critical List - The Commissioners discussed the worksheet and subcommittee members.  The Secretary will update the list as amended and redistribute to the Commission.

II.     Approval of Minutes

        Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of March 10, 2009.  Commissioner Barkman seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously as amended.  

III.    Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

1.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate

        The Town will be closing on the Mason property by the end of March.

2.      Natural Resources Inventory RFP Responses

Commissioner Barkman noted that the subcommittee has reviewed the three Request for Proposals and have elected the proposal from William Root of Malone & MacBroom, Inc.  She asked if the Commission would vote on an acceptance.  Mr. Sibley stated that Mr. Root would like to meet with him and the Chair of the Commission to review a final contract.  Mr. Sibley stated that their proposal was the most comprehensive and detailed out of the three and that MMI is the largest environmental consultant in New England.  Commissioner Cramer noted concerns over the notation of anecdotal data in the proposal.  Mr. Sibley stated that this was the only proposal that would take into consideration information received from other groups, but specifics on how they would gather this information was not defined.  He also noted that some information gathered by the State is based on anecdotal data.  Commissioner Hovious would like to see a vote on this recommendation.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to accept the Malone and McBroom, Inc. proposal.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Commissioner Cramer felt that anecdotal data should be identified as such.  Commissioner Kaley asked if it will restrict their deliverables by stating that anectodal data should be identified.  Mr. Sibley stated that the Commission will have opportunities to adjust the objectives of the project.  Commissioner Hovious confirmed that the Commission will have the opportunity to meet with them and make adjustments.  (Commissioner Ferguson joined the meeting at 6:45 p.m.)  Commissioner Barkman amended the motion to accept the proposal with the provision that they identify anecdotal information.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.  Mr. Root will be asked to come to the next meeting.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Mr. Sibley discussed the official opinion letter from Cohen & Wolfe regarding the through road to Wasserman Way.  The Town Attorney stated it is not legally possible to have the through road.  The Economic Development Commission will continue with their plans without a through road.  The EDC will submit an application to the Inland Wetlands Commission on the condominium development.  

Mr. Sibley distributed a letter from the Department of the Army to the First Selectman stating their intent to pursue and secure 13 acres in the Tech Park to construct a new Armed Forces Reserve Center (AFRC) in Newtown as per 2005 Federal BRAC Law.  The Army Corp. of Engineers will guide them to the most environmentally considerate area.

Open Space Inventory – Mr. Sibley received an A2 survey from CCA for Ferris Farm.  The DEP is looking for the A2 survey in order to transfer the grant money.  Maps for Point o' Rocks Road access has also been received.  Mr. Sibley distributed updated Open Space maps.  He also updated the database and asked the Commission to come up with a naming scheme for all open space parcels.  The Commission's laptop will be updated with the latest GIS information.  

Open Space Signage – Commissioner Kaley distributed for review the "Draft Open Space General Information Sign" document dated 3/24/09.  The Commission discussed other items to list such as hours (Dawn to Dusk),  smoking, and fires.  The Commissioners will review the list and come back to the next meeting with suggestions.  Mr. Sibley will meet with the Chief and Police and Captain to review the code book and discuss enforcement.  

Other Topics:  Mile-a-Minute -  Mr. Sibley discussed a monthly meeting of the CT Council of Invasive Plants he was invited to that discussed Mile-a-Minute.  The State has named this plant as a special concern.  There are two personnel designated to document and strategize the extent of Mile-a-Minute within Connecticut.  Although funding was cut for the invasive plant program, the CT Association of Invasive Plants still need to go forward with this and are working with the staff of the CT Experimental Agricultural Station.  It was determined that Mile-a-Minute has spread to 14 towns in the State.  New Milford, Newtown, New Haven and Greenwich are hot spots where programs will be established.  Also attending the meeting were representatives from New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, representatives from the industry, nurseries, the DEP, and the Department of Agriculture.  The State regards Mile-a-Minute as one of the largest threats of its ecology.  The meeting included discussions of integrated pest management and bio controls (Wevels).  There has been excellent success in using the Alien Beetle from China in Delaware, Pennsylvania and Maryland.  Newtown is on the short list for the second round for the release of the Wevel.  Mr. Sibley discussed a large infestation in Open Space on Huntington Road along the Pootatuck extending down to Meadowbrook.  There are currently about 80 to 100 plants in Newtown named as invasive.  The Commission and staff will be involved in how to approach the management of invasives.  Mr. Sibley will provide internet links related to this to the Commissioners.

4.      Strategic Planning Committee Report - Item tabled.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Report

Farmland List - Mr. Hovious discussed a public hearing in Hartford and distributed a list that notes all pieces of property in the State, including those in Newtown.  
        Draft Ordinance - Commissioner Wilson wrote up a draft ordinance and will like to meet with Mr. Sibley to review.

Press Release Regarding the Ending of Gift Taxes - Commissioner Hovious discussed writing up a press release regarding this.  Mr. Sibley said that a letter from Congressman Murphy was received about this and he could be contacted to help write up a press release.  

6.      Public Education Committee Report

NFA Annual Meeting Announcement - Commissioner Hovious noted that The Newtown Forest Association's Annual Meeting is scheduled for May 14th.  All Commissioners are invited along with spouses and family.  

Nature Walk - Commissioner Barkman noted there was a nature walk earlier in the day with 18 individuals in attendance, including ten seven year olds, Commissioners Kaley, Ferguson and Wilson, as well as Kendra Bobowick from the Bee.  

Educational Workshop - Commissioner Cramer requested the Commission to vote on having an educational workshop on Deer Resistant Gardening on Saturday, April 18th, at the Library from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. with Brid Craddock as speaker.  Commissioner Cramer motioned to have Brid Craddock give an educational event on April 18th at the Library on Deer Resistance Gardening.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  It was added that the amount not to exceed $200 to be used for materials and refreshments.  Motion approved unanimously.  

        Other - Commissioner Barkman noted that she spoke at the Woman's Club in January on behalf of the Conservation Commission.

7.      Loveland Property Purchase Status

Mr. Sibley received a letter from the State confirming the purchase of the Loveland property will not penalize the Town in regards with the grant.  The closing of the property is scheduled for Friday with the final price for the property is $317,249.00.  The money cannot be used for purchasing property.  The decision for the grant will not be final until September of 2009.  

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourned at 8:30 p.m.