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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
January 13 2008, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Wright (via telephone), Kaley and Cramer (joined at 6:20pm)
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director, Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:30 p.m. and adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m.

I.      Election of Officers for 2009
·       Commissioner Barkman motioned to nominate Joe Hovious as Chair.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  Mr. Hovious accepted nomination.  Motion carried unanimously.
·       Commissioner Barkman motioned to nominate George Ferguson as Vice Chair.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Mr. Ferguson accepted nomination.  Motion carried unanimously.
·       Commissioner Barkman motioned to nominate Mary Kaley as Secretary.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Ferguson.  Ms. Kaley accepted nomination.  Motion carried unanimously.

II.     Commission Critical Work for 2009.

Commissioner Hovious distributed “Proposed 2009 Critical Work” with the following listed:
·       Taunton Lake Implementation
·       OS Inventory and Marking
·       OS Care and Custody
·       Natural Resources Inventory
·       Technology Park
·       Open Space in Subdivision Projects
·       Open Space Acquisition
·       Alternative Strategies for Open Space Acquisition and Funding
·       Public Education
·       Regulation Changes/More Severe Penalties
·       Strategic Planning
·       Invasive Species Identification and Control
·       Deer Management Committee Interaction

Commissioner Ferguson suggested the list include “Changes to Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD)” and suggested there be a ranking of the items.  

Commissioner Hovious asked the Commissioners to review the list and return to the next meeting with comments or changes.  He also asked if the commissioners would choose what items they are willing to take leadership with and to rank each with level of importance.  

III.    Public Participation:  Kendra Bobowick, a reporter with The Bee, was present at the onset of the meeting.  Representatives and neighbors of the Vona property (Oak Ridge III P & Z application) joined the meeting at 6:45 p.m. to discuss the open space designation on the proposed subdivision.

IV.     Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of December 9, 2008.  Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion.  Minutes were discussed and approved as amended.  

V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates.

1.      Vona Subdivision Open Space Recommendation

Atty. Jim Murphy of Gregory and Adams, P.C., 190 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton, Connecticut was presented changes in plans for the four lot subdivision including the elimination of a road connecting to Split Rock Road.  The applicant is asking for approval by the Conservation Commission prior to their meeting before Planning & Zoning on February 5th.  He discussed the interest that neighbors have for pedestrian and equestrian use on the open space and access via conservation easement.  

Mr. Wes Stout, 96 Main Street, New Canaan, CT, Landscape Architect and Design reviewed the revisions made to the conservation easement.

Terry Hennessey and Monica Fassera, both from Eden Hill Road, and Carol Bussi from Hattertown Road expressed their concerns over the limited access and ability to use the proposed easement and open space designation as a connection to existing open space land.  They met with the applicants and explained that there is only one usable access far up Oak Ridge Road and that most of the open space and conservation easement is unusable by foot or equestrian use due to it being too rocky and wet.  They would like to see access from Eden Hill Road and Split Rock Road.  

Atty. Murphy acknowledged that the area may be good for hiking, but understands that running and equestrian use would be limited.  

Commissioner Cramer said that she noticed some damage to the environment is currently being done by builders on site.

The commission took a short break at 8:15 p.m. and returned at 8:25 p.m.  

Commissioner Hovious stated that the Commission’s subcommittee meet to discuss this application.

2.      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – No Updates.

3.      Tax Abatement for Development Rights – Commissioner Wilson will be meeting with the Danbury Tax Official and will give details at the next meeting.

4.      Natural Resources Inventory RFP Responses – Mr. Sibley stated that he expects at least three RFPs to be returned for the commission’s review by the next meeting.  Commissioner Ferguson will continue to lead on this project.  Commissioner Hovious stated that he received a good response from the GIS group.  The commission will review what inventories and studies that should be done before better weather hits.  When plans formalize, Planning and Zoning will be asked if they would like information built into the study.

5.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Mr. Sibley discussed Opel’s interest in placing solar panels on the Newtown Water Treatment Facility property.  A subcommittee meeting will be held at 31 Pecks Lane in the Land Use Agency small conference room on January 23, 2008 at 8:30 a.m.  

6.      Hunting on Open Space Lands – Item Tabled.

VI.     New Business

Community Grant from Iroquois.  Mr. Sibley informed the Commission that the Town received a check from Iroquois in the amount of $15,000 from a Community Grant.  The money will be used for signage and the marking of the boundary and access onto the Iroquois easement.  

Draft Inventory for Open Space.  Commissioner Hovious distributed a draft inventory list of open space parcels in Newtown from 2007.

First Light Agreement.  Mr. Sibley met with Brian Wood from First Light.  The draft agreement it is still open for comments from municipalities.  Commissioner Hovious submitted his comments.  The drafts will go to FERC in Washington for approval and then back to the municipalities for review and sign-offs.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourned at 8:40pm.