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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
October 14, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Wright, Kaley and Wilson
Staff Present: Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:18 p.m.
  • Public Participation – No members of the public were present.
  • Finalization of the Natural Resource Inventory Vendor Selection RFP – No updates
  • Presentation on Open Space Economics to Legislative Council.
Commissioner Ferguson stated he was present at the Legislative Council meeting and the presentation by Mr. Sibley was well received and viewed as a conservative assessment.  They were impressed with the presentation.  The commissioners discussed compiling a census on homes built over the last five years to get a better average of household numbers.  

  • Minutes - Approval of 9/9/08 Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Motion approved unanimously.

  V.   Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates.

  • Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate.
Commissioner Wright motioned that the commission get in touch with #08-12 to inform them that the Conservation Commission is not interested in purchasing this property.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  The motion was amended that the recommendation goes to the First Selectman.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • Open Space at Commerce Road Update.
Commissioner Hovious discussed a meeting that he attended with Commissioner Ferguson, Commissioner Kaley, George Benson, Rob Sibley and Elizabeth Stocker on October 3rd that was to include members of the Economic Development Commission (EDC).  Elizabeth Stocker attended as a member of Staff and no representatives from the EDC attended.  A drawing of a six lot subdivision was seen for the first time by members of the Conservation Commission, along with a one page hand-written note that indicated the suggested changes regarding a 10-lot subdivision.  Commissioner Hovious stated there still has not been a meeting with members of the EDC.  Commissioner Hovious sent a note to Chet Hopper, Chair of the EDC, stating that Elizabeth Stocker was present on the October 3rd meeting as a member of staff and not as a representative of the EDC.  The message explained that there are several questions the Conservation Commission has, prior to moving forward, and stated that the Commission would like the opportunity to meet with representatives from the EDC. The note was sent on the October 3rd and a response has not been received yet nor have there been any suggestions for a new meeting time.  

Commissioner Hovious discussed a drainage issue with the six lot subdivision and quoted the following from the EDC minutes for their September 16th meeting:  “Selectman Mangiafico addressed the Commission, stating that the Selectman’s point of view on the matter is that the EDC was woefully prepared in presentation to the Board of Selectman on Monday September 15, 2008. ~Mr. Mangiafico went on to say that the EDC has plans for the proposed Tech Park while the Conservation Commission has a totally opposing view point. ~The EDC has a good argument, however, the two groups have to come to a mutual agreement otherwise nothing will ever get done.  Mr. Mangiafico stated that the Conservation Commission’s sole concern is to protect the environment and those needs have to be met in terms of proper protection of the land/ property and brook”. and “ Mr. Torok added that the Commission can not just assume that by putting information and reports regarding the Tech Park on the website that Planning and Zoning and the Conservation commission will automatically give feedback. ~They have to be asked for a response and perhaps with a deadline for doing so. ~Mr. Hopper stated that he will send an email with a series on various dates and times for holding special meetings regarding the Tech Park”.

It was noted that this has not happened.  Until the EDC shows information on where the drainage is, the Conservation Commission cannot determine how it will impact Open Space.  Commissioner Hovious, Ferguson and Kaley will meet again on Thursday to determine the next course of action.

  • Finalize Taunton Lake Committee Recommendations.
Commissioner Kaley motioned to adopt the proposed plan for use of Taunton Lake Open Space as submitted by Mary Wilson.  Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  Commissioner Kaley amended the motion to include that the plan was e-mailed to the Commission on September 23, 2008.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  Motion carried unanimously.

  • Status of Iroquois Property Transfer – Item tabled.
  • Citizens Requests
Randle (4 Erin Lane) - No Update.
McChord (Poverty Hollow) - No Update.

  • Update on Possible Presentation on Stonewall Preservation
Commissioner Kaley read an e-mail from the gentleman who is willing to do the presentation on stonewall preservation.  Commissioner Wright suggested this may be something the Historical Society would be interested in and where other commissions could be invited to.  It was noted that since stone walls were more of a historical resource, rather than a natural resource.  It was noted that the Conservation Commission’s general consensus is that there is a great deal of their plate and this is not part of their charter.  

Commissioner Hovious left the meeting at 7:15pm.

  • Kotch Question of CT General Statute 12-107.
Commissioner Ferguson reviewed this item with the commissioners.   He asked the Tax Assessor if the Conservation needs to implement this.  It was noted that this was a local option that would require legislation.

VI.     New Business

  • Delegation of Routine Requests to Land Use Staff. – Item Tabled.
Commissioner Wright motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm.