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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
February 26, 2008, 6:30 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Wright (via phone), Wilson, Cramer and Kaley.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:30 p.m. and adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:25 p.m.

Commissioner Kaley motioned to recommend property #08-02 for purchase to the Board of Selectman.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Mr. Sibley stated that the average score out of five was 62.6.  Commissioner Hovious stated that all commissioners except Commissioner Wright and Commissioner Ferguson have walked the property.  Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Hovious discussed the Executive Session Work Product.  Ms. Hazen will e-mail a copy to Commissioner Wright.

I.      Public Participation

No members of the public were present.

II.     Minutes

Minutes of January 22, 2008.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Changes were noted.  Motion carried unanimously.

III.    Old Business

1.      Action on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition.

Mr. Sibley has not received any comments.  Commissioner Hovious has a few.  Mr. Sibley and Commissioner Hovious will review comments off line and provide an updated draft version to the commission via e-mail.  There was some discussion regarding storm water structures.  

2.      Open Space at Commerce Road Draft Presentation Update.

Commissioner Hovious compiled comments regarding the draft presentation and suggested the commission create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines the Commission’s open space recommendation on Commerce Road.  

The commissioners discussed their charter in relation to this subject, as well as the audience it should be presented to (Economic Development Committee, Legislative Council, Planning & Zoning, and the Board of Selectman).  

3.      Implementation of 2007-2008 Budget

i.      Surveying:  Mr. Sibley discussed surveys completed on Great Ring Road, Taunton Lake and Purdy Hill/Poverty Hollow Road.  The funding is being stretched with the current surveying costs just under $10,000.  There will be $2,000 left over that could be used for additional surveying.  He asked the commission for two or three addition parcels they would like to have surveyed next.
ii.     GIS Training:  The Commissioners have been sharing the laptop to get experience on the GIS system.  When all commissioners have had a chance to familiarize themselves with it, Mr. Sibley will provide a second training session.  The IT department will install Adobe Reader when the laptop is dropped off to them.  

4.      Care and Custody of Open Space

The Commissioners discussed plans for care and custody of open space, specifically inventory, management and maintenance.  Names need to be applied to each open space property.  The commission will identify the “Jewels” (exceptional parcels of open space) and will first focus on management plans for them.  

Mr. Sibley stated that the Map/Block/Lot identifications will be replaced with unique ID numbers.  The commission will develop maintenance plans for each type of open space and will need to work with Parks & Rec to coordinate maintenance plans. The commission will inform the Legislative and Executive sections of the town’s government to assure coordination efforts.  There will be a great deal of items to be addressed, including maintenance of trails, hunting, use of pesticides, protection of the aquifer, installation of lighting, signs and monitoring by police, etc.

Commissioner Hovious stated that about 85% of the commission’s time this past year has been focused on the purchasing of open space.  Does the commission have the resources to complete such a large task?  Mr. Sibley noted the commission could hire a consultant. Volunteer organizations may want to be involved as well.  Properties will be prioritized and individual management plans could be developed and put in place.  

5.      Loveland and Southard Property Purchases.

The contract was signed by First Selectman Joe Borst for purchase of the Loveland Property.  The Trust for Public Land was given a check for $15,000.  The title search has been complete for the 18+ parcels of land from the Feola properties as well.

IV.     New Business

Request for Commission Approval for Grazing on Wasserman Property.

This item is placed on hold.

New Open Space Funding in Town Capital Improvement Plan.

Commissioner Hovious and Mr. Sibley made a presentation to Legislative Council to support the Commission’s Town Capital Improvement Plan, specifically $2 Million in each fiscal year of 2010-2011, 2011-12, 2012-13.  

Ferris Farm Trail.

Commissioner Barkman stated that Alex Denoto will not work on the Ferris Farm Trail, but Gordon Williams from the Lions Club asked her to write up a proposal that they would consider at their next board meeting.  They may provide funds and possibly to do some work on the trail.  Commissioner Barkman asked for three bids, only one bid came in but it was very low.  Barbara Kasbarian, the Director of Park & Rec, will know by May or June whether they have available funds.  Shirley Ferris called Mr. Sibley regarding the town's insurance.  Mr. Sibley stated that the insurance broker confirmed that all purchases in the future, in relation to easements and open space, are covered under the Town’s policy.  Commissioner Hovious suggested that Commissioner Barkman put a proposal together and send the commissioners a copy.  Commissioner Barkman volunteered to design a sign for Ferris Farm Trail and Laurel Trail.  

Planning & Zoning Referral

Commissioner Hovious opened up a discussion regarding a referral by Planning & Zoning of Hattertown, LLC.  The commissioners and Mr. Sibley reviewed maps and discussed open space options.  Mr. Sibley stated it is currently in front of the Inland Wetlands Commission with a public hearing scheduled for March 12th.  The commissioners will get together before the Conservation Commission’s next meeting on March 11th.

Commissioner Barkman motioned to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. and Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Motion carried unanimously.