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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
January 8, 2008, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Cramer, Wright and Kaley.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:00 p.m.

Commissioner Hovious noted there was a request to adjourn this meeting early in order to hear a presentation by Mr. Lundquist on the findings of the Newtown Survey that starts at 7:00 p.m.  

The public hearing was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

I.      Public Participation

No members of the public were present.  Mr. Hovious received an e-mail from Sue Newbury who is interested in volunteering for the Commission.  She was invited to this meeting but is not in attendance.

II.     Minutes

Minutes of December 11, 2007 – This was tabled until the next meeting.

III.    Old Business

1.      Update on implementation of 2007-2008 Budget

i.      Surveying

Mr. Sibley will speak with the surveyor and provide an update at a later date.  

ii.     GIS Training

Commissioner Hovius discussed the GIS training that was provided by Mr. Sibley.  Mr. Sibley will provide additional introductory training sessions for those who could not attend the first one.

2.      Action on Recommendation to P & Z to Clarify Open Space Definition.

Mr. Sibley stated that the Open Space Definition will be placed on the P & Z docket for their first meeting in February.  Once Mr. Sibley and George Benson finish the final draft, it will be forwarded electronically, within a week, to the Conservation Commission for their review prior to the January 22nd meeting.  The Conservation Commission is to provide a decision at that time.

3.      Transition Planning Update – Report on Meeting with the First Selectman

Mr. Sibley and George Benson met with the First Selectman, Joe Borst, to discuss the Land Use Agency, including it’s history, jobs, the commissions and current issues.  Mr. Borst stated he intends to meet with the Chairs of each Commission.  Commissioner Hovious will call Mr. Borst to make an appointment.  Commissioner Barkman stated that there are plans to present the Conservation Commission Powerpoint presentation to Mr. Borst.  Mr. Sibley stated that Mr. Borst was pleased with the Land Use budget proposal.  

4.       Action by P & Z on Moyle lot re-subdivision, 18 Osborne Hill Road, Sandy Hook.

Commissioner Hovious discussed the disconcerting information that P & Z rejected the Conservation Commission’s recommendation to accept fee-in-lieu-of for this property.

5.      Conservation Commission Draft Presentation Update.

This topic was discussed.  

IV.     New Business

1.      Election of Officers for 2008.

It was confirmed that Commissioner Wright was sworn in for the new year.  Commissioner Hovious asked for nominations.  Commissioner Ferguson nominated Joe Hovious as Chairman of the Newtown Conservation Commission for 2008.  Commissioner Barkman seconded the motion.  Commissioner Hovious accepted the nomination.  Commissioner Cramer nominated Pat Barkman as Vice-Chair.  Commissioner Kaley seconded.  Commissioner Barkman accepted the nomination.  Commissioner Kaley nominated George Ferguson as Secretary.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  Commissioner Ferguson accepted the nomination.  Motions carried unanimously.  

2.      Appointment of Land Use Official as Official Agent of the Commission.

Commissioner Hovious asked Rob Sibley to explain the role of official agent of the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Sibley noted that the Commission should name a staff member as agent to carry out regulatory enforcement.  Commissioner Wright moved to appoint Mr. Sibley as the official agent of the commission.  Commissioner Barkman seconded.  Commissioner Ferguson stated there should be an official definition written up.  The motion was amended to state the agent to be appointed will be the Land Use staff to the Conservation Commission.  Motion carried unanimously.

3.      Referral of the Liscinsky Property, Split Rock & Eden Hill Road.  

Mr. Sibley reviewed maps and provided an overview of this property.  Because this is a family subdivision, it is exempt from open space State statues.  Mr. Sibley reviewed this applicant’s Inland Wetlands application and the IW Commission’s suggestion for a conservation easement around a man made pond (a wetlands system off the property is associated with it).  The applicant is offering the conservation easement, but there are no requirements or recommendations for open space on this property.  No recommendation is required by the Conservation Commission.  This is for informational purposes only.  Commissioner Hovious will draft a letter indicating the commission has no comment.  

4.      Iroquois Pipeline.

Commissioner Hovious discussed information received by Iroquois regarding an environmental assessment for the pipeline.  Mr. Sibley discussed Iroquois’ Inland Wetlands application.  Iroquois’ plans are ultimately approved by FERC, but they accept public comments.  They decided that local jurisdiction can look at mitigation and to moderate the environmental impacts.  They have submitted an Inland Wetlands application and their decision will be forwarded to FERC.  The commissioners are welcomed to provide comment as private citizens.  The Inland Wetlands’ public hearing is scheduled for February 13th.  

Commissioner Cramer motioned to adjourn.  Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.