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CC 10/9/07


Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
October 09, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Wilson, Cramer, Kaley.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Conservation Official, Tammy Hazen, Clerk.

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:07 p.m.

I.      Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

II.     Minutes

Minutes of September 25, 2007.  Commissioner Ferguson motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  Minutes approved with changes.  

III.    Old Business

1.      Update on Plans to Implement 2007-2008 Budget

2007 – 2008 Budget:  Mr. Sibley asked the commissioners to submit office supply orders or requests for training to the Land Use Agency.  

2008 – 2009 Budget:  The commission is to review and provide requests for this budget.  An account will be set up with Auros printing.  There was a verbal estimate of $8,500.00 for the surveying of four properties.  This can be discussed more at the next meeting.  A new assessor’s database was discussed that will be interfaced with the GIS system.  Mr. Sibley also discussed training on the new Geographic Information System (GIS) that will be provided at the Middle School, probably during one of the school holidays.

2.      Commerce Road Economic Development/Open Space Discussion

Position Paper Update.  

Newtown Survey.  Commissioner Hovious discussed two versions of question 34 in the survey.  Commissioner Ferguson motioned for Commissioner Hovious to discuss this with Mr. Lindquist.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  Motion approved.  Commissioner Kaley asked if the commission could get a copy of the original survey.  

3.      Aquifer Protection Program.

The commission discussed the new Aquifer protection program that will be online late in 2008.

4.      Action on Recommendation to P & Z to Clarify Open Space Definition.

George Benson, Rob Sibley and Liz Stocker are dividing the responsibility of updating the regulations.  Conservation Commission will be given an opportunity to review the definition for comment.

5.      Surveying Status.

Item discussed previously.

6.      Membership and Future Meeting Procedures.

Commissioner Hovious discussed meeting attendance via telephone.  At this point, it seems the technology is not currently available to provide this without issues.  Commissioners may attend by phone as long as they are not required to maintain a quorum.  The conference room currently does not have a phone line available.  Mr. Sibley will discuss options with the building manager on running a phone line into the room, as well as, different types of telephone systems that can be used for conference calls (spider phones, etc.).

7.      Annual Report.

The annual report was completed by Mr. Sibley.  He will e-mail a copy to Commissioner Hovious.

IV.     New Business – Discussion and Care of Custody of Town Open Space

The Commission discussed a strategic plan for managing the Town’s open space, including the maintenance of the open space parcels and trails.  

Commissioner Ferguson motioned to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.