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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
September 11, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Cramer, Kaley, and Wright.
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Conservation Official; Tammy Hazen, Clerk.

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:06 p.m. and adjourned at 6:08 p.m.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:09 p.m.

Commissioner Cramer made a motion that the Chair of the Commission writes a letter to the First Selectman recommending purchases of properties #06-15 and #06-10.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  Approved.

Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

I.      Minutes

Ms. Hazen confirmed that prior meeting minutes have been posted by Jan Andras on the website.   

Minutes of August 28, 2007.  Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve minutes.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright.  Changes include: Under #5, Commissioner Cramer should be changed to Commissioner Barkman.  Item #5 last word on page 2, change authority to association.  Item #2 budget - the third sentence, change to “once the surveyor’s quotes are received …. “.  Updated minutes will be sent out to the Commission.

II.     Old Business

1.   Discussion of Plans to Implement 2007-2008 Budget

Mr. Sibley updated the commission on the budget.  The laptop computer will be available in two days.  The projection machine will be permanently stationed in the Land Use Office with a sign-up sheet.  Wireless connection and an updated GIS system will be on the computer.  There will be a special training session on the GIS system for the Commissioners.  

2.   Commerce Road Economic Development/Open Space Discussion

·       Commissioner Hovious began a discussion of a newly identified stonewall in the forested area.  Alicia Messier and George Benson updated the GIS with the location of the stonewall and forwarded an electronic map to the commission.

·       Commissioner Hovious asked for updates on the position paper.  Commissioner Wright will forward aquifer information to Commissioner Ferguson.  Commissioner Hovious and Ferguson will work on the paper for review by the Commission.

·       Commissioner Hovious discussed the motion from the August 7th special meeting.  Commissioner Ferguson drafted a letter that was distributed to the commission at this meeting.  The letter was reviewed by the commissioners and Mr. Sibley.  A new draft letter will be completed and submitted to the commission for approval at the next meeting.

4.   Action on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition.

Mr. Sibley will contact the Chairman of the Planning & Zoning commission.

5.   Mile-a-Minute Report

Mr. Sibley stated that Carl Samuelson in Parks and Rec. responded quickly to the request of renting a machine and cutting down the Mile-a-Minute vines along the Pootatuck River.  Sticks and Stones have been working on removing vines on their property.  Kathleen Nelson and her team have worked neighboring properties near the Draper property and at the original outbreak near Huntingtown Road.  She is informing neighbors with postcards and requesting access.  

Status on Surveying Proposal.  

Mr. Sibley updated the commission on the proposed surveys to be done by CCA and the budget of $12,000.  CCA will not be able to begin the surveys for another six weeks or so, but feels they could keep within the budget for all four properties.  

III.    New Business

Memberships and Future Meeting Proceedings.

Commissioner Hovious discussed three commissioners (Wright, Wilson & Barkman) terms that are expiring effective December 31, 2007.  The commission discussed the possibility of having Commissioner Wright participate via phone from Florida.

Commissioner Hovious discussed meeting attendance requirements in the by-laws.  

Commission Filing System

Commissioner Hovious and Mr. Sibley discussed with the Commissioners a new filing system to be developed in the Land Use office.  

2.   HVCEO letter on Map of constraints on development – The Commission determined that no further action was necessary regarding this correspondence.

3.   Annual Report request - Mr. Sibley will draft for the Commissioner’s approval.

Commissioner Cramer motioned to adjourn at 8:45 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.