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Regular Meeting
June 26, 2007, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Barkman, Ferguson, Cramer, Kaley and Wright.
Staff Present:  Rob Sibley, Conservation Official; Tammy Hazen, Clerk.

Executive session to discuss potential purchases of properties convened at 5:32 p.m. and adjourned at 6:05 p.m.

The public hearing was called to order at 6:16 p.m.

I.      Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

II.     Minutes

Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve minutes of May 8, 2007 with the following changes:  Item III. #2, the last sentence that read “The EDC is setting up the wetlands in this area with restricted conservation easements.” should be struck from the record.  Item III. #3, the last paragraph that read “Special Meeting – the Commission will walk the property on Monday, May 14th 2007 at 10:00 a.m., George Benson will be invited.” should be moved to Item #2.  Seconded by Commissioner Wright, as amended.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Ferguson motioned to approve minutes of May 14, 2007.  Seconded by Barkman.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Cramer motioned to approve minutes of May 22, 2007 with the following changes:  Item II, last paragraph, “Kramer” is misspelled, should be “Cramer”.  Item III, in the bulleted list under #2 – delete sentence in parenthesis under 1st bullet.  Also, under 2nd bullet, change sentence to read “Maintain a 30 foot buffer on the edge of the unnamed northern most tributary to Deep Brook.”  Seconded by Commissioner Ferguson, as amended.  Motion carried.

Tammy will be sending final approved amended minutes to Jan Andres in the First Selectman’s office.  Also, minutes have not been completed for the April 24, 2007 meeting.  Tammy will listen to the tape and complete the minutes.

III.    New Business

Alicia Messier presented information on her research project that will incorporate vernal pools into the natural resources database.  Questions by the Commission were answered and a hard copy of her Powerpoint presentation was distributed.  This research project is a first step to the future conservation of vernal pools.  

IV.     Old Business

1.      Education Subcommittee Report - Website

Commissioner Cramer stated that the Conservation Commission’s press release and rating sheet is now available on the town’s website.  Commissioner Ferguson will work with the Technology Department and Jan Andras to get the town’s updated open space map (that is due to be completed next month) and the “What is an Aquifer” presentation on the website.  

2.      Commerce Road Economic Development and Open Space Discussion

Commissioner Kaley presented the updated map outlining the new open-space proposal.  Commissioner Barkman motioned to accept the updated map as official.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Ferguson handed out a list of valid reasons why the Commissioners arrived to the consensus of the open space plan.

Commissioner Hovious stated that he and Commissioners Kaley and Barkman met with the EDC on June 19th and handed the updated map to them as a draft version.  It was noted that members of the EDC were very cooperative.

A discussion followed on how the Commission can continue to be involved in the development plans of this land.  The Commission discussed the possibility of requesting a meeting with the EDC where the public and media can be included.  Commissioner Hovious suggested the open space plan be presented to other boards and commissions within the town, i.e., Board of Selectman, Legislative Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands Commission, Julia Wasserman, as well as other influential groups, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Chamber of Commerce, The Borough, The Woman’s Club, and the Roots organization.  Commissioner Cramer will send this list via e-mail to the Commissioners.  

Commissioner Hovious will contact the EDC to inform them that the Commission has approved the updated map.  He will contact Scott in the Tech Department to get the map in .pdf format.

Report on Newbrook Planning and Zoning Meeting

Mr. Sibley stated that the plans for Newbrook, LLC were withdrawn from Brookfield, but not as yet in Newtown.  

Report on Recommendation to Planning & Zoning to Clarify Open Space Definition

Commissioner Hovious stated that he and Commissioners Wright and Wilson are working to update the definition of Open Space.  They will provide the Commission with proposed wording for the Planning and Zoning regulations by the next meeting.  

Report from Committees:  Map of Open Space Park near Southern Terminus of Al’s Trail

Item was discussed under Item 2.

Trees in Fairfield Hills.

Commissioner Cramer distributed a list of trees/plantings suggested by Sara Middeleer for the Fairfield Hills property.  The Commission discussed the list and made a few changes.  Commissioner Barkman made a motion to approve the list, as amended, and to have the list forwarded to Fairfield Hills Authority.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Motion carried.

Commission’s Budget

Commissioner Hovious met with Rita MacMillan and Jan Andras about the Commission’s budget.  The budget was approved and will be in the Land Use budget.  The budget will include a new lap top.
New Items – Presented by Mr. Sibley

Exit 11

Mr. Sibley discussed a public meeting where the DOT presented the new alignment of Exit 11.  The proposed truck stop has been removed from the DOT’s docket because of the aquifer in the area.  The removal of the bridges and long ramps will provide an excellent environmental benefit.  The work is scheduled to begin the Spring of 2009 and then scheduled to be completed in 2010.

Iroquois Pipeline

Mr. Sibley stated that Iroquois attended the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission meeting in Brookfield last week.  Brookfield is having a pump station added to their line.  Newtown will have a loop of 1.26 miles of pipeline added.  Comments on this project can be made on the FERC website.   This disturbance in Newtown will be regulated by local wetlands regulations, by the DEP on the state side, and by FERC on the federal side.   Mr. Sibley will e-mail the link to the FERC website to all Commissioners.  

Let it be noted that representatives from a local Boy Scout troop visited the Commission and were invited to join the Commission in planting trees at Dickenson Park.

Commissioner Ferguson made a Motion to Adjourn at 8:30 p.m.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.