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January 23, 2007, 6.00 P.M.
Newtown, CT


I.      Public Participation:
        There were no members of the public present

II.     Minutes Approval for 1/9/07 meeting
        Approval was tabled till the next meeting
III.    Old Business
1.      Introductory letter to Boards/Commissions.
        The Commission discussed and proofed the final draft letter distributed by              Mr. Sibley.  Commissioner Barkman moved to accept the letter as amended.        Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The motion was unanimously carried.

2.      Commerce Road Economic Development/Open Space Discussion.
§       Commissioner Ferguson gave a follow-up of a meeting of the Economic Development Commission (EDC) meeting that Commissioners Cramer, Barkman and he attended. The CC’s letter was read aloud by EDC Chair. Chet Hopper and he invited comments and discussion from the floor
§       The meeting was summarily reported in the “Bee”.
§       Also in attendance was William O’Neil, Chairman of Planning and Zoning Commission.  Mr. O’Neil suggested that a committee that includes Land Use Commissions, be formed to determine how best to proceed with this property.  Commissioner Cramer offered her services.
§       EDC Commissioner Kim Danziger spoke passionately and at length about the need to create a beautiful and enduring legacy with this property just as the Fairfield Hill Campus is viewed today.  He spoke knowledgeable about using Green Building techniques, including green roofs, cisterns, landscaping, low profile building, underground parking as strategies for discussion.
§       Commissioner Barkman and others met with Representative Wasserman to discuss the conveyance and use of this property. A thank you letter would be sent to Representative Wasserman.

§       Mr. Sibley met with other Land Use Office staff about this property.
§       Commissioner Hovious is scheduled to meet with Mr. Hopper of the EDC and will update the Commission at the next meeting.  

3.      Proposed “Bee” Article
Mr. Sibley distributed a draft for discussion and proofing.  A final version would be sent to Commissioner Cramer for approval.  Commissioner Barkman moved to have the final version sent to Commissioner Cramer for final approval and dispatched to the “Bee”.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  The motion was unanimously carried

4.      Update on draft property transfer procedure work process.

5.      Work needed for Nature Resource Inventory completion.

6.   Views of Newtown – proposed actions
Commissioners Wright and Barkman volunteered to work with Mr. Sibley and will report back to the Commission at the next meeting

IV      New Business
        1.   By-Laws update
        The Commission discussed and edited the by-laws distributed by Commissioner     Hovious.  Commissioner Cramer moved to accept the by-laws as amended.   Seconded by Commissioner Barkman.  The motion was unanimously carried.

        2.   Sandy Hook Design Guidelines
        Commissioner Hovious met with Elizabeth Stocker who will send the most recent   version to be discussed further upon receipt.

At 7:45 p.m. Commissioner Barkman made a motion to go into Executive Session.  Seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The vote was unanimous.

Agenda for Executive Session:
1.      Review updated priority listing
2.      05-13 update
3.      06-19 news
4.      New property discussion and planning 06-13, 06-15, 06-16 and 06-17

The meeting was adjourned.