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July 11, 2006, 6:00 P.M.
31 Pecks Lane
Newtown, CT  


I.      Accepting Minutes
Cramer made a motion to accept the minutes of June 27, 2006, second by Wilson; all voted in favor.

II.     Public Participation
- Hovious reported that Atty. Camille DeGalan, with offices in Danbury contacted him about Mr. Milton Adams, 1 Twist Hill Lane; the Conservation Commission had reviewed a subdivision application that was later approved by P&Z including open space; DeGalan told Hovious that Mr. Adams would like to submit a new application offering fee in lieu of open space and not land. Hovious said that the application should be on the agenda for the July 25, 2006 meeting.

-A resident of Newtown called the Land Use Office with complaints about not being allowed to kayak Taunton Lake; he said that a member of the Newtown Fish and Game Club told him not to be there or the town open space by the lake. The Land Use Office advised him to talk to the First Selectman’s Office.

III.    Correspondence and Communications
-Hovious reported that he had a conversation with O’Neil, about the subdivision application by Maritza Izquierdo, Parmelee Hill Road, he said that the proposed open space was different from what the Conservation Commission had originally reviewed; O’Neil said that he would not be present at the scheduled hearing for said application but that there would be further discussion.

-Newtown Heights, Hovious reported that a new package had been submitted for this application

IV.     Old Business
Barkman reported that the trees for the Labor Day Parade were ordered, she said that there could be some funds available through the Land Use Office, as well as help with the flyers.
-Planning and Zoning pending application spreadsheet; Hovious said that there were three applications of interest to the Conservation Commission, and that it would be helpful to get the spreadsheet every time it was updated. It was said that Ann Mazur, The Land Use Administrative Assistant was the person in charge of updating and distributing the spreadsheet.

-Hovious reported that William O’Neil informed him that there were some changes to the P&Z regulations to have the wording “Inland Wetlands Commission” instead of “Conservation Commission”, the areas of interest to the new Conservation Commission needed to be identified within the Planning & Zoning Regulations.

-The Planning & Zoning Administrative Assistant sent comments by the Town Engineer regarding the Newtown Heights Subdivision to Hovious. There was some discussion about a common driveway according to the subdivision regulations. The Conservation Commission would send a memo to the Planning & Zoning Commission based on the motion made at the June 27, 2006 meeting.

V.      New Business
-Hovious reported that the Town Clerk informed him that the Conservation Commission was to submit an annual report by October 2006; the Conservation Official said that he would submit that report as the staff for the Commission.

VI.     Executive Session
Parkman moved to enter executive session at 6:40 p.m. to discuss acquisition of properties, second by Ferguson; carried 7-0