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     (Former Ad Hoc Open Space Task Force)

June 13, 2006, 6:00 P.M.
Newtown, CT

WILSON came at 6:18p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 6:08 p.m.

Accepting the Minutes of May 23, 2006
Ferguson said that in item III. Presentation on Responsibilities and Goals should say “its work” and not “the fact”.
Hovious said that in item IV. Aquifer Protection reviews
Inland Wetlands should be capitalized.  
Wright moved to approve minutes as corrected second by Ferguson; carried 5-0.

Hovious said that the letter was sent to Bill O’Neil regarding the Hunter Ridge Subdivision in response to a memo from the Borough Zoning Commission Chair, but a letter wasn’t sent to Mr. Franz R. Pielmieri; the Commission had made a motion at the May 23, 2006 meeting to send a letter in response to correspondence by Mr. Pielmieri requesting information on Newtown Open Space Regulations. Sibley said that the Commission needed to specify in their motions the person expected to write correspondence.

Public Participation
No public participation was noted.

Mandatory referral by P&Z, Maritza Izquierdo, Parmelee Hill Road,
This application was denied by the Zoning Board of Appeals, and based on that decision the applicant reconfigured the lots before submitting to P&Z. The Open Space Task Force, now the Conservation Commission had reviewed a set of maps dated November 14, 2005; the open space as it was shown on those plans linked to other town open space. The new plan did not show open space and there was no reference to fee in lieu of open space. Rob Sibley, Conservation Official said that the plans that were currently before P&Z were the plans that the Conservation Commission would have to make their recommendation based on.

Ferguson made a motion to send a memo to P&Z recommending this application to be disapproved as presented, or encourage the applicant to include open space as shown on the plan dated November 14, 2005, second by Wright. Ferguson amended to indicate that the above recommendation was made because the open space as shown on those plans would connect with Georges Hill Road Extension Open Space and Parmelee Hill Road, second by Wilson, all voted in favor of both motions. A copy of the mentioned map will be included with the memo to William O’Neil.

Mandatory Referral by P&Z, Faffie Aryeh
Hovious said that he was very confused reviewing the application because of all the divisions that had been approved on the property; he read correspondence between O’Neil and the developer’s attorney about open space, O’Neil noted that the applicant had met the open space requirements, but the Conservation Commission could have questions about changes in the access.
Sibley said that the applicant had meet an exceeded the open space requirements when the first phase of the development came before Planning & Zoning. The applicant has been developing the parcel in accordance with the recommendations made by P&Z in the original approval.

Wilson made a motion to request the applicant an additional access easement to be located off Newtown Heights Road that would link the end of the cul-de-sac with the open space that would run between lots 15A and 15B, along the property line that divides lots 15A and 15B into the Town of Newtown Open Space, accessing a 15’ wide equestrian trail easement. It is also recommended to request that the existing open space be posted with the town of Newtown open space markers. All voted in favor of this motion.

Barkman asked for a committee to organize a float for the Labor Day Parade; this year the theme is open space. Ferguson said that he would volunteer, but not as an ad hoc, Cramer also volunteered with Barkman and Ferguson. Other members will bring ideas by the next meeting.

Cramer moved to enter executive session at 7:19 p.m. to discuss acquisition of property, second by Wright, carried 6-0.