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P. O. Box 87
Newtown, Connecticut
~ Minutes ~
Minutes of Public Regular Meeting –
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Newtown, CT

There was a regular meeting of the Cable Advisory Council called to order at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by Chairman Jim Lang at the Charter Communications facility, Newtown, Connecticut.

ATTENDEES:  Chairman Jim Lang (Trumbull) Carl Braun (Woodbury), Donna Cassidy (Trumbull), Ray Juskiewicz (New Fairfield), Bob Bell (New Fairfield), Carmella Amodeo (Newtown), Gregory Davis (Roxbury), George Linkletter (Sherman), Tom Joyner (Sherman) and Paul Katzman (Southbury).  From Charter: Tim Noonan (Director of Operations), Greg Van Antwerp (Public Access), and Heidi Vandenbrouch (Public Relations)


Donna Cassidy made a motion to approve the minutes of the November 15, 2011 meeting as presented.  Gregory Davis seconded the motion.  Vote: 8-0-2 (Motion approved) (George Linkletter and Carmella Amodeo abstained)

Treasurer Carl Braun reported that Checking account current balance is $3,231.68. The Money Market balance is $6,156.80.  The 12-month CD balance is $13,430.15 with total assets equaling $22,818.63.  

Donna Cassidy made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Carmella Amodeo seconded the motion.  Vote: 10-0-0 (Motion approved)
(Treasurer’s report attached to the minutes of this meeting)


There was a discussion at the November meeting regarding the challenges that customer Gregory Davis encountered with Charter during the power outage due to Winter Storm Alfred on Oct. 29th.  It was decided at the November 15th meeting to have Charter track this particular customer’s call to see where improvements can be made.  Charter Director of Operations Tim Noonan noted that this call was researched and regrettably this was a lack of communication with the dispatcher and technicians at the jobs.  It was noted that 16,000 customers were out during that time.  Mr. Noonan gave his business card out and noted that he would be more than happy to help customers in the future.  There was a discussion of ways to avoid such problems in the future.

There was a suggestion at the November 15th meeting regarding the possibility of having an outage map for Charter similar to that on the CL&P website.  This would show areas that are out and approximate restoration times.  Tim Noonan noted that Charter really liked this idea and will look into this in the future.  This will be discussed further at the March 13th Charter Advisory Council meeting.

Greg Van Antwerp
  • Gave a Public Access Report that outlined everything that was done in 2011 and also gave out the January/February newsletter for Community Vision 21.
  • Spoke of the internship and noted that it was free.  Council members were asked to inform members of their communities.  George Linkletter attended the last internship and encouraged others to do the same.  
  • Spoke of the possibility of having Charter produce a show for local leaders such as First Selectmen and Mayors that wish to share a message with their communities.  Gregory Davis suggested that the local representatives be notified of this ahead of time so that they can participate if desired.
  • Charter won the 2011 ACC Beacon award for running a campaign to collect DVDs for troops and to distribute them to men and women serving in the military.  The deadline for this is January 31, 2012 but it was noted that they will accept DVDs throughout the year.
  • The election night coverage was very successful.
Customer Experience Transformation Initiative
Tim Noonan spoke of the Customer Experience Transformation Initiative that Charter has started.  This is a three day training that gives technicians training for dealing with customers and is run by an in-house training department.  The goal of this program is to provide Charter customers with the best possible customer service and make sure that all their needs have been met.  Bob Bell asked about a suggestion made at a previous meeting to hang a sign in the customer service room giving customers a phone number to call if they were not completely satisfied.  Tim Noonan will follow-up to see if this has been done.  George Linkletter suggested that Charter bring a statement to each council meeting outlining everything going on with Charter so that the council members can report it back to their town.


Donna Cassidy made a motion to hire Suzanne Kloos as the recording secretary.  Ray Juskiewicz seconded the motion.  Vote: 10-0-0 (Motion approved)


Tom Joyner spoke of an e-mail that he sent on January 9th.  Some of the members did not receive this e-mail.  The main topics of this e-mail were customer service, privacy on the internet and bundling of Charter services.  Since Chairman Lang did not receive this e-mail, Mr. Joyner will resend directly to him and Mr. Lang will resend to the members along with attachments.  This will be discussed further at the March meeting.

Gregory Davis noted that the last meeting of the Statewide Video Advisory Council was fairly short with the only business conducted being a wrap up and approval of minutes  from the previous year and an acceptance of the agenda for 2012.

Paul Katzmark made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46pm- Vote 10-0-0 (Motion approved)