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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, November 18, 2013 @ 5:00 pm


The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, November 18, 2013 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  Chairman Curt Symes called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm.

Members Present:  JoAnne Albanesi, Karin Aurelia, LeReine Frampton, Margaret Imbro, Anne Rothstein, Larry Schneider, Curt Symes (Chair), Sheila Torres (Co Vice-Chair) and Anna Wiedemann; Support & Advisory Present:  Marilyn Pace, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly. Not Present:  Joan Plouffe and Joanne Davis (Co-Vice Chair)

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – John Boccuzzi, Bob Sharpe and Tracy Brady were present, along with other members of the public.  Mr. Symes stated that Mr. Boccuzzi and Ms. Brady have submitted requests to be appointed to the commission.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ms. Wiedemann motioned to approve the minutes of October 21, 2013.  Ms. Frampton seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (Attachment A) – Mr. Symes distributed and discussed his report.  He noted that 500 copies of the Senior Resources Guide have been distributed.  They are working on posting the electronic version on the Town’s website.  There has been more outreach and visibility for Seniors around town as well as new issues that have surfaced, such as the increase in the mil rate and how it has effected taxes.  Ms. Frampton felt something should be done to help the seniors.  Mr. Symes said he would like to restart the strategy, survey and grants work that was previously planned for the year.  Teams will be put together in January.  

Ms. Imbro has been doing some investigation on affordable senior housing.  She submitted a report on a housing forum sponsored by New Fairfield CoA (see Attachment A1).  The seminar was to gather public opinion in exploring the impact of a potential Senior District.  Ms. Torres asked if the committee was formed because the CoA determined there was a need to address senior housing issues or were they exploring the idea and how was this determined.  Ms. Imbro said it is a combination and that they provided surveys through the local paper in 2004 and 2012. Mr. Symes said that the surveys are important to surface key issues.  Elderly housing has been discussed for Fairfield Hills.

Ms. Place agrees that affordable housing is needed in Town.  Ms. Piccini said there are different stages of seniors that need to be addressed.  She noted concerns that Nunnawauk Meadows is suppose to be independent living but have residents that need 24 hour care and should probably be in assisted living.  Mr. Symes said Nunnawauk Meadows has a vision to expand but has limited funding available.  Ms. Place noted previous discussions about using the Middle School for a new Senior Center with senior housing in the back.  Ms. Torres discussed an invitation she received to participate in a HUD program called “Aging in Place” that will be held in January.  She will share the link to the webinar.  Mr. Symes asked the commissioners to think about topics each commissioner would like to focus on.  

ANNUAL MEETING / Confirmation of Election of Officers – Mr. Symes asked for a confirmation of the vote on election of officers.  Ms. Imbro motioned that Mr. Symes will continue on as the Chair, Co-Vice Chairs will continue to be Sheila Torres and Joanne Davis, and Larry Schneider as Treasurer.  Ms. Frampton seconded the motion and all were in favor.  


Discussion of Newtown Senior Center Requirements – Mr. Symes opened discussion.  Ms. Aurelia said she found a letter from the Town that explained some documentation on previous changes in plans for a new Senior Center.  Ms. Torres said that she has worked with Ms. Place and reviewed requirements.  There has been a draft plan drawn up.  Monroe, Oxford and Woodbury used Shelton’s senior center as a main model.  The proposed plan for Newtown’s new Senior Center will incorporate all information gathered from these locations.  The main room being 1,800 sq ft which is dividable using removable walls with a walkway around the perimeter.  The meeting room/classroom to be 320 sq ft; a 300 sq ft full-size kitchen; potential coffee nook outside from the kitchen; a game room; and an private room that can be used by the municipal agent.  The large main room will have these other rooms around the perimeter with interior windows to allow visibility and light.

Discussion of 2014 CoA Strategy, Proposed Survey and Grants – Mr. Symes reiterated that they will restart these discussions in 2014, as noted in his report.  


Discussion on Request for Holiday Party Funding from CoA Gift Fund – Ms. Place discussed the funding needed for the Holiday Party.  The bazaar was a great success with $2,171.25 initially deposited and more to be deposited bringing in approximately $2,400.00.  The volunteers were very creative this year and used all existing supplies.  The Bazaar was advertised on Channel 21, in the Patch, in The Bee, in the newsletter, etc.  The money will be used to offset the cost of the holiday party, which will be at Capellaro’s on December 10th.  Mr. Symes asked if there could be another bazaar in the year since this one was so successful.  Ms. Place said it is very time-consuming.  She discussed the possibility of having a store where people could buy things throughout the year.  Mr. Symes said many senior centers have permanent stores where items made by seniors could be sold.  Ms. Place requested a total of $1,545.00 from the gift fund as described in her report to offset the cost of the annual holiday party for the seniors.  Ms. Albanesi motioned to approve $1,545.00 from the gift fund to be used to offset the cost of the Holiday Party.  Ms. Imbro seconded and the motion was carried.

Request for Help Planning Newtown-hosted Western CT CoA Summit – Item tabled.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment B) – Ms. Aurelia distributed her report.  She noted that the balance of $36,644.86 shown in the report does not include the money from the bazaar.  The process of check requests were discussed.  Mr. Symes said the financial processes will be revisited.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment C) – Ms. Place discussed her report as attached.  She said the Elder Law Forum had a positive response.  Mr. Symes felt there should be multiple professionals being represented.  Ms. Frampton asked if the program numbers could be represented in the new format.  Ms. Place will provide that report electronically.  She then handed out information on The Connecticut Elder Justice Conference that will be held on Friday, November 22, 2013 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (see Attachment C1).

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT (Attachment D) – Ms. Piccini reviewed her report as attached.  She noted there were many volunteers with the food drive and that many residents are being helped by the food pantry.  Ms. Place said the Praxair Cancer Center provided a $50,000 grant for the Town to hire a part-time 27 hr/week Social Worker Liaison to assist the Senior Center, Senior Services and the Police.  Mr. Symes said with the current state of the economy, the incidence of people needing help continues to grow dramatically.  

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Mary Hanlon asked what can be done to help the seniors in town.  Janice Garten said she just came to observe and is new to the senior center.  Mr. Symes and Ms. Place thanked Mr. Boccuzzi and Ms. Brady for attending the meeting.  Ms. Brady explained that Maplewood should be open the end of 2014 and will focus on dementia care.  This new innovative approach may include apartments on site for doctor interns.  Ms. Torres asked if there were any plans to help lower income seniors with these needs.  Ms. Brady said there has been ongoing conversations regarding this issue and knows of seniors who could benefit from these services but cannot afford them.  It is a great challenge.  

Mr. Boccuzzi said there is a very vibrant senior community in Newtown that needs to be heard from.  He feels the public participation should be at the beginning of the meeting and that commissioners should spend time at the Senior Center.  He feels the community is not heard from unless there is a budget to be passed, etc.  He is concerned that people are turned away from exercise classes and that more classes should be scheduled.  Mr. Symes discussed potentially using off site space for additional exercise programs.  Mr. Symes said gathering this type of feedback using a survey is essential.  

ADJOURNMENT Mr. Schneider motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ms. Imbro.  All were in favor.  The meeting adjourned at 6:46 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, November 18, 2013 @ 5:00 pm

Motions Only


The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, November 18, 2013 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  

Chairman Curt Symes called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm.

Members Present:  JoAnne Albanesi, Karin Aurelia, LeReine Frampton, Margaret Imbro, Anne Rothstein, Larry Schneider, Curt Symes (Chair), Sheila Torres (Co Vice-Chair) and Anna Wiedemann; Support & Advisory Present:  Marilyn Pace, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly. Not Present:  Joan Plouffe and Joanne Davis (Co-Vice Chair),

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Ms. Wiedemann motioned to approve the minutes of October 21, 2013.  Ms. Frampton seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

ANNUAL MEETING / Confirmation of Election of Officers – Mr. Symes asked for a confirmation of the vote on election of officers.  Ms. Imbro motioned that Mr. Symes will continue on as the Chair, Co-Vice Chairs will continue to be Sheila Torres and Joanne Davis, and Treasurer will be Larry Schneider.  Ms. Frampton seconded the motion and all were in favor.  


Discussion on Request for Holiday Party Funding from CoA Gift Fund – Ms. Place discussed the cost of the Holiday Party.  Ms. Albanesi motioned to approve $1,545,00 from the gift fund to be used to offset the cost of the Holiday Party.  Ms. Imbro seconded and the motion was carried.

ADJOURNMENT Mr. Schneider motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ms. Imbro.  All were in favor.  The meeting adjourned at 6:46 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk