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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Annual & Regular Meeting
Monday, October 21, 2013 @ 5:00 pm


The Commission on Aging held its Annual & Regular meeting on Monday, October 21, 2013 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  

Chairman Curt Symes called the meeting to order at 5:10 pm.

Members Present:  JoAnne Albanesi, Karin Aurelia, Joanne Davis (Co-Vice Chair), LeReine Frampton, Margaret Imbro, Joan Plouffe, Anne Rothstein, Larry Schneider, Curt Symes (Chair), Sheila Torres (Co Vice-Chair) and Anna Wiedemann; Support & Advisory Present:  Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly, Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, was on vacation.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES for 08-19-13 and 09-16-13 – Ms. Frampton motioned to approve both sets of minutes.  Ms. Imbro seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (Attachment A) – Mr. Symes distributed and discussed his report.  He thanked the Community Relations and Outreach Team and the commissioners who helped staff the CoA Booth at the Newtown Cultural Arts Festival.  It proved to be an excellent venue for visibility of the senior work across Newtown.  Over 100 copies of the new Senior Resources Guide were given out.  He also recognized and asked everyone to welcome Judy Vitare as the new Assistant to the Director of the Senior Center.  He discussed 2014 planned activities and asked commissioners for their continued input on priorities.  

ANNUAL MEETING (Annual Report and Election of Officers) – Mr. Symes distributed and briefly discussed the CoA Annual Report to be included in the 2013 publication (Attachment B).
A nominating committee, convened in August and appointed by the Chair in September, reported that nominations for Officers which had been received as of the October deadline were as follows: for Treasurer, Larry Schneider; for Co-Vice Chairs, Sheila Torres and Joanne Davis; and for Chair, Curt Symes.  Karin Aurelia then asked to place her name in nomination for Treasurer for the upcoming term, and her nomination was accepted for the ballot.  Ballots were collected by Ms. Plouffe.  Curt Symes remains the Chair, Sheila Torres and Joanne Davis remain as Co-Vice Chairs, all with nine votes each, and Mr. Schneider was voted as the new Treasurer with seven of nine votes.  Finalization of the voting will take place at the November meeting, due to late posting of the Agenda to the Town Clerk’s office.    


Report on Cultural Arts Festival & Senior Resources Guide – Ms. Torres said the Newtown Arts Festival was an extremely successful outreach and networking opportunity (see Attachment C).  She thanked everyone who worked behind the scenes and who volunteered at the event.  The involvement of the Municipal Agent and Nunnawauk Meadows was very well received.  She discussed conversations and inputs from Newtown Boomers and Seniors who stopped by to ask questions and share insights.  A town-wide Senior Survey will be the next major task undertaken by the team.  Updates and minor corrections to the Senior Resources Guide are being compiled for a planned 2014 update.  

Discussion of Newtown Senior Center Requirements – Mr. Symes explained that the commission has conducted selective visits to other area senior centers, looking at structure, layout and program facilities.  He said the commission will continue to review the original plans compiled from earlier years and assess capabilities across Newtown to host currently constrained senior center programs.

My Senior Center – Mr. Symes noted that he and Ms. Torres checked out Oxford’s “My Senior Center” and discussed the benefits and concerns they have.  He explained some issues and challenges the program has as well as how helpful it can be.  Ms. Torres said how effective the database can be and what benefits it can provide.  Further analysis is required.


Discussion on Request for Holiday Party Funding from CoA Gift Fund – Mr. Symes said Ms. Place asked for funding for the Holiday Party.  Mr. Symes asked Ms. Aurelia what the time frame may be for this request.  The commission has some questions and could not vote at this particular time due to the delayed posting of the Agenda at the town Clerk’s office.    

Request for Help Planning Newtown-hosted Western CT CoA Summit – Mr. Symes said he and Ms. Imbro are reaching out and touching base with chairs from surrounding CoAs.  They are looking to host a summit to share ideas and challenges each have faced and determine best practices.  

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment D) – Ms. Aurelia said the balance of the CoA Gift Fund is $36,575.61.  The commissioners briefly discussed the costs of the Holiday Hill event.  

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment E) – Ms. Place was on vacation, but provided a written report.  

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT (Attachment F) – Ms. Piccini reviewed her report as attached.  The commissioners discussed her budget which she said consists primarily of two salaries and $400.00 for supplies, plus a small amount for dues and subscriptions, and the Social Services Gift Fund.  Most funds come from the Salvation Army.  As a result of 12/14, they only had one weekend of bell ringing which significantly limited funds collected.  Ms. Piccini estimated that she has expended approximately  $9,000 toward client services this year.  Last year approximately $15,000 to $16,000 was paid out.   Ms. Piccini said it’s difficult to estimate yearly needs because the needs fluctuate.    


ADJOURNMENT Ms. Frampton motioned to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ms. Albanesi.  All were in favor.  The meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk