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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, September 17, 2012


The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, September 17, 2012 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Members Present:  Thomas Dwyer,  Larry Schneider, Curt Symes, Sheila Torres, Mary Ellen Lydem, Joanne Davis, Margaret Imbro, JoAnne Albanesi, Anne Rothstein.

Members Excused: Karin Aurelia, LeReine Frampton and Joan Plouffe

Support & Advisory Present: Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services; Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly; Maryhelen McCarthy, Police Officer, Newtown Police Department & TRIAD Representative; Robert Sharpe, Chair, Senior Action Committee

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – Mr. Dwyer has received a letter from the Legislative Council stating that it’s reviewing the Town Charter and wished to know if there is anything in it affecting the COA’s duties that they would like to have changed. He said that he was in the process of obtaining the sections of the Charter that apply to the COA and would send them to the Commissioners for review and comment when he gets them.  

Mr. Dwyer has also received a letter from the Town Clerk requesting a report on COA activity during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 for inclusion in the town’s 2011 Annual Report. He said that he’ll prepare one and circulate it to the Commissioners for comment and suggestions before sending it in for publication.   


Senior Resources Guide – Ms. Torres apologized for not having the final Guide ready for the recent Open House and distributed the latest draft along with a “mock-up” and a list of questions aimed at obtaining consistent input and improving its content which she requested answers to by October 2nd. She will consolidate comments, highlight common themes and revise the draft accordingly and then resend it to Commissioners for a final round of reviews. She will also get a third quote for printing costs and when printing is completed the Guide will be made available at the Senior Center and perhaps at the December meeting.

Planned Giving Program – Mr. Symes reported that Finance Director Robert Tait and Town Attorney David Grogins have made revisions to his proposed wording and the document now has to be approved by the Board of Selectmen, the Legislative Council and possibly the Board of Finance. Ms. Place suggested that after final approval is obtained seminars should be held to make the public aware of it.  

Strategic Planning Team – Ms. Torres said the team continues to meet weekly and will be updating its short term strategy calendar of activities for the rest of this year. They will be getting ready for the time when the new team structures are in place and all Commissioners are involved in setting goals for next year.

Volunteers for New Teams – Ms. Davis distributed a document entitled NEWTOWN COMMISSION ON AGING: Proposed Focus Teams as of 9/17/12 (Attachment A to the original minutes) that listed the names of those who have volunteered thus far to be members of the five teams created at Commission’s August meeting. She requested that those who have not yet signed up for one or more of the teams do so as soon as possible by notifying her.  

Visits to Senior Centers in Nearby Towns – Ms. Place reported that because of a very busy summer season she has been unable to schedule any visits since those last spring but expects to start this program up again in the near future.

Mr. Dwyer distributed an article from the August 30th issue of the Hartford Courant (Attachment B to the original minutes) describing Middletown’s (CT) plan to construct  a new Senior Center for an estimated cost of $5.72 million. Their plan is to pay for most of it with city funds, if approved in a forthcoming referendum, plus grants in the $1 million range. Ms. Rothstein volunteered to contact those involved to find the source of the grants they’re considering.  

Proposed New Senior Center & CIP Status – Mr. Dwyer distributed an extract from the Community Facilities section of Newtown’s PLAN OF CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT which was approved at a Public Hearing on September 6th. The document describes the Senior Center and notes that the town’s senior population has been increasing. He attached to it an article from the August 24th issue of the Bee explaining the purpose of the PLAN. (Attachment C to the original minutes).

Ms. Place stated that she has asked Finance Director Robert Tait whether an estimated amount for constructing a new Senior Center should be shown in the town’s CIP when it’s next revised and he replied that this not necessary. He told her that the current entry of $500,000 for the design phase, which is scheduled for 2016 - 2017, is sufficient.

COA Open House in September – Mr. Dwyer complimented Ms. Torres on the work she did in preparing, printing and distributing a pamphlet at the Open House describing the purpose of the COA, providing background information on the Commissioners, comparing Newtown’s Senior Center with several neighboring ones and explaining why the town needs a new one.

The Commissioners agreed that the Open House was a success which was largely due to the efforts of Ms. Place and thanked her for what she did. Ms. Place and the Senior Center staff worked very hard at providing an informative, welcome atmosphere. Ms. Torres added that she thought the exhibits from Ambulance, TRIAD and others were very good but she would have liked to have seen more street signs promoting the event. She suggested that money be budgeted for this the next time there’s an Open House. Ms. Albanesi was recognized for her efforts in arranging for the ambulance and for making available copies of the File of Life, which attendees were able to complete at the Open House. T-shirts and tote bags with a Newtown Senior Center logo were sold, as approved by the Commission, and were popular with attendees and Senior Center members.  These will continue to be available at the Senior Center. Commissioners who donated refreshments were thanked for their contributions.

Officer McCarthy was thanked for providing the Commissioners with copies of photographs taken during the event.

MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2012 MEETING - Mr. Symes moved to approve the Minutes of August 21, 2012 as submitted;  seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT - As Treasurer Aurelia was not in attendance Ms. Place distributed a report of activity in the COA’s Gift Fund for the period July 1, 2012 to August 14, 2012 issued by the Finance Department. The report was dated September 17, 2012 and showed that the ending balance in the account was $28,833.88. (Attachment D to the original minutes). Ms. Lydem moved to approve the report; seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT - Ms. Place distributed her report for the period August 22, 2012 to September 17, 2012 (Attachment E to the original minutes) and stated that although she had obtained approval at the August meeting to buy decals to sell at the the Open House she decided to offer tote bags for sale instead. As the purchase price for the bags was $90.00 more than the $700.00 appropriated at the August meeting for all items to sell at the Open House. Ms. Imbro moved to approve the withdrawal of an additional $90.00 from the Gift Fund to pay for them;  seconded by Ms. Albanesi and unanimously approved.

Ms. Place mentioned that Officer McCarthy donated a camera for Senior Center’s use and the Commission extended their gratitude for her generosity.

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT – Ms. Piccini distributed a report of her activities since the Commission’s August meeting (Attachment F to the original minutes).   


Appointment of Committee to Nominate Officers for 2013 - Mr. Dwyer appointed Ms. Lydem, Ms. Frampton and Ms. Plouffe to serve as a committee to nominate candidates for serving as officers of the Commission in 2013 to be voted on at the October meeting. He requested anyone interested in becoming an officer to notify a member of the committee and stated that if more than one person expresses an interest in a particular officer position it may be necessary to hold an election using secret ballots. He asked the committee to notify the Commissioners of their proposed candidates prior to the October meeting so they will have sufficient time to decide on who to vote for or whether to nominate someone at the meeting which is permitted by the bylaws.        

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION – Louise Zierzow of One Alder Lane, Newtown stated that in her opinion the size of the print in the draft Senior Resources Guide is too small.

ADJOURNMENT – Ms. Lydem moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Margaret Wilkin, Clerk

Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, September 17, 2012


The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, September 17, 2012 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Members Present:  Thomas Dwyer,  Larry Schneider, Curt Symes, Sheila Torres, Mary Ellen Lydem, Joanne Davis, Margaret Imbro, JoAnne Albanesi, Anne Rothstein.

Members Excused: Karin Aurelia, LeReine Frampton and Joan Plouffe

Support & Advisory Present:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services; Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly; Maryhelen McCarthy, Police Officer, Newtown Police Department & TRIAD Representative; Robert Sharpe. Chair, Senior Action Committee

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – Mr. Dwyer has received a letter from the Legislative Council stating that it’s reviewing the Town Charter and wished to know if there is anything in it affecting the COA’s duties that they would like to have changed. He said that he was in the process of obtaining the sections of the Charter that apply to the COA and would send them to the Commissioners for review and comment when he gets them.  

Mr. Dwyer has also received a letter from the Town Clerk requesting a report on COA activity during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 for inclusion in the town’s 2011 Annual Report. He said that he’ll prepare one and circulate it to the Commissioners for comment and suggestions before sending it in for publication.   


Senior Resources Guide – Ms. Torres apologized for not having the final Guide ready for the recent Open House and distributed the latest draft along with a “mock-up” and a list of questions aimed at obtaining consistent input and improving its content which she requested answers to by October 2nd. She will consolidate comments, highlight common themes and revise the draft accordingly and then resend it to Commissioners for a final round of reviews. She will also get a third quote for printing costs and when printing is completed the Guide will be made available at the Senior Center and perhaps at the December meeting.

Planned Giving Program – Mr. Symes reported that Finance Director Robert Tait and Town Attorney David Groggins have made revisions to his proposed wording and the document now has to be approved by the Board of Selectmen, the Legislative Council and possibly the Board of Finance. Ms. Place suggested that after final approval is obtained seminars should be held to make the public aware of it.  
Strategic Planning Team – Ms. Torres said the team continues to meet weekly and will be updating its short term strategy calendar of activities for the rest of this year. They will be getting ready for the time when the new team structures are in place and all Commiss-ioners are involved in setting goals for next year.

Volunteers for New Teams – Ms. Davis distributed a document entitled NEWTOWN COMMISSION ON AGING: Proposed Focus Teams as of 9/17/12 (Attachment A to the original minutes) that listed the names of those who have volunteered thus far to be members of the five teams created at Commission’s August meeting. She requested that those who have not yet signed up for one or more of the teams do so as soon as possible by notifying her.  

Visits to Senior Centers in Nearby Towns – Ms. Place reported that because of a very busy summer season she has been unable to schedule any visits since those last spring but expects to start this program up again in the near future.

Mr. Dwyer distributed an article from the August 30th issue of the Hartford Courant (Attachment B to the original minutes) describing Middletown’s (CT) plan to construct  a new senior center for an estimated cost of $5.72 million. Their plan is to pay for most of  it with city funds, if approved in a forthcoming referendum, plus grants in the $1 million range. Ms. Rothstein volunteered to contact those involved to find the source of the grants they’re considering.  

Proposed New Senior Center & CIP Status – Mr. Dwyer distributed an extract from the Community Facilities section of Newtown’s PLAN OF CONSERVATION & DEVELOP-MENT which was approved at a Public Hearing on September 6th. The document describes the Senior Center and notes that the town’s senior population has been increasing. He attached to it an article from the August 24th issue of the Bee explaining the purpose of the PLAN. (Attachment C to the original minutes).

Ms. Place stated that she has asked Finance Director Robert Tait whether an estimated amount for constructing a new Senior Center should be shown in the town’s CIP when it’s next revised and he replied that this not necessary. He told her that the current entry of $500,000 for the design phase, which is scheduled for 2016 - 2017, is sufficient.

COA Open House in September – Mr. Dwyer complimented Ms. Torres on the work she did in preparing, printing and distributing a pamphlet at the Open House describing the purpose of the COA, providing background information on the Commissioners, comparing Newtown’s Senior Center with several neighboring ones and explaining why the town needs a new one.

The Commissioners agreed that the Open House was a success which was largely due to the efforts of Ms. Place and thanked her for what she did. Ms. Torres added that she thought the exhibits from Ambulance, TRIAD and others were very good but she would have liked to have seen more street signs promoting the event. She suggested that money be budgeted for this the next time there’s an Open House.

MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2012 MEETING - Mr. Symes moved to approve the Minutes of August 21, 2012 as submitted;  seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT - As Treasurer Aurelia was not in attendance Ms. Place distributed a report of activity in the COA’s Gift Fund for the period July 1, 2012 to August 14, 2012 issued by the Finance Department. The report was dated September 17, 2012 and showed that the ending balance in the account was $28,833.88. (Attachment D to the original minutes). Ms. Lydem moved to approve the report; seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT - Ms. Place distributed her report for the period August 22, 2012 to September 17, 2012 (Attachment D to the original minutes) and stated that although she had obtained approval at the August meeting to buy decals to sell at the the Open House she decided to offer tote bags for sale instead. As the purchase price for the bags was $90.00 more than the $700.00 appropriated at the August meeting for all items to sell at the Open House Ms. Imbro moved to approve the withdrawal of an additional $90.00 from the Gift Fund to pay for them;  seconded by Ms. Albanesi and unanimously approved.

Ms. Place mentioned that Officer McCarthy donated a camera for Senior Center’s use and the Commission extended their gratitude for her generosity.

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT – Ms. Piccini distributed a report of her activities since the Commission’s August meeting (Attachment E to the original minutes).   


Appointment of Committee to Nominate Officers for 2013 - Mr. Dwyer appointed Ms. Lydem, Ms. Frampton and Ms. Plouffe to serve as a committee to nominate candidates for serving as officers of the Commission in 2013 to be voted on at the October meeting. He requested anyone interested in becoming an officer to notify a member of the committee and stated that if more than one person expresses an interest in a particular officer position it may be necessary to hold an election using secret ballots. He asked the committee to notify the Commissioners of their proposed candidates prior to the October meeting so they will have sufficient time to decide on who to vote for or whether to nominate someone at the meeting which is permitted by the bylaws.        


ADJOURNMENT – Ms. Lydem moved to adjourn the meeting;  seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.

Margaret Wilkin, Clerk