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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday October 18, 2010

The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday October 18, 2010 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Members Present: Thomas Dwyer, Mary Ellen Lydem,  Karin Aurelia, James Bernardi, LeReine Frampton, Carol Mattegat, Edward Rees, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann.

Members Excused: Joan Plouffe.

Support & Advisory Present:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly, Bob Sharpe of the Senior Action Committee.

Members of the Public Present: One person.


CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mrs. Frampton presented a letter expressing her request not to be paid for the use of her buses for trips (Attachment A to original minutes). She suggested that the second bus driver be paid at the rate that Bob Sharpe is paid. Mrs. Wiedemann moved to authorize payment from the Commission on Aging Gift Fund of $50 for the second bus driver who drives for Mrs. Frampton. Second by Mrs. Wadleigh and unanimously carried.

MINUTES  Upon motion of Mrs. Lydem, the minutes of the regular meeting of  September 20, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment B to original minutes). Mrs. Aurelia reported that the current balance in the Gift Fund is $39,183.18 and the Trip Account $4,242.00. Mr. Dwyer will discuss with Finance Director Bob Tait whether the title of this report as well as the CIP should be “Senior Center” rather than “Commission on Aging.”

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment C to original minutes). Ms. Place requested that $1,045.00 be withdrawn from the Gift Fund to pay for the following Christmas Party Expenses:

Band                                                                            $  450.00
Luncheon tickets for the band; 3 persons @ $35.00 per =                             105.00
Luncheon tickets for 10 seniors in financial need @ $35.00 per =                    350.00
Luncheon  tickets for four members of Senior Center staff @ $35.00 per =     140.00

Mrs. Wiedemann moved to authorize this withdrawal, seconded by Mrs. Aurelia and unanimously carried. The Commission is invited to the wine and cheese tasting here on Thursday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. for the opening of the Annual Bazaar on Friday.

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERLY REPORT. (Attachment D to original minutes).


FOUR SEASON ROOM. The room is complete. Ms. Place will look into buying furniture.

NEW BUILDING.  Mr. Dwyer will discuss the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) procedures with First Selectman Llodra. Mrs. Lydem advised that former First Selectman Rosenthal advised her that the Department Head completes the CIP, not the Chairman of the Commission.


ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2011. Mrs. Wiedeman moved the present slate of officers: Mr. Dwyer for Chairman, Mrs. Lydem for Vice-Chairman and  Mrs. Aurelia for Treasurer for the 2010-2011 year for the Commission on Aging. Second by Mrs. Mattegat and unanimously carried.

Vacancies on the Commission on Aging. Mr. Dwyer reported that he has written to First Selectman Llodra pointing out that although the town has placed articles in the Bee noting that there are vacancies on several boards and commissions they have not included the Commission on Aging whereas we have two openings at the present time. He urged that our Commission’s needs be mentioned in future ones. He also has a call into the Town Clerk’s office inquiring about procedural matters regarding the filling of open positions..

Mr. Dwyer also reported that he has written to the town’s Chief Building Official requesting that the handicapped parking spaces serving the south entrance to the Municipal Center be relocated from Primrose St. to Simpson St. as this would shorten the walking distance from parked cars to that entrance.

Copies of the above referred letters are attached to these minutes.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mr. Wiedemann, the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk