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Last Updated: 2010/6/25
Commission on Aging
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday June 21, 2010

The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday June 21, 2010 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Thomas Dwyer, Mary Ellen Lydem, Karin Aurelia, LeReine Frampton, Carol Mattegat, Joan Plouffe, Edward Rees, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann. EXCUSED/ABSENT: James Bernardi. ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services, John Aurelia, representative/observer from the Legislative Council.

Mr. Dwyer noted that Mrs. Gray has resigned. There are currently two openings on the Commission.

Mrs. Frampton noted that the backs of some of the  Commissioners were facing a member of the public at the last meeting. She requested that the tables be set up so that this does not happen. Also she noted that the public is not required to give their name and address unless they wish to speak.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mrs. Wiedemann, the minutes of the regular meeting of  May 17, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented but with the section entitled VOTER PARTICIPATION to be changed to note that Frank DeLucia was an invited guest speaker at that meeting and to include clarifications that Mr. Dwyer would be seeking from Mr. DeLucia. Mr. Dwyer was given permission to reword the report of Mr. DeLucia’s talk as he saw fit after he met with him (which occurred on June 23rd) and therefore the section of the May 17th minutes entitled VOTER PARTICIPATION is deemed deleted and replaced by the wording contained in Appendix A to these minutes.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment B to original minutes). Mrs. Aurelia reported that the current balance in the Gift Fund is $39,828.94 which includes a gift from the Lions Club and the balance in the Trip Account is $2,520.00. Upon motion of Mrs. Wadleigh, the Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted as presented.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment C to original minutes).



TRIAD. Mrs. Place said that an open house will be planned for October.

FOUR SEASON ROOM. Mrs. Aurelia reported that the room is up. Mrs. Place said that the room should be completed within one month.


Update for Plan of Conservation and Development. The Land Use Agency has requested that the Commission on Aging report on the goals listed for the Commission in 2004. The 2004 plans calls for “the Commission to pursue programming, budgeting and developing a new, expanded Senior Center Facility” which the Commission agreed to leave as a goal.  The goal “Explore the use of a portion of a  Fairfield Hills campus building” will be amended to “the Commission will  explore a stand alone site in the Fairfield Hills campus.”


Bus transportation. Mrs. Place reported that since there is not an increase in the budget for next year, the service will decrease by one hour and will end at 5:00 p.m. rather than 6:00 p.m. Saturday service will remain the same because this is paid for by a grant.

Mrs. Place will advise Mrs. Frampton if she needs her bus for the August 12 trip; she will need her buses on August 23.

Mrs. Frampton is working on having a “fill the bus” campaign at all three shopping centers this summer to obtain items for the food bank.

Mrs. Frampton said that there are now two benches in the Town Hall. Concerning handicap doors, she said that the building is like a wind tunnel so that doors that open with a button would not be practical but that new doors are being considered to create a vestibule.

Mr. Dwyer distributed a drawing showing the handicap spaces to enter the new Municipal Building. He also noted that the address of the building is 3 Primrose Street, but that the entrances to the building are on other streets. He will suggest that handicap parking be placed on Simpson Street also. Mrs. Frampton said that this entrance is not handicap accessible because of the curbing but that revising the curbing is being looked into.

Mrs. Aurelia moved that the regular meetings scheduled for July 19, 2010 and August 16,  2010 be cancelled. Second by Mrs. Mattegat and unanimously carried.

Mrs. Place would like the Commission to advise her how much she can spend from the Gift Fund for items to be placed in the new Four Season Room. She will advise the Commission when the room is completed and a special meeting will be called to approve the expenditures.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mrs. Mattegat, the meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk