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Commission on Aging
Minutes for April 20, 2009

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, April 20, 2009 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Mr. Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  James Bernardi, Tom Dwyer, LeReine Frampton, Norma Gray, Mary Ellen Lydem, Lenore Niedzielski;, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann;  EXCUSED ABSENCE:  Karin Aurelia, Ed Rees, Glenna Rees;  ALSO PRESENT: Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Bob Sharpe, Chairman of Senior Action Committee.


MINUTES:  The minutes of March 16 was approved as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Ms. Niedzielski presented the Treasurer’s Report (See attachment A) dated March 23, 2009.  She noted that 64.2% of the budget has been used.  The gift fund totals $34,502.25 and the trip account totals $5,400.00.  Ms. Frampton motioned to accept the report.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bernardi.  Motion approved unanimously.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT:  Ms. Place distributed and reviewed her monthly report (see attachment B).  

Ms. Place asked for a check for $50.00 made out to American Red Cross for additional funds needed for the cost of the volunteers’ lunches at the RSVP luncheon.  The cost was $1 more per person than expected for 50.  Ms. Frampton motioned to approve an additional $50.00 for the RSVP luncheon.  Motion seconded by Mr. Bernardi.  Motion approved unanimously.  

Ms. Place discussed new programs including “Celebrating a Life Lived”, the “Ancient Art of Spinning” and “Ernest Hemingway Alive”.  

She also asked for the Commission to sponsor two clients for a trip to Salem Cross Inn.  The cost will be $94.00 for each client with a total of $188.00.  Mr. Bernardi motioned to approve $188.00 for sponsoring two clients for the trip to Salem Cross Inn.  Motion seconded by Ms. Wadleigh.  Motion approved unanimously.

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES/MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT:  Ms. Piccini reviewed her report dated April 20, 2009 (see attachment C).  


TRIAD:  Nothing to report.

Gift Account:  Ms. Niedzielski and Mr. Dwyer discussed their meeting with Bob Tait, Director of Finance.  They discussed the Town ordinance regarding the gift account.  Mr. Dwyer asked Mr. Tait about amending the ordinance.  Ms. Place is uncomfortable with the funds no longer protected by the agency.  Ms. Frampton said that Mr. Tait is streamlining all the Town accounts.  There will need to be a petition to change the ordinance which would be brought forward to the Legislative Council.  Mr. Dwyer asked Ms. Place to submit a letter to the Commission on Aging, which can be brought forward to the Legislative Council.  This will be tabled until the letter is drafted.

Senior Center Expansion:  Some of the mound of soil has been removed from the property.  A Bocce Court and retaining wall still needs to be built.  Bids will go out for the three season room and the automatic door will be installed next month.  

New Building:  Mr. Dwyer discussed a meeting with Steve Whitaker of Ames & Whitaker.  Mr. Whitaker would like to call a special meeting but will wait for Mr. Rees’ availability.  

NEW BUSINESS – No new business to report.


Ms. Niedzielski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.