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3-16-09 Amended
Commission on Aging
March 16, 2009

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, March 16, 2009 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Mr. Rees called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Ed Rees, Glenna Rees, Tom Dwyer, Karin Aurelia, Norma Gray; EXCUSED ABSENCE: LeReine Frampton, Mary Ellen Lydem, Lenore Niedzielski; ABSENT: James Bernardi; ALSO PRESENT: Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Bob Sharpe, Chairman of Senior Action Committee and Sue Thompson, from 190 Walnut Tree Hill Road, were present.


MINUTES:  No minutes were complete to approve.

TREASURER’S REPORT (See Attachment A):  Ms. Place noted that as of February 24, 2009 61.2% of the budget had been spent.  The balance of the trip account is $3,200.00 and $31,793.28 is in the Gift Fund. Ms. Place read a memo (attached) from Bob Tait, Director of Finance, requesting that the current checking account be closed and the funds be transferred to the Town’s general fund.  Funds will be distributed via check requests through Finance.  The Commissioners discussed the origins of the gift account and felt strong concerns over losing the checking account.  Ms. Place stated that Mr. Tait had offered to meet with the Commission to answer all questions and explain the process further.  Ms. Gray motioned to have Mr. Rees, Mr. Dwyer & Ms. Niedzielski meeting with Mr. Tait to discuss this issue.  Mr. Dwyer seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (See Attachment B):  Ms. Place distributed and reviewed her monthly report.  She requested funds for the 36th annual RSVP luncheon on May 20th at the Amber Room.  The requested amount is $275 which includes a $5 contribution for each of the 50 volunteers ($250) and a $25 sponsorship ad for the pamphlet (check is to be made out to American Red Cross).  Ms. Gray motioned to approve the $275 as requested.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Dwyer.  Motion carried unanimously.

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES/MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT (See Attachment C):  Ms. Piccini reviewed her report dated March 16, 2009.  


TRIAD:  Nothing to report.

Senior Center Expansion/New Building:  Mr. Steve Whitaker was present to review plans with the Commissioners for the new Senior Center at Fairfield Hills.  Mr. Rees noted that there was a meeting on Thursday, March 12th with Joe Borst, a representative from O & G, Tom Dwyer, Amy Mangold from Parks and Rec., Ed Marks, and Mr. Whitaker to begin the process of developing plans.  Mr. Whitaker spent time with the Commissioners reviewing detailed space requirements for the new Senior Center.  He will return with more detailed plans, taking into account requests by the Commission.


Ms. Niedzielski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.