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Commission on Aging
December 15, 2008

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, December 15, 2008 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT, Chairman Ed Rees called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  Ed Rees, Karin Aurelia, Tom Dwyer, LeReine Frampton, Norma Gray, Mary Ellen Lydem, Lenore Niedzielski, Glenna Rees; EXCUSED ABSENCE: Barbara Wadleigh; ABSENT: Ross Carley; ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.  

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  No members of the public were present.


MINUTES:  Ms. Niedzielski motioned to approve the minutes of November 17, 2008.  Ms. Rees seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

TREASURER’S REPORT: (Attachment A).  Ms. Niedzielski reported that as of December 3, 2008, 38.1% of the budget has been spent with a balance of $1,100.00 in the trip account and $31,753.28 in the Gift Fund.


Christmas Party:  Ms. Place noted that there were 150 people that attended the Christmas party and that it was a success.  Mr. Rees thanked Ms. Place for organizing the party and it was stated that a good time was had by all.    

Budget:  Ms. Place will meet with Bob Tait and the First Selectman on Thursday at 11:00am to discuss the budget.  Ms. Place noted that part of the budget was for a van that seats ten and that is handicap accessible.  The current van leaks excessively and has a musty smell.  The only increase in the budget is for the HART bus and the nutrition site.  The Commission discussed a membership fee of $12.00 per year to help with postage.  She also discussed having staff facilitate classes to cut down budget costs.  The newsletter will be done bi-monthly.  Ms. Frampton asked about charging for the classes.  Mr. Rees suggested they only charge the $12.00 per month and charge $4.00 per class.  


Ms. Piccini discussed her report (Attachment B) and noted that she has completed 189 fuel assistance applications (72 seniors and 38 disabled).  The Bee carried an article about the pantry being low on food and, as a result, there were a great deal of generous donations and the pantry is now fully stocked.  

TRIAD:  Nothing to report

NEWSLETTER:  Months are being combined to conserve postage.

Automatic Door:  Mr. Rees drafted a letter to the Connecticut Council on Development Disabilities to request an electric push button door at the Senior Center.  Ms. Frampton suggests Mr. Rees talk with the new Director of Building before a letter is sent to the state.  Mr. Rees will set up a meeting with Mr. Poetl. Ms. Frampton motioned that the Chair call John Poetl advising him of the need to have a handicap door installed immediately and if he cannot help, to send the letter to the state and to ask Mr. Poetl if the letter should be sent to anyone else.  Mr. Dwyer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.


Ms. Niedzielski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:10 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.