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Commission on Aging
November 17, 2008

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, November 17, 2008 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT, Chairman Ed Rees called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  Ed Rees, Karin Aurelia, Thomas Dwyer, Mary Ellen Lydem, Lenore Niedzielski, Glenna Rees, Barbara Wadleigh.  ABSENT: LeReine Frampton, Norma Gray, and Ross Carley.  ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.  

It was asked that the Clerk place the date of the next scheduled meeting on all future minutes.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Bob Sharpe asked Ed Rees if he had heard anything on the Ames & Whitaker development and preliminary drawings.  The information gathered at the last meeting was discussed.  Mr. Rees said the only one with the power to issue the contract is the First Selectman and the Finance Director and he is concerned about the communications with the Building and Site Commission.

Marilyn spoke with Amy from Parks & Rec. who stated that O & G will be reviewing the architect’s preliminary drawings from Ames & Whitaker.  Mr. Rees thought the Commission on Aging would have a meeting with Ames & Whitaker before any preliminary drawings are done.  Mrs. Place said that they were going to use the initial requirements asked for by the Commission on Aging.  Mr. Rees state that it would have been more beneficial if Ames & Whitaker met with the Commission to discuss requirements before they proceeded with preliminary drawings.  

Bob noted that the handicap parking at the Youth Academy is 60 feet away from the door.  The commission voiced concerns over the handicap parking and whether it will be close enough to the new building and whether there will be enough parking as well.  

CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS:  Mr. Rees asked if there was any correspondence or communications to discuss.  None were noted.

MINUTES:  Minutes of October 20, 2008 will be amended to note that Lenore Niedzielski had an excused absence.  Also, under approval of minutes, Mr. Dwyer discussed the original correction that needed to be made regarding the $600,000.  Ms. Niedzielski motioned to approve the minutes.  Ms. Rees seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT: (Attachment A to the original minutes).  Ms. Niedzielski reported that as of October 29, 2008, 30.6% of the budget has been spent.  There is a balance of $1,200.00 in the trip account and $30,673.53 in the Gift Fund.  The profits of the bazaar totaled $1,433.00, which will be reflected in next month’s budget report.  There was a very generous gift of $350.00 from Mrs. Macey, who visits the center, and who asked that it be used under the auspices of the Commission on Aging for our seniors.  


Mrs. Place noted that the open house that was a huge success.  

Quilts of Valor:  There was a special ceremony for the Quilts of Valor.  There were 13 beautiful quilts made and registered with the organization.  The final destination for the quilts will be Dover AFP Port Mortuary.  The recipients of the quilts are the staff that work there that have the task of preparing fallen heroes for their last journey home.  Words of prayer, thoughts and encouragement were wrapped with each quilt.  The website for the Quilts of Valor is  

Santa to a Senior:  Mrs. Place obtained Christmas soup mugs that could be filled with small gift items and wrapped.  There are ten individuals she would like to do something special for and has suggested putting a $10 gift certificate to Big Y in each mug, along with other items.  She asked the Commission for $100.00 for the ten gift certificates.  Mrs. Rees motioned to approve the allocation of $100.00 towards the Big Y gift certificates.  Seconded by Mrs. Aurelia.  Motion carried.  

Christmas Party:  The annual Christmas Party is scheduled for December 11, 2008 and is $35.00 per person.  Mrs. Place asked for a total of $975.00.  $525.00 is for tickets for ten people that can not afford to go, the volunteers and five staff members.  The cost of the band is $450.00.  Mrs. Niedzielski motioned to approve the allocation of $975.00 for the Christmas Party.  Seconded by Mrs. Lydem.  Motion approved unanimously.

Budget:  The budget for the heart bus went from $129,100 to $135,500, which reflects the increase in the cost of gas and insurance, as well as the amount of riders.  The operating expenses went from $29,789 to $32,633, which reflects the cost of the nutrition site.  Her expenses have stayed the same.  The total 2009 department request is $295,665.00.  Capital expense will include the request for a van with handicap accessibility and a used computer.


Mrs. Pacini discussed her report (attachment B to original minutes).  She has completed 148 fuel assistance applications, 60 for seniors and 22 for disabled.  The food pantry is running low with hopes that food donations will help during the holidays.  

TRIAD:  Will not be meeting until Spring.


NEWSLETTER:  Months are being combined to conserve postage.

Commissioners Participation:  Mr. Rees asked Commission members to participate more in special events.  

Automatic Door:  Mrs. Pace noted that the First Selectman is aware that the center is still in need of an automatic door.  She feels a letter should be written to First Selectman with a copy to Fred Hurley.  There are seniors that rely on someone seeing them outside in order for the door to be opened for them.


Ms. Niedzielski motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:00 p.m.  Seconded by Mr. Dwyer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.