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Commission on Aging
Regular Meeting
October 20, 2008, 5:00 p.m.

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, October 20, 2008 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.

Chairman Ed Rees called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.

PRESENT:  Ed Rees, Karin Aurelia, Thomas Dwyer, LeReine Frampton, Norma Gray, Mary Ellen Lydem, Glenna Rees, Barbara Wadleigh.  ABSENT:  Ross Carley; EXCUSED ABSENCE:, Lenore Niedzielski.  ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.  

It was asked that the Clerk place the date of the next scheduled meeting on all future minutes.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Amy Mangold, Director of Parks and Recreation, was present to discuss updates on the community center.  She discussed an e-mail from Jeff Cugno from O & G explaining the process of the Design Team Selection Committee and the selection of Ames & Whitaker, Architects from Waterbury.  Mr. Rees requested that any electronic communications be sent to him in hard copy via U.S. mail.  It was suggested that a meeting be held in order to be prepared for a meeting with Ames & Whitaker.   

Ms. Mangold discussed her meeting with the Board of Selectmen regarding the Community Center CIP.  The Board of Selectmen was reluctant to accept Phase III because Phase II had not been submitted yet.  She noted that the Board of Finance and the Legislative Council still need to review and approved the CIP.  It was recommended that Ms. Place write a letter explaining why Phase II was not included in the Senior Center CIP.  She will work with the Commission to complete the CIP for next year.

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Mr. Rees asked if there was any correspondence or communications to discuss.  None were noted.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Minutes of September 15, 2008 will be amended to note the final correction of $600,000.  It was also asked that the address and phone number for L. Wagner and Associates should be added.  Also, under Public Participation, the word “hired” is to be changed to “selected”.  Mr. Dwyer motioned to approve the minutes.  Ms. Gray seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  (Attachment A to the original minutes).  Ms. Place reported that as of September 29, 2008, 21.7% of the budget has been spent.  There is a balance of $2,500.00 in the trip account and $31,673.53 in the Gift Fund.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT:  Mrs. Place reported that the flu shot clinic and the change in the schedule for exercise classes have worked out well and has alleviated parking issues.  The new Yoga teacher is doing a great job and newly retired individuals have joined the center.  

Mrs. Place discussed concerns over a possible upcoming decrease in the budget.  She is seeking creative ways to expand the programming, while taking into consideration an adjustment in the budget.  Some ideas were discussed, including the possibility of implementing a small membership fee, i.e., $12 per year, to help offset the costs of some program costs.  Another idea was to have cards that the seniors could purchase for a certain number of classes or programs they can participate in.  The card would be punched each time a class was taken.  It would be a great gift for the seniors from family members and friends.  Mrs. Place will research some ideas and bring them forth to the commission at a later date for consideration.  Of course, in the case where a senior could not afford to purchase these cards, assistance could be sought.  It was noted also that there are many seniors who visit the center just for socialization and there should not be a cost for the use of the center in these cases.  

Mrs. Lydem stated that the Newtown Congregational Church has an organ they have offered for free.  If the commission is interested, they are to contact Vicki at the church.  

The Annual Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 11th at The Waterview in Monroe.  The cost is $35.00 per person and the meal selection is the same as last year.  Mrs. Lydem motioned that the commission use $1,000 of seed money for the Annual Christmas Party.  Mrs. Frampton seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Mrs. Place noted that Nancy Gordon, who was 80 years old, recently passed away from acute Leukemia.  It was noted that Ms. Gordon was a lovely woman who quietly participated at the center.  She contributed pamphlets to the center called “Five Wishes” that the center is still offering today.  

The annual Harvest Bazaar will be held from 9am to 4pm on October 24th and 25th.  There will be a bake sale and white elephant sale.  

Marilyn discussed getting the office computer on-line and will be working on the request to the IT Department.  

The possible donation of a bus from Hart was also discussed.  

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES / MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT:  Ann Pacini submitted her report (Attachment B to original minutes) and discussed fuel assistance.  The food pantry is running low.  Ms. Lydem asked if they should put an ad in the Bee for donations.  Ms. Pacini will go to the food warehouse in Waterbury.

a.      TRIAD.  No Report.
b.      Senior Center Expansion/New Building.


The Nominating Committee comprised of Mrs. Gray, Mrs. Aurelia and Mrs. Frampton presented a slate of officers.  Ms. Lydem motioned for nominations of Ed Rees as Chair, Tom Dwyer as Vice-Chair and Lenore Niedzielski as Treasurer.  The motion was seconded by Glenna Rees.  Motion approved unanimously.  

Mr. Dwyer stated that he would write the First Selectman that the commission is short on members.  Ms. Frampton will send a note to the First Selectman and Bill Brimmer.


Mrs. Lydem motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 p.m.  Seconded by Mrs. Frampton.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.