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08-11-10 BZC
Borough of Newtown
Zoning Commission
Newtown, Connecticut

Minutes of the Meeting of August 11, 2010    

Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at the Borough Room, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut.  Chairman Linda Shepard called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.

Present:        Linda Shepard, David Francis, Lucy Sullivan and Palmer Chiappetta.  Also Present:  Zoning Enforcement Officer Jean St. Jean and Borough Attorney Donald Mitchell.

Absent: Douglas Nelson and Brid Craddock.

Mrs. St. Jean updated the Commission on the DPUC, the United Water Company and Greenridge issue.

Old Business:

a.      25 Church Hill Road/Young Properties, LLC - Jonanthan Kost, architect, and Dean Pushlar, landscape architect, for Dr. Young were present to discuss the modifications to the landscape plan that was originally approved.  Mr. Pushlar said they want to keep the original landscape that is in the front of the building.  Originally they thought it might get damaged by construction but it did not.  And, some of the other changes are as a result of the underground lines.  He also said there was a change to the side because of the curb.  He said that there was not any changes to the back of the property.  He also said that they cannot plant perennials in the fall. Mrs. St. Jean said that given the time of the year we are coming to (fall), the Borough would give them to the end of June to complete the landscaping.  Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to accept the landscaping plan as presented dated 08.11.2010 that a bond be requested from the owner if staff determined it was necessary.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Francis and unanimously approved.
b.      Any new proposed signs - none
c.      Acceptance of any new applications - none.
d.      Any old business - none.
New Business:
  • Any other new business - none.
Mr. Chiappetta made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 14, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mrs. Sullivan and unanimously approved.  

Chairman Shepard left the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

There were further discussions regarding the DPUC, the United Water Company and Greenridge issue.

There being no other business to transact the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 8, 2010.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                David Francis, Secretary