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Minutes of the meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at Town Hall South, Newtown.  Warden Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Present:  Warden James Gaston, Senior Burgess Joan Crick, Second Senior Burgess Joseph Maher, Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean, Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez, Burgess Anthony Baiad, Clerk Ann Benore, Treasurer and Burgess Marie Walker.

Absent:  Burgess Betsy Kenyon

Senior Burgess Crick made a motion to accept the July 13, 2010 meeting minutes, seconded by Burgess Baiad and unanimously approved.

Public Participation: None.

Warden’s Report:  Warden Gaston reported that he received a card from Paula B. Hughes, 46 Grand Place, who asked whether the large pine tree on the island at Queen Street and Glover Avenue has ever been considered for tree lighting during the holiday season.  Warden Gaston sent her letter thanking her for the suggestion and all thought would be a good idea to consider.  Electricity on the island is the only question.  Senior Burgess Crick mentioned that CL&P has provided this type of service in past situations.  

Warden Gaston also reported that he received a letter from Land Use inquiring about the long-term planning strategy back in 2004 which included: 1) Support the borough’s proposal for development and planning for village district regulations that would govern design of land development activities within the borough and improve pedestrian mobility. 2) Examine the merits of HVCEO’s proposal to address safety and traffic flow issues at the intersection. 3) Explore the possibility of building a modern roundabout which features the flagpole as a community monument in the middle of a landscape circle.  Warden Gaston sent a response in June of 2010 which was apparently not received so he sent one again.  In answer to the first question, Warden Gaston said that we have already accomplished that issue.  Regarding the second issue, Warden Gaston assumes that the intersection they are speaking about is the Queen Street/Glover Avenue intersection.  This was also addressed and the traffic signal was reconfigured.  In response to the third question, Warden Gaston stated that a landscape circle at the flagpole would result in the taking of a substantial amount of private property and significant demise of such real estate property values.  Several traffic and safety issues were addressed and it was determined that the flagpole situation be left as it is with police frequently patrolling the driveways at the intersection as well as an unmanned police car presence which does result in slowing traffic.

Warden Gaston sent a letter to Alan Potter asking him to knock on doors before he starts on cutting more trees in August.  Bob Connor was called about the potential of his filling the empty Borough seat.  Warden Gaston has been unable to connect with him as yet but expects to in the near future.  Warden Gaston received a fax from Kevin’s Community Center stating they want to put their banner up for August 30, 2010 through September 12, 2010, which he subsequently did sign off on.

Tree Warden:  No report due to the absence of Tree Warden Rob McCulloch.

Tax Collector’s Report:  Tax Collector Enriquez reported the following:  Total taxes for the List of 2009:  $168,506.04.  Current Taxes: $148,750.75; Back Taxes: $809.03; Interest: $169.44; Lien Fees: $120.00; Return of Overpayments: ($1,028.83). Total Collected to Date: $148,820.39; Total Submitted to Treasurer to Date: $43,000.00.  Current Taxes Collected:  87.7%.

Tax Collector Enriquez also reported the End of Fiscal Year June 2010.  Total Taxes due for the List of 2008:  $159,230.20.  Current Taxes: $169,436.33; Back Taxes: $2,701.77; Interest: $1,918.48; Lien Fees: $648.00; Return of Overpayments: ($13,645.22).  Total Collected to Date: $161,059.36.  Total Submitted to Treasurer to Date: $161,059.36.  Current Taxes Collected: 97.8%

Treasurer and Burgess Walker made a motion to accept Tax Collector’s Report, seconded by Senior Burgess Crick, and unanimously approved.

Senior Burgess Crick made a motion to accept the Tax Collector’s End of Year Report, seconded by Treasurer and Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Walker reported the following:  A deposit of $43,000.00 was made from Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez making a total of $208,359.04 as of July 20, 2010.  A transfer of $7,000.00 to cover this month’s invoicing was made leaving a total of $201,584.04 in the NSBMM Account as of August 1, 2010.  Capital Reserve is $1,892.88 as of August 10, 2010.

Treasurer Walker also provided the Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2010.  

Burgess Baiad made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2010, seconded by Second Senior Burgess Maher and unanimously accepted.

Zoning Officer’s Report:  Zoning Officer St. Jean received call from Mrs. Birmingham and other neighbors on Main Street regarding the cutting of trees.  The call was referred to Tree Warden McCulloch who took care of the issue.  Dr. Young is coming to the Borough Zoning meeting tomorrow night with a revision to his landscape plan because the two driveways will be together.  The project should be done by September.  Dr. Beck’s amendment went through for his revision to regulations to allow a substitute buffer.  Zoning Officer St. Jean had a preliminary meeting with the firehouse who submitted plans to wetlands and should be coming in the next month or so to zoning.  This could be a very controversial issue.  Before the zoning meeting, Warden Gaston would like to have a public meeting so that the process remains transparent to the public.  As soon as Zoning Officer St. Jean receives the plan she will contact Borough to go ahead with public meeting.

Zoning Officer St. Jean reported that two weeks ago a meeting was held with United Water and the DPUC regarding the extension of the water line into Brookfield.  Zoning asked for an extension at that time to review the newly received information regarding the effect on the Pootatuck River.  The two-week extension granted resulted in a meeting held today in New Britain at their offices.  Discussion followed regarding the water issue.  Zoning Officer St. Jean reported that another continuance was issued for August 24, 2010.

Historic District:  No report due to the absence of Burgess Kenyon.

Sidewalks:  Burgess Maher had nothing new to report regarding sidewalks.

Streets & Parks:  Burgess Maher reported that all is well.

Old Business:  Warden Gaston reported that he received an email from Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers member, Karen Pierce, inquiring about the Borough’s intent to move in to Edmond Town Hall.  Warden Gaston replied saying the Borough will take the old Town Clerk front office and will begin to move in after carpeting and painting are completed; and will move in over a two-month period.

Warden Gaston also reported that Jim Juliano inquired about a 10’x10’ space at Edmond Town Hall and its possible use as an office for the postal union.  Zoning Officer St. Jean reported that Mr. Juliano was told an office could not be allowed.  The Chamber of Commerce was considered economic development and therefore was allowed to use the space as an office.  Anything that was there in the past such as, the VNA and Dance Studio, were already grandfathered in.  Zoning Officer St. Jean reported that it has always been allowed to hold community meetings at ETH but not a business office.  Discussion followed.

Old Business:  Senior Burgess Crick reported that she went to Staples regarding the Borough brochure.  Staples gave her a price of $585 for 500 brochures plus the cost of a design service.  Warden Gaston said he will edit the brochure and suggested that we start with an order of 1,000.  Discussion followed.

New Business:  None

Public Participation:  None.

The annual meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses will be held on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Office at Town Hall South.

There being no further business, Burgess Baiad made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m., seconded by Treasurer and Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Ann M. Benore
                                                                        Borough Clerk