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Minutes of the meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at Town Hall South, Newtown. ~Warden Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Present: ~Warden James Gaston, Senior Burgess Crick, Second Senior Burgess Maher,
~~~~~~~~ ~~~Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean, Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez, Burgess Betsy
~~~~~~~~ ~~~Kenyon, Burgess Anthony Baiad, Clerk Ann Benore, Treasurer
~~~~~~~~ ~~~and Burgess Marie Walker (8:08)

Absent: ~~None
Senior Burgess Crick made a motion to accept the June 8, 2010 meeting minutes, seconded by Burgess Baiad and unanimously approved.

~~~~~~~~Public Participation: ~John Birmingham, 42 Main Street.  Mr. Birmingham spoke regarding the tree trimming of limbs which occurred along Main Street, specifically the tree on the north side of his property which he felt was trimmed too severely.  He depends on those limbs for shade and quiet and was very disappointed.  He called Warden Gaston soon after work was done to express his concern.  He asked that in the future to please let homeowners know of any plan to trim trees.  Tree Warden Rob McCulloch responded by saying that Newtown Arbor Tree was contracted but did not provide a tree trimming schedule.  They started the trimming without notice.  Mr. Birmingham said that Main Street had lost several trees recently and suggested that the Borough replace a couple of them.  Tree Warden McCulloch said he is looking for donations.  The gold Victorian house could definitely use a new tree.  Warden Gaston apologized to Mr. Birmingham.  Discussion followed.

~~~~~Tree Warden:  Rob McCulloch called Newtown Arbor Tree several times for word on progress.  He called the day after the project was approved and asked to please give Borough two weeks notice as to start date.  He received no answer. Senior Burgess Crick said to please call one of the burgesses in the future if having difficulty reaching contractors and the burgesses can try to help.  Discussion followed.  Warden Gaston will send letter to Newtown Arbor Tree and ask that they notify residents of schedule of the rest of the work to be done.  In addition, the tree at 28 West Street was taken down immediately upon inspection by Rob McCulloch.

Warden’s Report: ~Warden Gaston reported that he went to Edmond Town Hall and looked at the facilities offered to the Borough by the Board of Managers.  He was told by Karen Pierce  (BOM) that we could have First Selectman’s Office, put a table in reception area for meetings, and room in the vault of the old Town Clerk’s Office.  Another option would be to take the front room of the Town Clerk’s Office as well as the area in the vault.  Town Historian Dan Cruson’s office will be located in the back room of the TC office, but he would not have access to Borough Office.  Warden Gaston stated that TC office has been gutted, the front counter has been removed, and new carpeting will be installed.  Discussion followed.

Motion was made by Senior Burgess Crick to use the Town Clerk’s Office for the new Borough Office, seconded by Burgess Baiad and unanimously approved.

Warden Gaston also reported that a United Water meeting was held today and that a Public Hearing will be held on July 29, 2010 in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Center.  The public hearing has to do with water rates and what portion of the project will benefit Newtown versus other towns.  We had a question and answer meeting with them and they promised they would get us answers. He stated that we laid out what we would like to be done.  One has to do with the measuring of the Pootatuck and how much water is taken and Aquifer, and that we would like them to pay for it.  A series of things are in negotiations and therefore cannot be discussed.  Pressure gauges as opposed to open trenching may be installed and, if so, we would want sidewalks replaced if disrupted.  It’s also important that those already hooked up will not incur any cost.  They are talking about putting another hydrant in which we do not want to pay for.  They claim that the second hydrant will increase the pressure.  A surcharge rate increase notice was sent out to Borough residents.  It should be recognized that this surcharge has nothing to do with proposed hookup for Brookfield.  For the Brookfield project, cost per entity would be $59 per year.  If cost is measured by usage it could be much more.  Discussion followed.  Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean stated that the benefit will be new pumps put in at police department and UW will pay for gauges on houses on Main Street.  She stated that the proposed pump station would have a generator hookup that would have to be tested once a month or so which could create a lot of noise.  The property is Town property but is within Borough Zoning District.  All of these questions have to go to Historic District Commission, then Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Borough Zoning Commission.  She also stated the importance of letting residents know of the difference between the surcharge increase and the Brookfield project.  Warden Gaston said he would write a letter to the editor to Newtown Bee regarding this matter.

Warden Gaston read a letter of thanks from former clerk and burgess Darlene Spencer.

Warden Gaston also received an email from Bruce Walzcak regarding the possible crosswalk at the intersection of Queen Street and Glover Avenue.  Mr. Walzcak suggested that an experimental stop sign be placed on Queen Street at intersection.  Warden Gaston said that a backup of traffic on Queen Street could be a problem, but they want to try the experiment.  If stop sign works then a crosswalk could work.  Warden Gaston will send letter to Police Commission agreeing to experimental stop sign with the trial period being up to the Police Commission.  Borough would like the crosswalk at Meadow Road to be repainted as part of the agreement.  No opposition.

~Tax Collector's Report: ~Tax Collector Enriquez reported the following: ~Total Taxes Due for the List of 2009: ~$168,680.71. ~Current Taxes $43,731.91; Back Taxes $222.87; Interest $45.31; Lien Fees $48.00; Return of Overpayments ($93.82). ~Total Submitted to Treasurer to Date $0.00. ~Current Taxes Collected 25.9%.

Treasurer Marie Walker made a motion to accept Tax Collector’s Report, seconded by Second Senior Burgess Maher and unanimously approved.

Tax Collector Enriquez also stated that Scudder Smith opens his land for public recreational use and asked whether we should waive his tax bill of $174.67.  

Burgess Baiad made a motion to exempt Scudder Smith’s tax bill now and in the future, seconded by Burgess Kenyon and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: ~Treasurer Walker reported the following: ~A transfer was made on June15, 2010 of $5,000.00 to cover extra invoicing after the June meeting.  A deposit of $559.36 was made from Tax Collector Enriquez making a total of $157,059.36 as of June 28, 2010.  A deposit from Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean was made on June 29, 2010 of $1,353.00.  The total in the NSBMM Account is $213,294.00 as of June 29, 2010. ~A transfer of $47,000.00 was made for July invoicing.  The new total is $166,296.40 as of July 13, 2010.  Capital Reserve is $1,892.15 as of June 30, 2010.

~~~~~~Treasurer Walker reported that after the June meeting a bill was submitted by A Sign Depot for $1,475.00.  She asked that a special appropriation be made to cover this amount.  Discussion followed.

Second Senior Burgess Maher made a motion to move $1,105.00 from Auxiliary Help account and $370.00 from Fire Hydrants account to Historic District Signs account to cover the $1,475.00, seconded by Burgess Baiad and unanimously approved.

Zoning Officer’s Report: ~Zoning Officer St. Jean stated she attended a grant workshop in Hartford with Stephanie Gaston and Pat Llodra to learn about how to get grants for certified local governments.  There is a lot of matching grants, but we do not have matching funds in most cases this year.  Pat wrote an email to Stephanie stating that she turned the matter over the ETH Board of Managers as to how they would proceed.  We gave them all the information they need; there are many grants available.  The large one that goes up to $200,000 has to be done by October.  They may be able to qualify for that grant.  It was a very interesting workshop.  Dr. Beck will be coming before Zoning Commission tomorrow night regarding his amendment to allow a buffer to be also a fence as well as natural buffer.  There is nothing new regarding 27 Church Hill Road.  Dr. Young’s property is coming along and should be finished by September 1st.  The second floor of Toro where the Hibachi is being put in will be started soon; a sprinkler system needs to be installed.  Also, had meeting with the people who did the parking lot at St. Rose and they agreed to patch and fix it.

Historic District: ~Burgess Kenyon said the work at 59 Main Street is completed and looks great.  There is no progress with the project at Newtown Savings Bank to put in a catwalk.  Signage will be in before Labor Day.

Sidewalks: ~Burgess Maher had nothing new to report.

Streets & Parks: ~Second Senior Burgess Maher stated that one tree should be placed in front of the Victorian on Main Street and should be done in September or October.  The tree should be a type of Maple, possibly a Sugar Maple.  Warden Gaston asked Burgess Maher to look into putting in the tree.

Old Business:  Burgess Kenyon noted that a correction should be made to the June 8, 2010 minutes.  Sign will say “Entering/Leaving the Borough of Newtown Historic District”.

Senior Burgess Crick made a motion to correct the minutes of the June 8, 2010 meeting, Burgess Baiad seconded and unanimously approved.  

New Business:  Senior Burgess Crick presented a booklet about the Borough of Newtown that was used years ago (1995) to give to realtors, etc. to show residents of the Borough and future residents what the Borough has to offer and what their taxes are paying for.  Burgess Kenyon suggested we try to use our own computers to reproduce the booklet.  Warden Gaston asked Senior Burgess Crick to handle the project and he will edit the material.

The regular meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgesses will be held on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Office at Town Hall South.

There being no further business, Burgess Baiad made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:22 p.m., seconded by Second Senior Burgess Maher and unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann M. Benore
Borough Clerk