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05-12-10 BZC
Borough of Newtown
Zoning Commission
Newtown, Connecticut

Minutes of the Meeting of May 12, 2010   

Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at the Borough Room, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut.  Chairman Linda Shepard called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.

Present:        Linda Shepard, Douglas Nelson, David Francis, Lucy Sullivan and Alternate: Palmer Chiappetta.  Also Present:  Zoning Enforcement Officer Jean St. Jean and Borough Attorney Donald Mitchell.

Absent: Brid Craddock.

1.      25 Church Hill Road:  Dr. Young was present along with his architect, Jonathan Kost, to discuss their project at 25 Church Hill Road.  Discussion took place about the driveway and sharing their driveway with the owner of the property adjacent to them.  Mrs. St. Jean said that Borough Engineer, Ron Bolmer, suggested an easement crossover with the other owner to get the 20' requirement for the driveway.  The owner of the adjacent property (property in between Young's property and Hawley School) just purchased this property and has tentative plans on its development.  Attorney Mitchell discussed legal problems with letter of intent.  conveyed to Mrs. Jean St.  Discussion took place about a conditional certificate of occupancy for Dr. Young's project.  Discussion also took place regarding the driveway being "grandfathered".  Dr. Young then discussed the signs for the property.  The original sign that is in the front of the property is now going to be relocated to the rear of the building.  There will be a new sign in the front of the building and will not be going any closer to the road than the existing sign.  There will be lights directed to the signs.  Location of the street light will be decided at a later date.  The Commission approved the front and back signs.

2.      School Bus Issues:      Mrs. St. Jean stated that there have been some complaints about school buses being parked on residential property in the Borough.  She said that there are no borough zoning regulations that address this.  Barbara Buck of 3 Diamond Drive spoke.  She owns the house and Fran McCutchan owns the bus.  Ms. Buck drives the bus owned by Fran McCutchan.  She parks the bus at her house. Mr. George Linebarger also resides at 3 Diamond Drive with Ms. Buck and he also drives a school bus.  He said he parks his bus on occasion at Ms. Buck's property.  He does not own the bus - he is the driver.  James Lee of 4 Diamond Drive lives across the street from Ms. Buck.  He said the lots on Diamond Drive are small lots and the buses are parked on Ms. Buck's property all weekend and overnight.  This is visible from Route 25.  Ms. Buck said that they do trips on weekends and need the buses at their home.  She said that her vehicles and buses fit in the driveway.  Mrs. St. Jean said that the Town had a policy that allowed the owner to park a bus on their property.  Bob (last name unknown) of 26 Diamond Drive spoke.  He said that parking the buses on residential property does not add value to the neighborhood.  He also said that their parking of the buses at Ms. Buck's property is pretty much a nightly thing and that it is unsightly to see 2 buses parked there.  It was agreed that there the Commission needs to develop a policy or regulation.

3.      20 Juniper Road:  Jim and Jean Walker of 24 Juniper Road were present to discuss the "Pod" located at 20 Juniper Road.  They said that it has been there for over 2 years.  Attorney Mitchell stated that the "Pod" falls under the heavy equipment regulation and the owner needs a permit.  Mrs. St. Jean will contact the owner.  

4.      Signs:  Mrs. St. Jean discussed with the Commission Webster Bank's request to add another sign to their building.  After discussion it was agreed that it was not in compliance with the zoning regulations.

A motion was made by Mr. Francis to accept the minutes of the January 13, 2010 meeting, seconded by Mr. Chiappetta and unanimously approved.

There was no other new business or old business.

There being no other business to transact the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for June 9, 2010.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                David Francis, Secretary