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05-11-10 Special Meeting
                                               BOROUGH OF NEWTOWN
                                             NEWTOWN, CONNECTICUT

Minutes of the special meeting of the property owners and/or electors of the Borough of Newtown on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 at Town Hall South, Newtown for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year.  Warden James Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m.

Present: Warden James Gaston, Senior Burgess Joan Crick, Second Senior Burgess
               Joseph Maher, Zoning Officer Jean St. Jean, Tax Collector Jodie Enriquez,
              Treasurer and Burgess Marie Walker, Burgess Betsy Kenyon, Burgess Anthony
              Baiad, Clerk and Burgess Darlene Spencer

Also Present:  Registrar of Voters, Karin Aurelia and Ann Benore

Absent:  None

        Warden Gaston thanked everyone for attending the meeting and copies of the proposed budget were distributed.  He noted that the budget includes the 2008-09 expenditures, 2009-10 estimated figures, and 2010-11 proposed figures.  He stated that most of the numbers are the same and proceeded to explain the differences.  The auxiliary help line item has been lowered because the Borough does not expect there to be as much zoning or commercial building.  He noted that this saves the taxpayers money, but hurts the Borough as it receives revenue from building fees.  There is an election this year so that number has been raised.  The sidewalks line item has been reduced by $5,000.00.  He explained that the Borough has a ten year plan to maintain and restore sidewalks, but it has been reduced in an effort to keep the proposed mill rate at a record low.  Office maintenance and supplies has been increased due to the federal government’s decision that all employees receiving stipends have withholding taxes taken out, therefore, the employees can no longer write off their expenses on their income tax form.  Warden Gaston explained that the Borough has also had to increase some employee stipends as well due to this mandate.  He noted that he has reduced his stipend to offset the increases for everyone else.  The Borough has a special reserve which can only be used for specific things such as new construction.  In June when the fiscal year ends, the Borough will have approximately $190,000.00 in reserve which is not much for a municipality.  We are going to draw $25,000.00 from that which will leave between $160,000.00 and $170,000.00.  Warden Gaston further stated that the Borough anticipates $12,000.00 in building revenues and a 98% tax collection rate.  These are optimistic figures which were done in an effort to keep the mill rate low.  Warden Gaston said that the proposed mill rate of 0.61 is the second lowest.  Last year’s mill rate was 0.58.  He explained that historically the Borough’s mill rate has been somewhere between 0.9 and 1.2 mills.  Warden Gaston gave the public an indication of the small increase that Borough residents would incur with the proposed mill rate.  He also indicated that if a Borough resident has difficulty paying the increase, to contact him to work something out.  Warden Gaston noted that the Borough’s auditor has recommended that the Borough maintain $200,000.00 in reserve.  The Borough has consistently drawn on that and will be below that at about 75-80% of the budget figure.  He further noted that the Borough of Stonington has a one million dollar budget with an 80% reserve.  The Borough of Jewett City didn’t have an adequate reserve and the State had to take control of their budget.  Warden Gaston stated that that is not fiscal responsibility.  He said that overall the proposed 2010-11 budget has a record low mill rate, a reserve that is being drawn down to a figure lower than our auditor is recommending, and a budget that is less in real dollars than 2003-04.  The Borough is being very optimistic with its revenue predictions.  He said that if a Borough resident lives near a fire hydrant he/she should be receiving a reduction in homeowner’s insurance.  Also, streetlights and sidewalks should enhance the value of your property.  Warden Gaston stated that he and the Board of Burgesses are working very hard to preserve the Borough of Newtown.
        Warden Gaston further explained to the Borough residents that United Water Company has received approval from the DEP to provide water to Brookfield.  The water company is proposing to do this by tearing up Main Street to pump water to Brookfield.  In addition, the water company has no plans to repave the road, just patch it.  They also have plans to build a small building in front of Town Hall South.  Warden Gaston said that the Town is opposed to these plans, but the water company is a public utility, so it will be a battle.  He indicated that the Borough may have the most leverage because of our planning.  Town Hall South and Rt. 25 are in the Historic District.  The Borough may have to expend money to challenge the water company and this is one of the reasons that the Borough needs a reserve.
       Warden Gaston asked if there were any questions.
        Catherine Moncton, 17 Diamond Drive, asked if the water company has come back with any incentives for Newtown.
        Warden Gaston said no and added that the water company contacted the Town recently to schedule a preconstruction meeting.  In addition, currently there are 8 inch pipes, but the water company wants to put in 6 inch pipes.  You may have less water pressure.  Discussion followed.

        Bob Geckle, 35 Queen Street, asked what the $6,500.00 income taxes line item was.
        Warden Gaston explained that it was for withholding taxes due to the federal government’s new mandate.

        Senior Burgess Crick stated that she is the Borough’s representative on the Health District Board.  She indicated that the Town of Brookfield wanted to join the Health District.  The Health District Board voted no because we didn’t want to assume their numerous problems.  She further noted that we should fight the water company’s plans or we may suffer consequences.

        Bob Craybas, 26 Diamond Drive, added that with United Water Company’s gravity fed system water is lost whenever they pump the hydrants anywhere on the line.  Not only is pressure lost, but there is a siphoning effect that draws water back out of the house.  None of the homes have a one way valve that stops water from being sucked back out.  If someone has a slop sink, that contaminated water can be drawn out during the siphoning effect and drawn back into the wells and then redistributed throughout.  He spoke about his personal problems with their system.  Discussion followed.
        Zoning Officer St. Jean said that when the water company came in for the special meeting, not only did they bypass the Borough, they bypassed the Fire Marshall.  The Fire Marshall says that 6 inch pipes are not adequate enough to service people in Newtown.  He wanted a minimum of 10 inches because there is not enough pressure in the fire hydrants now.  It is one of the reasons why the Yankee Drover Inn burned down.
        Mr. Craybas said that when the pool companies illegally draw water from the fire hydrants, it effects his water pressure.  He asked how United Water could possibly supply water to Brookfield through Newtown.
        George Schmidt, 12 Old Castle Drive, stated that a special meeting is restricted to the purpose for which it is called.
        Warden Gaston said that he was merely explaining the reason why the Borough needs a reserve.
        Warden Gaston asked if there were any further questions.  There were none.  He asked those in favor of the budget hold up their yellow ticket.  Registrar Ann Benore collected the tickets in favor of the budget.  Warden Gaston then asked those opposed to the budget to hold up their yellow ticket and he collected them.  Ann Benore counted the tickets in favor of the budget and Clerk Spencer recounted them.  Warden Gaston counted the tickets opposed to the budget and Ann Benore recounted them.  Warden Gaston announced that there were 37 votes in favor of the budget and 19 against.  The budget passed.  He thanked everyone for coming    

        Warden Gaston made a motion that the Borough of Newtown’s Budget as presented for fiscal year 2010-11 be approved, seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.
Burgess Spencer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m., seconded by Burgess Walker and unanimously approved.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Darlene M. Spencer
                                                        Borough Clerk