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9-9-09 BZC
Borough of Newtown
Zoning Commission
Newtown, Connecticut


Minutes of the Meeting of September 9, 2009  

Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at the Borough Room, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut.  Chairman Linda Shepard called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

Present:        Linda Shepard, Douglas Nelson, Brid Craddock, Lucy Sullivan and Alternate: Palmer Chiappetta.  Also Present:  Borough Attorney Donald Mitchell.

Absent: David Francis and Borough Zoning Enforcement Officer Jean St. Jean.

Public Hearing:
Application of Young Properties, LLC for site development plan, special exception and village district approvals for construction of an addition to the existing building on property located at 25 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT.

Chairman Shepard read the legal notice.

Mrs. Craddock read into the record letters from the following:

1.      Chief of Police Michael Kehoe;
2.              Conservation Official Rob Sibley;
        3.              Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission;
4.              Borough Engineer Ron Bolmer;
5.              Newtown Health Dept.; and
6.              Fire Marshal Bill Halstead.

Chairman Shepard wanted to make it known that the Commission is in receipt of a traffic study dated August 5, 2009 from Herbert S. Levinson, Transportation Consultant.  
She also stated that the Commission is in receipt of certifications regarding the mailings to land owners for all three applications.  

Attorney Mitchell asked if there was anyone here for these applications that would want to review the prior proceedings which were the subject of the July 9, 2009 meeting.  He said it did not appear that there was any one present who wanted to do that.

Discussion took place regarding specifics of approval if applications were approved.

Jonathan Kost, architect of 46 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook, presented the applications on behalf of the applicant, Young Properties, LLC.  Mr. Kost addressed Mr. Bolmer’s issue regarding the pavers.  He said that this would be future parking if they needed to expand their parking.  There is some coverage left on the site as it stands now.  Regarding the existing driveway it is approximately 18’ wide.  The site plan reflects 20’ wide driveway.  As determined by the traffic study they will not be increasing their traffic - there is no extra flow due to development.  Mr. Kost discussed the possibility off not expanding their driveway at this point until they know what development will be taking place on the adjacent property (Marron property).  It appears to be an expensive cost to increase the driveway by 2’ when it already works for their traffic flow.  He said they would come back once it was determined what was going to be developed on the adjacent property.  They are going to be doing a sil fence down the property line.

Mr. Sibley made reference to plantings.  Mr. Kost said they do have some plantings.  They are taking existing azaleas from the front of the property and will plant them towards the back of the property.  The western portion of the site is overgrown.  It needs needs to be cleaned up.  They will discuss this with the neighbor because they are not sure whose is whose.   

On the other side, there is not much room to plant because so close to property line and also because of uncertainty of what will be developed on the Marron property.  

Mr. Kost said that they are proposing foundation plantings around the building.  Discussion took place regarding Mr. Sibley’s comments.  Mrs. Craddock asked questions regarding the plantings and what would be planted.  

Consideration will be given to grass pavers if parking had to be increased at a future date.  Discussion took place regarding painting the pavers.  

Chairman Shepard asked if the pedestrian sidewalk will be installed to the curbcut.  Mr. Kost said yes.  And she asked if the details of the granite curbing were on the plan.  Mr. Kost said they were.  And, she asked if the photometric light study had been submitted.       Mr. Kost said it was.  Chairman Shepard said that the Commission would not agree to the 18’ driveway because the Borough requires 20’ wide driveway.  The plans show 20’.  The 2’ has to be asphalt.  

Chairman Shepard asked if they did the tree selection and Mr. Kost said that they did.  Mr. Kost said the knox box was on the plan.  

Mr. Kost said because of culvert makes it difficult for plantings.  

Chairman Shepard asked if any one would like to speak in favor of the applications.  There was no one.

Attorney Mitchell asked Chairman Shepard if she was including the prior public hearing held on July 9, 2009 including the testimony as part of this hearing.  She said yes.
Chairman Shepard asked if there was any one to speak in opposition of the applications.  There was no one.  

The Commission tabled the public hearing.

Chairman Shepard stated the Commission was resuming the public hearing.  She asked if the Commission had any further comments.  There were none.  

Chairman Shepard closed the public hearing.

A motion was made to accept the minutes of the Meeting of August 12, 2009 of the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission, which was unanimously approved.

Old Business:   

a.      Discussion and possible decisions on public hearing/applications of Young Properties, LLC for site development plan approval, special exception approval and village district approval for construction of an addition to the existing building on property located at 25 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT – After discussion, a motion was made to approve the site development plan, special exception and village district applications of Young Properties, LLC for construction of an addition to the existing building on property located at 25 Church Hill Road, Newtown as presented.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.  The vote was as follows:

                Linda Shepard           Yes
                Doug Nelson                     Yes
                Brid Craddock           Yes
                Lucy Palmer                     Yes
                Palmer Chiappetta               Yes

b.      Any new proposed signs – A sign application was submitted by Lauretano Sign Group on behalf of Savings Bank of Danbury for a sign to be displayed on the building located at 20 Church Hill Road.  The sign was approved by the Commission as presented with the exception that the corner (see sign design) must be blue.
c.      Acceptance of any new applications – none
d.      Any old business - none

New Business:

There was no new business.

There being no other business to transact the meeting was adjourned.  The next meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2009.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                David Francis, Secretary