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2-10-09 Burgesses Spec Mtg
                                  BOROUGH OF NEWTOWN
                                NEWTOWN, CONNECTICUT

Minutes of the Borough Board of Burgesses special meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at Town Hall South, Newtown.  Senior Burgess Gaston called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Present:  Warden James Gaston, Second Senior Burgess Jay Maher, Zoning
            Officer Jean St. Jean, Treasurer and Burgess Marie Walker, Tax
            Collector Jodie Enriquez, Burgess Betsy Kenyon, Burgess Anthony Baiad,
               Clerk and Burgess Darlene Spencer

Also Present:  Registrar of Voters LeReine Frampton and Karin Aurelia

Absent:   Senior Burgess Joan Crick

        Clerk Spencer read the call of the meeting as follows:  Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of the Borough of Newtown Board of Burgess will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall South for the purpose of placing into nomination the names of the candidates for elective office for the Borough Election to be held on Monday, May 4, 2009.

        Warden Gaston thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

        Burgess Baiad made a motion to amend the agenda under the Nomination of Candidates List of Offices to be filled from Zoning Commission Member to Zoning Commission Members (2) and from Zoning Board of Appeals Member to Zoning Board of Appeals Members (2), seconded by Burgess Spencer and unanimously approved.

        Burgess Spencer made a motion to nominate the following candidates:

Warden:                                         James O. Gaston
Burgesses:                                              Joan G. Crick
                                                        Betsy Kenyon
                                                        Marie F. Walker
Clerk:                                                  Darlene M. Spencer
Treasurer:                                              Marie F. Walker
Tax Collector:                                          Jodie Enriquez
Assessor:                                               Jodie Enriquez

Board of Assessment Appeals member:             John S. Madzula
Board of Assessment Appeals member:             Janet M. Woycik

Borough Zoning Commission member:               Linda Shepard
Borough Zoning Commission member:                     David Francis
Borough Zoning Commission alternate:            Palmer Chiappetta

Borough Zoning Board of Appeals member:         Janet M. Woycik
Borough Zoning Board of Appeals member:             Robert Taylor

The motion was seconded by Kate Sclafari of 10 Glover Avenue and unanimously approved.

George Schimdt of 12 Old Castle Drive noted that he filed a Nominating Petition with the Town Clerk and the Registrar of Voters, a copy of which was submitted to the Borough Clerk.  

George Schmidt made a motion to nominate himself for Burgess, seconded by Lisa Floros of 32 Queen Street and unanimously approved.

Burgess Baiad made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m., seconded by Burgess Kenyon and unanimously approved.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                        Darlene M. Spencer
                                                        Borough Clerk