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1-14-09 BZC
Borough of Newtown
Zoning Commission
Newtown, Connecticut

Minutes of the Meeting of January 14, 2009

Minutes of the Meeting of the Borough of Newtown Zoning Commission on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at the Borough Room, Town Hall South, 3 Main Street, Newtown, Connecticut.  Chairman Linda Shepard called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

Present:        Linda Shepard, Brid Craddock and Lucy Sullivan Alternate: Palmer Chiappetta.  Also Present:  Borough Attorney Donald Mitchell and Borough Coordinator Jean St. Jean.

Absent: Douglas Nelson and David Francis.   

Mrs. Sullivan made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 13, 2008 and October 8, 2008 meetings, seconded by Ms. Craddock and unanimously approved.

Old Business:

a.      Mrs. St. Jean brought the Commission current on a particular court matter.
There was no other old business.

New Business:

a.      Any new proposed signs - none.
b.      Acceptance of any new applications – The Commission accepted the application of My Place Inc. dated January 9, 2008 amendment to Borough Zoning regulation Section B70-4.10C(6).  The Commission will refer the application to the Newtown Planning and Zoning Commission for their comments.  It is anticipated that this matter will be scheduled for a public hearing at the Commission’s March meeting.
c.      Attorney Robert Hall and Judy Craven, representatives of the Newtown Congregational Church were for present to discuss the “Cornerstone”.  Discussion took place between the Commission and NCC’s representatives.  
There was no other new business.

There being no other business to transact the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2009.

                                                        David Francis, Secretary