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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, January 22, 2013. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Joseph Borst, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Roger Letso, Robert Edwards (7:19).  Absent. Rick Matschke, Peter Samoskevich. Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Kaestle Boos principal Chuck Boos and project engineer Scott Mangiagli, Ron Bathrick of CES, Kathleen Quinn, Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Commission, two members of the press.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. The minutes will be amended to note that the bid due date is January 29. The May, 2013 meeting date may be changed. Upon motion of Mr. D’Angelo, the minutes of the special meeting of December 4, 2012 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Town of Newtown Projects.  Mr. Letso has had no update from Public Works Director Fred Hurley. Ms. Quinn reported that the Sustainable Energy Commission is also involved in the ESCO project. She said that presentations will be made to the Boards of Selectmen and Finance and the Legislative Council as to why the project should go forward. Included will be the Edmond Town Hall and the Library which were not originally part of the project; this would increase the square footage of the project. Energy savings must be presented as part of the project. Mr. Juliano is Chairman of the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers; he said that double glazing the windows will be considered and that roof panels will be installed on that building. Ms. Quinn would like the Sustainable Energy Commission to meet with Mr. Letso and Mr. Matschke to prepare the presentations.  She noted that we need to have the money allotted from the upcoming Town budget for the audit.  The next step is to justify the expenditures for the project.  She said there is no funding from the State except for grants or available discounts. Mr. Letso will spearhead the next steps. Mr. Mitchell noted that the new roof on the Middle School was designed to accept the solar panels. Ms. Quinn noted that the purchase of these panels is outside of the ESCO project.  

High School Expansion Project. Mr. Schweitzer noted that the Fire Marshal and Building Official walked through December 7 and had no issues. AHU 18 correction is with the Town BoE. Extended berm was done as was the caulk joint and housing. Fire panel corrective work - no response yet from the sub-contractor who is responsible. Mr. Schweitzer will get a cost from Alarms by Precision to assign the corrective work to them and receive payment directly from the town.  A suitable retainage assigned to the sub-contractor will be withheld.  Plaque will be delivered next week. This is the last open item. Alarms by Precision’s last check was delivered. As regards reimbursement from the state, Mr. Mitchell noted that everything has been submitted by the Town; any holdups would be on the State Board of Ed side and that we anticipate getting the full 38% back on all items.

The next application for payment is for 100% retainage releases. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment of this final amount to be presented by Morganti if it is acceptable to the Town Attorney. Second by Mr. Borst and unanimously carried.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project. None.
At this time (7:19 p.m.) Mr. Edwards joined the meeting.
Hawley School HVAC Project.  Mr. Mangiagli distributed “Architect’s Report Boiler Replacement Hawley Elementary School” dated January 22, 2013.  (Att. A to original minutes).  A pre-bid walk through was held on January 18, 2013. This was well attended by potential bidders.

It must be determined who will pay overtime costs if personnel are needed outside their normal working hours due to school activities.

Mr. Mangiagli asked if this will this project will need to be a GC or can an HVAC contractor act as prime.  Following discussions it was determined that due to complex phasing of the project, a GC would be the best approach for coordination of all trades.  The documents will reflect this.

Most of the questions during the walk through were from GC’s. These were included in the RFI list. CES and TRC had a walk through.

The project is scheduled to begin on May 15. No work will be carried out in areas where there are children or ongoing school activities.  This work will be done on off hours of after the school year ends.

Mr. Bathrick noted that the 1921 and 1997 sections will not be affected. Mr. Boos asked who has the authority to waive the Town permitting fees; Mr. Mitchell said that this will be a line item on the agenda of the next Public Building and Site Commission meeting.

Mr. Bathrick said that in the 1948 section: sprinklers must remain functional where they are at present as well as the alarm systems, hot and cold water to the building, as well as the fire alarms.  All mechanical, electrical and fire protection systems must remain in operation with temporary connections as required.

Mr. Mitchell will contact Parks and Recreation to indicate that they cannot schedule activities during the summer at the Middle School or the playing fields.

Mr. Edwards asked about security measures during the project. He wanted to confirm that the workers on site would have appropriate security checks, including background checks.  Mr. Mitchell said that it needs to be verified if security measures have to be included in the documents. Mr. Boos will have the appropriate section of the documents copied for additional review if required.  The bidding period will not be changed at this time.  Any changes will be addressed following the receipt of bids.  Mr. Juliano would like to see a designated locked outdoor facility for women. Mr. Boos said that this will be included in the documents.

Mr. Mitchell noted that Kaestle Boos did a due diligence review of Chalk Hill School in December and the Commission thanks them for this work, allowing the school to be utilized by the Town. Mr. Boos said that another walk through is scheduled.

Review of Applications for Payment. None.

Unfinished Business. None noted.

New Business.

Discussion of the nomination process and Election of Officers. It was noted that alternates cannot be elected as officers.

Mr. Borst moved the present slate of officers continue for the next year, Mr. Mitchell as Chair, Mr. Edwards as Vice-Chair and Mr. D’Angelo as secretary.  Second by Mr. Letso and unanimously carried.

Discussion of the Commission’s best role in assisting the Town in the discussions on the Sandy Hook School. Mr. Mitchell distributed his notes from the two public meetings of the Town concerning the future of Sandy Hook School. He noted that this Commission’s role is to carry out the Town’s decision on the future of the school, not set the policy. He feels that any commission set up by the Town to this end should have a Public Building and Site Commissioner as a member. Discussion followed about this subject. Mr. Mitchell will advise First Selectman Llodra that the American Institute of Architects representative Diane Harp-Jones said that the Institute would volunteer to host a symposium on the design of the School of the Future with Sandy Hook.  This would bring together the best k-12 architects in the state and nationally to strategize and advance the design.  They would also provide pro-bono assistance to the town to help with the decision making process and determine what is possible and appropriate to fulfill the town’s decisions.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk