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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, August 28, 2012. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Borst, James Juliano, Robert Edwards, Pete Samoskevich Robert Edwards. Absent, Roger Letso, Rick Matschke, Thomas Catalina

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Fletcher Thompson representative Rick Rapice, one member of the press.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano and seconded by Mr. Samoskevich, the minutes of the meeting of July 24, 2012 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Due to problems with email and vacations, Mr. Mitchell distributed copies of the agenda, minutes, articles, emails, etc that had been sent out previously.

Town of Newtown Projects
Status of ESCO
Mr. Hurley forwarded by email the current status of the project.
  • The Power Purchasing Agreement was approved at a Town Meeting so that the project is now officially going forward.
  • The solar firm will install with the roof manufacturer’s oversight and approval to guarantee that the installation does not void the warranty/guarantee on the new Middle School roof.
  • Mr. Faiella requested that The structure for the new PV roof panels structure does not void any warrantees.

High School Expansion Project
The Commission was informed that Mr. Costa of Fletcher Thompson has left the firm.  His position for the remainder of the project will be taken by Mr. Dan Casinelli.

FT will review the following with Morganti:
  • Review any outstanding punch list items and meet with Morganti to get them completed.
  • Review the status of the reimbursement packages sent to the State.~ Follow up on any issues.
  • Review Area of Refuge auto dialer installation.
  • Review the close out paperwork etc for the Town.
  • Attend the walk through that was to be scheduled by Morganti prior to the start of school. (a little late now)

The greenhouse punch list items have been address and are in the process of correction and completion.

The Area of Refuge call system will be corrected by Alarms by Precision.  They will connect to the existing 110v outlet and need a phone line.  This has been reviewed with the Town Fire Marshal.

Lindquist will provide the corrective work to the fire doors with the exception of the “propeller” which will be done through Morganti.  Lindquist has started the corrective work and will be done by August 31, 2012.

The “propeller” doors have been installed.

AHU-18 is to be corrected by an HVAC contractor through the school.  This will not be until September/October.

The greenhouse fan noise is still to be corrected.

The greenhouse lights are to be relocated.  The original positions were approved but will now require revisions.  This may require additional lights or whips.

There is a manhole or catch basin near the new access road which was not in the original scope of work.  The area is trapping water.  Morganti will investigate the elevations and make a recommendation.

Mr. Faiella requested that final touch up painting, etc. be done after all sources of staining have been corrected.  This may need to be over a school break.

Roof leaks are being corrected as they are found.

The change orders have been corrected and will be submitted to the State for reimbursement review next week.  The Eligible and Ineligible Expenditures Spreadsheet needs to be completed and sent to the State.

Mr. Mitchell requested that Mr. Schweitzer review their payment schedule to the sub-contractors and make sure that the payments occur within 30 days after receipt of payment from the Town.

Mr. Mitchell requested that Mr. Schweitzer contact all sub-contractors and remind them that all close out paperwork must be submitted to Morganti and not directly to the Town.

It is anticipated that all work on the project will be completed prior to the next PB&S Commission meeting and will be able to be submitted to the Town attorney for review and acceptance of the completed project.  Mr. Schweitzer will confirm this schedule.
Hawley School HVAC Project
An informational presentation to the Board of Education was made on August 20, 2012 by Mr. Mitchell and MR. Boos.  The BoE indicated that they would not be prepared to “approve or recommend” the approach to the project as developed by KB.

Mr. Mitchell requested that KB prepare a revised phasing of the project to allow the initial construction to start during the summer of 2013.  This would involve only replacing the boilers and the associated piping and radiation work.  The HVAC systems and ductwork would be postponed to the summer of 2014.  The 1921 building would still be scheduled for the summer of 2015, depending on the final scope.  Costs were not developed for the new approach.

Failure to authorize the A/E to proceed before September 15, 2012 will not allow sufficient time for the bid documentation to be completed for construction during the 2013 summer break.

The previous invoices from KB had been approved.  However, several were stapled in the same package and were not approved as separate invoices.  A motion was made by Mr. Borst and Seconded by Mr. Edwards with unanimous approval to approve the separate invoices as listed below.  This brings the project for Phase Zero to the previously approved 100%.
        11060.00        $20,183.97
        11060.02        $5,472.50
        11060.03        $2,300.00
        11060.05        $500.00
        11060.06        $5,750.00

Unfinished Business. None noted.

New Business. None noted

Executive Session – Not entered into

Mr. Borst made a motion for adjournment at 8:30 p.m., seconded by Mr. Edwards.  All were in favor.

The next meeting will be on September 25, 2012.

Robert Mitchell